
"Put them up! NOW!" A man in tall and muscular stature said with a gruff voice. He was wearing some sort of brown trench coat a size too large for him. Behind him were two other sinewy men with modified AR-15 rifles in hand. They were all pointing at the group, not even daring any of them to take a single step forward.

Just like all the other Blocks who survived until now, these three men also lost quite a few of their block members, leaving them with nothing to defend themselves. For some reason, instead of joining a larger party, they decided to ambush groups and steal from them. They even went as far as to shoot some workers just so they could get their supplies. It was the most foolish move one could do in a survival race.

V had no idea why they were doing it either. He had experienced plenty of Runners Survivors before and most of the time, he would see workers helping other workers since they have a common enemy— the Humanoids.