Eat Up, Get Ready

The figure silently approached Scar, making him impulsively assume a fighting stance even when he was on a sitting position. Person or Humanoid, Scar didn't want to take his chances since he was being approached by someone or something unknown. He didn't ask the figure who it was as well, for fear that it would just accelerate his death.

Besides, even if he doesn't speak, the figure should've introduced himself by now if it were harmless... IF it were harmless.

"You're awake." The figure greeted

Since there were no light-sources around except for the occasional flashes of lightning from the storm outside, Scar couldn't grasp who the person was but he was confident that the voice sure sounded familiar. For a moment, Scar decided to let his guard down but he never put his hands down even though he couldn't move.

"How are your injuries? Do you think we can remove your bandage or not yet?"