Cancel The Commissioner

Tuesday, October 13th, 2026

Albemarle County Police Department

12 pm

Commissioner Adam's POV

"Fuck!" I yelled, slamming my table hard with my fists.

Blood is evaporating and my face is turning into the devil. I made the idiotic mistake of checking social media and seeing what people are thinking about me. I was about to throw my phone at the wall until a bunch of officers barged into my office.

"Commissioner, are you alright?" Officer Durant asks with a concerned look on his face.

"No, I'm not alright. Why are you all in my office? Don't you have jobs to do?" I asked, getting peeved by the number of officers in my space.

"We heard you freaking out and wanted to know what was going on." Officer Jordan said.

"If you want to know, check social media or any local news article and type in cancel the commissioner," I command them.

They pull out their phones and their eyes widened.

"I can't believe someone would post a video of the confrontation you had with Lea at the funeral." Officer Keener commented.

"That's not the worst part, there's a hashtag trending on social media, #Cancelthecommissioner." Officer Smith added.

"Who would do such a thing?" Officer Boone asks.

I clear my thought to signal everyone to stop talking and pay attention to me. Positioning myself better on my chair, while holding my phone.

"I will tell you, it's these people who think they know everything about who I am and how I live just by this one video. Now they want to cancel me and ruin my career. Let me just read to you a few comments that made me angry." I explain to them.

I open a social media app and type in #Cancelthecommissioner, finding comments that set me ablaze.

"I find a couple of comments that made me want to murder the person that invented the Internet. This comment is from @Dat_Savage_Bitch_Queen1: If any guy treated me like this at any funeral, using scissors or knives won't be enough to slice his dick and balls off." I readout.

"That is so fucked up." Officer Smith said.

"You don't say!" Officer Keener commented.

"Here's another one and it's from @WillieJMichaels: This is the problem with modern-day police. They say they care for every citizen, but the commissioner proved yesterday that Chris Hudson and Lea Johnson don't matter to him. Let me ask the commissioner this, who exactly matters in your eyes?" I read out another comment.

The anger in my face is noticeable and I want to punch something or someone.

"It's alright Commissioner, we get the point. You don't need to read any more comments or anything from the web." Officer Durant tried to calm me down, but it made me even more furious.

"Who the fuck told you to command the commissioner? I will do as I please. I don't need someone like you telling me what to do." I lashed out at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks, getting irritated and looks like he wants to start a fight with me.

"Boris, he didn't mean anything by that. Let's just chill and continue to listen to what he has to tell us. Everything will be fine." Officer Jordan comforts him and Officer Durant becomes peaceful again.

The rest of the officers give Officer Durant and Officer Jordan disgusting and pitiful looks.

"As I was saying before I got rudely interrupted, I hate how everyone on the internet is turning against me. Even people that once respected and honored me are treating me like I'm some type of misogynist. I never treated any woman poorly. I love my wife and I hired the best female cops out of anyone in Virginia. So people referring to me as a sexist is not true." I said.

"But what made me full of rage is the fact that a lot of people want me to step down as the commissioner. They don't have the slightest clue how hard I worked for this position. I've been an officer at Albemarle County for over thirty years. It took an additional seven-and-a-half year for the President of the United States to appoint me as a commissioner. Plus I can't lose my career, I got a life to live, bills to pay, and a wife to take care of. It's fucked up that so many people want to see me lose it all. They are not God, so they shouldn't judge me." I vent out.

"Commissioner?" Officer Durant asks shyly.

"What is it this time Durant?" I ask, getting irritated by the sound of his voice and looking at his chubby face.

"You know this incident is not trending all over the world, it's only being talked about in Virginia. So you don't have to worry about anything." He tells me.

I get off my chair because he is making my body catch on fire. I can't sit down any longer having to hear the rubbish he is saying.

"You don't know how the internet works. Once something trends in one area, it gets spread everywhere. I'm afraid that this mishap will get sent to the president and he might strip my position away. I don't want that to happen!" I begin to worry.

"We love you, Commissioner. That's all that matters to us." Officer Keener said.

"You inspire us every day to protect the streets of Albemarle County and arrest anyone that is causing a disturbance." Officer Smith said.

"All you should worry about right now is finding the asshole that killed Officer Bowers and Officer Hudson." Officer Boone mentions.

