Block Owners' Quirks

Fujimoto was starting to feel uneasy the longer he sat in his seat. Just as what Head Cipher's personal guard told him, he was really promoted. Out of all the hundreds if not thousands of block members across the globe, he was promoted as a member of the Board of Directors.

A few minutes had already passed and Fujimoto still had no idea what he got himself into. Whilst everyone was showering him with congratulations on his unexpected promotion, Fujimoto was trying to figure out how he'd be able to proceed with his subsequent plans.

Previously, he made up his mind to blow the whole place up but now that he had been given such a position, he knew how advantageous it could get in the long run.

"Recently, we've been successful in our invasion on Alpha Shelter. After that, we've invaded six more shelters and I'd say, it was quite satisfactory. I didn't expect them to be weaker than the first one. It was a surprise." Head Cipher proceeded with the meeting.