Fighting With The Devil


I am wandering through a silent and cold alleyway filled with feral cats everywhere. I got back from a store, which I bought new clothes, animal meat, electronic devices, and healing medicine. It's 12:37 am, and I'm only ten minutes away until I return to Meadowod Apartments.

All I want to do want now is go back to my apartment, heal my body, and rest. I've been through a lot over these nine days being in Virginia. For an unremarkable and dull state, it is full of surprises.

But I'm not done with Virginia just yet; I still need to find Mike Benson and know if he ruined my life or not.

As for Kalisha, I made sure I text her what I'm about to do to let her not freak out about my disappearance. We tell each other everything, no matter how small, big, or embarrassing it is.

Just two hours ago, she texted me about everything that happened at Shani's Salon. I was shocked but cracking with laughter at the same time.

She also sent me a warning that Dadi wants to kill me. Why does he want to kill me? What did I do to him? Plus, we only met each other once at the Owambe, and I didn't do or said anything egregious to him.

She told me to watch my back because he can be anywhere lurking in the shadows. I stop walking and look all around to see if he is near me. I didn't see anything until I notice the feral cats running away. I started to sense his presence, which he smelt foul.

"Hey, N!" Dadi calls out my name.

Turning around and I witness him, his face is filled with anger, and the scent of him reeks. I had to cover my nose because the smell is unbearable.

"Before you ask, I know I stink. Kalisha and a bunch of ladies thought it was a great idea to pour different mixtures of blood on me. I tried taking a shower and putting on different clothes, but the aroma wasn't going away." He tells me, even though I already know what happened to him.

"You don't have to tell me anymore; I already know everything that went down at the salon." I shared it with him.

"How the fuck do you know?" He couldn't believe that I found out about the situation, his face getting even aggressive. He is clutching his fists.

"Kalisha told me; she tells me everything. Plus, she sent me the video of the whole incident and published it online." I respond.

He mutters something under his breath. His body posture and facial expression expose that he is annoyed and upset.

"Can you tell me why you are here? My living area is ten minutes away, and I want to go to sleep." I mentioned not wasting any time to gather the truth.

"I'm not going to sugarcoat this, but I want to kill you." He reveals, giving me a disgusting grin.

"Why?" I ask.

He chuckles, finding enjoyment out of toying with me.

"Because I hate you!"  He exclaims.

"Why do you hate me? We only met and talked once at the Owambe. I did not say or do anything to you to warrant any hatred or fight." I tried to bring sense to him.

"Before you came here, everything was going well. All of the hottest women were hitting me up, Kalisha and her family weren't bothering me, Ahti was still my best friend, and there were fewer deaths happening. But all that changed when you stepped into Virginia. Now all the ladies are against me and don't want to have sex with me, Kalisha hates me, I don't know where Ahti is, and people are dying every day." He confesses.

"How is any of this my fault? The majority of it sounds like issues that you caused." I deny his claims.

He moves up closer to me, and he looks like he is ready to strike at any time. He is snarling and breathing heavily.

"Just look at you, N... You are ugly. You're getting fat; you should lay off the African food because it's not as healthy as most Africans think. You are weak and do not compare to all the strength and muscles I have. You have a small dick. Your skin is too dark; the ladies and people, in general, prefer lighter or brown skin complexion. You are too depressing and sad; no one, especially the ladies, likes a guy who is moping around all the time. You have terrible hair and a terrible body. You are a retard; I don't know why Kalisha or any woman would want to fall in love or sleep with a guy who has a disabled tongue. I don't even know how you can please Kalisha orally, talk or even eat food properly. Lastly, your name is not even a name. N, really?! Say what you want about my name, but at least Dadi sounds like a real name." He vents out.

Saying that I am shocked is a significant understatement; I am lost for words. I didn't know he felt this way about me. I find it offensive and uncalled for, mostly since I never did anything wrong to him.

"Why are you such a bully?" I ask, starting to get irritated by his presence and behavior.

"A bully? This isn't high school! I'm just telling the truth." He responds, chuckling right at my face. He stinks so much.

