Down the Memory Lane

The news of her accomplishments brought both grief and joy to her parents as she bid them farewell. It was her first mission and adding to that, she'd be going in with Claude's son— someone she greatly looked up to. 


She couldn't be any more happier! 


When next day finally came to pass, Freckles's parents didn't know what to do so he gave her one of the biggest hugs he could ever give. The thought of losing her only daughter overwhelmed him as tears escaped his eyes without him realizing it. Before he knew it, snot was coming out of his nose as he tried so hard to hold back his tears. Of course, it was to no avail. Both him and his wife ended up bawling their eyes out at the sight of their daughter leaving them.


"Take care of yourself, Sia. We'll always waiting for you." Freckles's dad muttered.