Acting on a Whim

The cold winds blew from the west, making the shivering night much chilly than ever. Adding to that, the reality of going to war in such low temperatures just added to everyone's nervousness as they made their way to the entrance.

It took Red a painstaking time to decide who goes and who leaves in his unit but it all worked out in the end. Although he was advised to leave his Unit behind, Red went to great lengths on insisting that he bring them along with them. In the end, Red decided to leave Freckles, Gadge, Scar, Blond, and Lily behind since they've already done their part in the Runners Survivors. And also, Red knew that it would just be a burden if they bring them along since what they're about to do is far more dangerous than Runners Survivors and all of them were not in optimal health. It was a miracle that they were able to escape the Runners Survivors even with their condition.