"What makes you better than me? Treating me like I'm inferior to you." I ask, trying to cover my nose by his foul stench and attitude.

"The ladies prefer Dadi. I have a better skin complexion, bigger muscles, better abs, nicer looking face, voice is sexier, better fashion choice, bigger dick, and I'm better in bed than you. I bet when you're kissing, hugging, and fucking Kalisha, she's thinking about me instead of you." He tells me, giving me a cocky smirk.

This guy is so annoying, I swear. I hate whenever he smirks at me, just irritates me to no end. I hate how he's slandering my name and telling lies.

"Kalisha told me that I have a bigger dick, and I am better at satisfying her than you." I exposed.

That made him furious, so he gets even closer. The more he gets closer, the stronger the horrible scent violates my nose.

"You know that's not the case. Also, do you love Kalisha, or are you just using her for sex, wealth, and power?" He asks me.

"Of course, I love her. Even if she wasn't rich or powerful, I still love her no matter what. I want to know, did you ever love Kalisha? Why are you still so focused on her life and her new man? You cheated and broke up with her. Plus, you fucked a plethora of women on the daily, so why do you still care so much about her love life?" I question him, he sighs.

"Kalisha is the first woman I truly loved, but I couldn't stay tied down to one woman. I don't like women controlling or dominating me. So I have fallen out of love with her. I can't help that women find me Irresistible and that they want Dadi's big dick inside of them." He answered.

This guy didn't adequately answer my questions. He always has to make it about himself and how amazing his cock is. I'm surprised that he doesn't annoy himself.

"You are way too obsessed with your dick. A dick is just a dick. Don't your dick get exhausted from fucking so many women? I'm surprised you didn't get any women pregnant or have an STD. Life isn't all about sex or having a big dick." I tell him.

"If you have a big dick, embrace it, and be proud to share it with women. Plus, sex is good, and I love having sex. Without sex, my life would be worthless. But thank goodness, my sex life is great while you're stuck fucking one woman and being a nice guy." He taunts me.

"Kalisha is the only woman I need in my life. Who the fuck said that I am a nice guy? You have no idea how many people I killed, lives I've ruined, and places I've destroyed. I can be mean and your worst nightmare if you push me to my limit. Even if I did label myself as a nice guy, I would rather be nice than be an egotistical, gross, sexist, and evil guy like you." I set him straight.

"Since you think you are so perfect, let me ask you this. Are you even Nigerian or part of the Yoruba Tribe?" He asks me, staring at me intensely.

"No. Honestly, I don't even know if I'm African or not," I revealed, not knowing who exactly am I or where I came from. My memory is still terrible.

"You don't know anything about Nigeria. Just because you are in a relationship with a Nigerian woman and hanging out with many Nigerians doesn't mean you know jackshit about our country. You don't know about our struggles, crimes, police, government, corruption, hoodlums, predators, education system, traditions, different tribes, languages, the way we think and act, the poor living conditions, and the economy. You are an uncultured swine, appropriating, exploiting, and disrespecting our culture. Focus on your own identity and leave Nigerians alone; you will never become one of us. Life was so much better without you!" He spat.

"You're right; probably I'm not from Nigeria. I don't know much about the country. But I'm learning every day about the people, tribes, culture, languages, the government and police force, and the environment. I want to be aware of all the issues and news going on. I even promised Kalisha that we're getting married in Nigeria." I tell him.

He yawns, which makes me feel annoyed.

"Aww, such a nice thing for you to say. But honestly, you're boring me now. I want to fight you right here and right now!" He commanded.

"My fight is not with you; I got better things to do than a brawl. Also, I don't hate you; I just pity and feel sorry for you." I rejected his command.

"I knew you were a pussyboy. Plus, you're not going to fight for Kalisha and protect her. I should have known you didn't love her." He spreads more lies.

"I don't have to prove anything to you. I love Kalisha, and no one can tell me otherwise. Plus, Kalisha doesn't need my protection; she can handle her own and is strong enough to defend herself from a piece of shit like you." I refuted.

