Vertical Advancement

Unbeknownst to Red and his group, the other sets of workers who ran alongside them were really running for the past few days. They didn't know how it came about but the next thing they knew, a swarm of Humanoids suddenly appeared on their tail, making them inadvertently run for their lives, and for the past two days, they didn't rest.

They were exhausted, and it was clear by the big dark circles on their eyes and the way they limped as they desperately sprinted.

Of course, their worn-out features were inconspicuous due to the heavy rains brought about by the storm.

Meanwhile, Red was starting to panic. The Humanoids were accelerating and they were slowly catching up to his group. Even though Red wanted to increase the pace, he knew that the others wouldn't be able to keep up and he didn't want that. Even if he couldn't save anyone else, he would do all he can to protect his Block.