Carrier Humanoids

"What are you talking about?" V perplexedly spoke, trying to make sense of what Grey was saying. Grey's explanation was simple but V found it hard to believe. "Are you messing with me right now? You're not making anything up, are you?" V asked just to make sure that Grey was telling the truth. From his expressions, however, it was apparent that he was serious.

"Wait, let me get my notebook out so I can take some notes." V raised his hand, signaling Grey to stop speaking first. In response, Grey stared weirdly at V since he hasn't even continued talking yet.

Snatching his bag from the corner of the safe house, V rummaged through it and pulled out a tattered notebook. It was a first for Grey to see that notebook since he never took it out and showed it to the group. He hastily flipped the pages of the book and arrived at a spot where there were no writings. "Now tell me about that again. And don't mess with me. I'll know soon enough if you're lying or not."