"Oh, is that so? If you don't want to fight me, I guess I have to kill you. Then after I'm done ripping your head off, I will make Kalisha my permanent sex slave. I will fuck her so rough every day that she won't be useful anymore. After that, I will do the same for Jymia. Shani, I will chew off her hands that she uses to slap and attack people. Later on, I will torture her to see how she likes being attacked. Lastly, I will kill Kalisha's mom and become the ruler of the Yoruba Tribe. All the fine women in the world will be on dick." He spills out.

I had enough of him. Who the fuck does he think he is? He is not God! Heck, even the Devil is ashamed of him. What he just said about Kalisha, Jymia, and her family is the vilest and reprehensible thing I have ever heard in my life. I don't want to fight him because my main focus is on Mike Benson and knowing the truth. Plus, I don't like fighting my race; it makes me feel like I'm hurting every African-American in the world. But Dadi has pushed me to my limit. He has mocked and bullied me, he only cares about himself, he has no respect for women, and he has no respect for life in general.

"You know what, you took things way too far. I am so done with you. I never met such a heartless and ruthless being like you. I have no respect for you!" I lash out.

"I'm glad that you agreed because we're going to fight until someone is dead. In Nigeria, we don't fight until someone gets knocked out. We fight until our enemies are dead. It's either going to be me that will die, which will be unlikely. Most definitely, it's going to be you that will be perished." He threatens me.

I put my bags of material to the nearest place to quickly get it after the fight and that the feral cats won't mess with it. I take off my parent's jewelry so that it won't be ruined. I send a quick text to Kalisha telling her that Dadi wants a fight to the death. I told her, if I don't make it out alive, I will always love her and make sure that Dadi doesn't ruin your life.

"Are you done? I'm getting impatient here." He obnoxiously rushes me. I put my phone and any necessary items in the bags.

I start to transform myself into my vampire form. These parts always hurt because it feels like my body is going through a seizure. My body drops to the ground as my face starts to contort, and my body is spazzing out. My fingernails are growing and becoming sharper than ever. My fangs feel heavier and are ready to rip off any necks. Dadi looks petrified and confused right now. Good, he should be terrified because he has awakened the beast.

I get up and reveal my vampire self to him. He looks like he is ready to kill, as well. Whatever damages he does to me, I'll strike back a billion times harder. I will make him regret every wrong decision he said and completed.

"Are you ready?" I ask him, snarling during the process.

"I can't wait to rip off your pathetic head and send it to Kalisha." He taunts me.

"Do your worst!" I warned him.

Without hesitation, he pounces on me like I'm his next meal. But luckily, I dodged it as quickly as I can. There's anger in both of our eyes, but he looks serious about killing me. He lunges at me again, and this time, he scratches my face. I hiss in pain as the nail digs deep into my skin. Blood dripping from my face, and I had to cover the wounded area because he got me right. But I didn't want to wait for his next attack.

While he is busy giving me a smirk and being distracted, I leap on his body, which sent him to the ground. He scratches my arm and struggles to get me off, but I didn't want him to move. I landed punches on his moneymaker and get my revenge by clawing on his arms. Blood gushes from his nose, and his eyes are getting darker with each strike.

But my winning moment gets cut short when he grabs my neck and lands his vicious punches on my face. He tosses me next to a side of the garbage can; my backbone gets it the worst. I tried getting up, but he kicked me aggressively in my stomach. Stomping the life out of me. He stops kicking and stomping; he takes advantage to claw at my stomach. I let out a loud shriek, but he smiles when he heard me suffer.

He grabs my neck again and lifts me in the air, gripping it tightly and not letting go. I tried to kick and punch on his arms as a way out, but he wasn't affected.

His eyes are bloodier than Satan himself. His face is all messed up thanks to my punches. He lets out a piercing bawl into my ear, trying to make me deaf. He stops, and blood is now dripping from my ear. He gives me a quick bitch-slap on my face; it stings so bad. He is laughing and being amused by the pain I am facing.

"See what I told you, you are no match for Dadi. You think you can show your ugly face in Virginia and make everyone turn against me? Huh! Answer me, goddammit?!" He asks, gripping on my neck even tighter and shaking me like a rag doll.

I can't even respond since his grip is constricting me to speak.

