Comparison/ Contrast

As Block-16 continued their travel with Sheena ad Macau tagging along, they experienced little to no humanoid fights since there were relatively quite a few of them compared to the frighteningly massive size of the humanoids in the tunnel. Sheena and Macau admired the efficiency of the group, they couldn't help but compare it to theirs, which was all over the place that they didn't even last that long.

"How long have you all been together in the Asterisk?" Macau felt the urge to ask Red, seeing that he was the Leader of the group.

"Um, about two weeks ago. Frankly, I haven't been able to keep track of time while we were in the Asterisk so I'm not quite sure." Red answered. "Mmm... yeah, sounds about right. Waking up without any memories of the past is still fresh in my mind."