"Don't worry, we'll find that piece of shit and give that person the worst punishment in human history. When you kill not just one but two officers, you will wish that God never let you live because we don't fuck around in Albemarle County." I said viciously.

"Damn right Commissioner!" Officer Boone agreed. The rest of the officers nodded their heads in agreement, besides Officer Durant and Officer Jordan who stood there in disbelief.

"It's time for everyone to leave my office and get back to work. Thank you for listening." I tell them.

They all leave my office. It feels so good that they left because I was not in the mood to talk to anyone. But I question what was the problem with Officer Durant. What did I say or do to him that made him want to fight me? I allowed him to become an officer for this county and he's now going against me. I should fire him, but I'm going to let him slide for now. If he goes against me one last time, I will send him back to the ghetto, where he belongs.


Twenty minutes later

Amanda Brack's POV

"Are you ready Timothy?" I ask him.

"Yes ma'am" He replied.

"Good, just knock on his door and explain everything you told me," I command him.

He knocks on the Commissioner's office door.

"Who is it?" The commissioner asks.

"It's Amanda, I got someone who wants to show you something," I tell him.

"Okay, come in." He said.

Timothy opens the door and we walk into his office, closing it behind us. The commissioner is sitting at his desk and gives us weird stares.

"Amanda, who is this little kid?" He asks.

Timothy looks at me, expecting that I should introduce him. But I give him a nudge to build his confidence and speak to the commissioner.

"Hi sir, my name is Timothy." He timidly introduces himself.

"How old are you Timothy?" The Commissioner asks.

"I'm twelve" he replies.

"Well, what is it that you want to show me?" Commissioner asks.

"I witnessed the person who killed the two policemen." He reveals.

Commissioner jumps off his seat after hearing that. He gets closer to Timothy and wants to know more.

"Tell me Timothy, who killed Officer Bowers and Officer Hudson?" He asks, holding onto his shoulders and looking deeply into his eyes.

"Do you promise that you won't get mad?" He asks, giving the commissioner puppy eyes.

"I pinky promise." Commissioner attaches his pinky to Timothy's pinky. Then he lets go, allowing him to speak.

"It's a vampire," Timothy tells him.

The Commissioner's face went from anticipation to unsatisfied. He sighs.

"Really? A Vampire? Amanda, is this true?" He asks me, not even looking at Timothy.

"He swore to me that he saw a vampire that night," I tell him.

"Alright Timothy, I will try to go along with you. Even though I don't believe in vampires at all. Can you describe how the vampire looked?" He asks, feeling embarrassed.

"I didn't get a good look at the vampire. All I know is that the vampire is a guy and he is black." He explains.

"A black vampire?" The commissioner tries to make sense out of it.

"Yes, and I got proof." He said and pulls out his phone, playing the video.

I get closer so that I can watch the clip. The video shows Officer Bowers levitating in the air and blood spilling out, but the killer is not shown. We continue to watch to see if the killer is in the video and he is nowhere to be found. The commissioner rubs his forehead from annoyance.

"Timothy, where was this vampire? I thought you said you saw him. But all I saw was Officer Bowers magically levitating and Officer Hudson getting skinned alive by nothing." He points out.

"I did see him that night, I don't know why my phone didn't show him." He said.

"Well, it was nice getting to know you, Timothy. But this is the police department and not some fairy tale. There is no such thing as vampires, especially black vampires. It's time for you to leave." He tells him.

"But wait, sir, aren't you going to investigate this? He has proof that something at least killed the two officers." I tried reasoning with him.

"How can I investigate something that doesn't exist? It's like me trying to investigate a ghost. That is just silly and I don't want people to add more reasons to think that I am a lunatic. So please just leave my office." He tells us.

"Let's go," I tell Timothy, leaving his office.

Timothy starts to sob, which breaks my heart to see him like this. I hug him to make sure he's comfortable.

"Don't cry, it's not your fault," I said, trying to make him feel better.

"Why was the commissioner so mean to me? Is he always this rude to people?" He asks, wiping away the tears with his shirt.

"I don't know. Maybe, we caught him on a bad day. But don't let the commissioner ruin your day. Let's get some Ice Cream and take you back home." I tell him.

"I would love that." He said.

I smile at him and we leave the police department.