"All my life, people always went against me. My parents abandoned me when I was little. My mom cheated on my dad, and my father left me to be with his mistress. My uncle did take me in, but he was too busy with work. My best friend Ahti did teach me about sex and made me who I am today, but we stopped being friends. Kalisha, her whole family, and friends hate my guts. Now you want to destroy me and what I conquered." He mentions and lets out a chuckle.

"African people never gave a shit about me. Black lives matter? My life doesn't matter to a lot of people. They pretend that they love and support anyone with brown skin, but they're lying through their teeth. But it's obvious that they only love themselves and certain individuals. Being an African vampire is the worst thing that ever happened in my life. The only good thing about being an African vampire is that I have a long cock and please any woman. But even the one thing that kept me happy is now running dry thanks to Kalisha exposing me to a plethora of women about how much of a gross and sexist guy I am." He added.

"This is not fair! My life matters. I hate how sex is now turning into a bad thing. Why do I have to be punished for expressing how I feel sexually? There's only one person I can blame, and that is you. Before you came, all the ladies were coming to Dadi. Before you came, it was peaceful in Virginia with no crimes or police officers roaming the streets. Before you came, Kalisha was still thinking about me and wanted more of my dick. Before you came, Ahti and I were best friends. Before you came, I was happy. Since you ruined everything, you deserve to die!" He lashes out his frustrations on me.

His fangs are showing, licking, and salivating at the thought of chewing my neck. I had to think of something fast because I don't want to die at the hands of Dadi. Since he loves to talk about his dick so much, I kicked him hard in the balls. He lets me go, and we both drop to the ground. I let out a heavy cough, trying to catch my breath. My throat and my entire body are aching.

I get up and watch him curl up in a weak position while holding on to his crotch. I hear weeping from him. This is the most vulnerable I've seen him in, but I have no sympathy for him. I have no respect for egomaniacs who only cares about themselves, blame others for their mistakes, treat women like garbage, and goes against his kind.

I want to kill Dadi so severely, but I don't want to stoop to his level or give him any satisfaction. Plus, I don't want to kill a black person, especially over petty shit. So I just grabbed my belongings and started to walk away.

As I start to leave the alleyway, I feel more scratches on my back. When I turned around, it was Dadi who got up immediately.

"Where do you think you're going? We're not through until one of us dies, and that's going to be you." He threatens.

He shows his fangs and tried again to chew on my neck. Without thinking, I grabbed him by the throat, and choked slammed him on the ground. He struggles to hiss, and he is punching and kicking for dear life. But I'm not letting him go anytime soon.

"Let... Go... Of... Me." He tried to say.

"No, I'm not letting you go. As I said, I'm not going to kill you. Even if I wanted to, I don't want to give you any more satisfaction that you don't deserve it." I tell him, he still tries to punch his way out.

"You can't leave me like this forever. Someone will eventually catch you, and the sunlight is close to approaching. I suggest you kill me now before everything comes crashing down." He tries to persuade me.

I let go of his neck because I don't want to get manipulated into murdering him. Then he starts to laugh.

"Just look at you, pathetic. I bet your parents are ashamed of raising such a weak and unworthy boy. You're not even a man. A real man would have killed me by this point. You're just a pussyboy, and you'll forever be one." He taunts me.

"I can't wait to make Kalisha my sex slave. Dominating her every night and not letting her have any control. Steal all her money and kill her entire family and friends. I'm going to blame everything on you since you're too pussy enough to kill me..." He gets interrupted.

I used my fists to punch him in the head. I check his pulse, and he's still breathing, but he is knocked out. I should have this a long time ago because he is so annoying. I don't know how any woman can stand in his presence, let alone catch feelings for him. At the same time, though, Satan was once considered attractive, so anyone can be good looking and have lovers. But I'm just glad that he is not bothering me anymore.

I would get up, grab my bags, and leave the premises, but I don't want him to be left behind when sunlight is almost approaching. Even though he is a total asshole, I don't want to be the cause of his death. Also, I don't want to kill any black person. So the most logical thing I can do is call Kalisha and see what to do next with Dadi.