Message From The President

8 pm

Oval Office, The White House

President Jones's televised speech

My fellow Americans, yesterday at the Charlottesville Police Department, there was a peaceful protest that ended up in a riot. It's a shock to the American public that the leaders of this protest are Vampires.

It even shocked me, because Vampires should be fairytales. But from what I and billions of people around the world witnessed, they live among us.

The entire government, the justice system, and I have been getting a lot of messages on what citizens should do when dealing with Vampires. Or if they should be worried about Vampires starting an uprising and destroy this country.

I and so many officials have been discussing and making laws on what we should do since vampires are more prominent and how they should be treated. After many discussions and laws being vetoes, we came up with one that can put the American public at ease. Also, it can fix all the panic and riots that's been going on.

This law is called the Vampires Citizens Act. It will be officially put into place next year. But there are major rules I want to share with the American public when coming across and dealing with Vampires.

The first rule states that treat Vampires like they are normal human beings. It may seem absurd to add a rule like this, but every human needs to follow. Like it or not, Vampires do live in our country. We have to treat them like we do to our fellow brothers and sisters.

The second rule is that Vampires have the right to vote, travel, shop, eat food, have jobs, have bank accounts, speak their minds, and own properties. We will make sure all vampires living in America are available to have these resources. To any Vampires that are unemployed or homeless, we will provide the best night job offers and get a roof over your head.

The last important rule is no harassing, assaulting, bullying, stealing, or any hate crimes towards Vampires. We will not accept any type of attacks towards these beings. If anyone lays a hand or kills a Vampire, you will be automatically arrested. Unless the Vampire started the altercation, then punishment can be given. But don't lie, because we have the best coroners, doctors, and scientists that can detect a human mark and a Vampire attack wound. If you lie about a Vampire attacking you and vice versa, you will be locked up for a long time.

There are more rules applied involving how the American public should treat Vampires and how they can adjust to our society. But these are the most crucial rules that every American has to follow from now on.

Right now, I want to take my time to address the situation that happened to Njau. I watched all the video clips, heard the testimonies, witnessed the riots, and seen all the innocent beings die in front of the police department.

What broke my heart is seeing my ten-year-old daughter in tears watching these vampires get assaulted by the police. I remember the exact words she told me after watching the horrific video clips that I will always remember.

"Daddy, why are the police attacking these poor creatures? Aren't the police supposed to protect and not harm? Are they going to treat me the same way if I do something wrong? I don't want to die by the hands of the police. Daddy, please stop those police officers from attacking anybody else. Please!"

When she told me that and knowing how bad these Vampires have been treated by the police, I had to make sure this never happens again.

Njau, I know you are in jail right now. But I'm going to help get you out. I made a lot of calls with the justice system and the government, there's a chance for you. However, there are a few set of rules that needs to be accomplished before you can roam around freely.

Even though you suffered in your life, you did kill a lot of police officers and almost killed the Commissioner. Killing one officer can lead to life in prison or the death sentence. But I never witnessed so many cops being killed by one being. Cops are important and you shouldn't be killing them. There are a lot of consequences when killing officers.

But since you are a vampire and it wouldn't feel right having a creature inside a prison full of humans. So for you to get out, anyone you know has to bail you out for twenty-five million dollars. I know that's a lot of money and you are scared right now, but that's the exact amount for you to get out. Killing several officers is a serious offense, it's going to take a lot of money to clear all the charges and let you continue living life.

Five million will be for your bail. Another will go to prison. More will go to the government for the property damage caused by the riots. The rest will go to all the family members of the officers you and your Vampire friends killed, which includes Officers Bowers, Hudson, Keener, Boone, and many more.

After you paid the money, I want you and Commissioner Adams to apologize to each other. This apology will be face to face and televised so that the whole world can see. I will be there to witness the apology. If no one apologizes, then you both will be sent to prison for a long time with no parole. If neither of you can be mature enough and put your differences aside, then you both can rot in prison.

Also, Njau, I will make sure that all your wounds and burn marks will be taken care of after everything is done. We will provide you with the best hospitals and get a surgery done to fix your slitted tongue. No one should have their tongue cut or lose their loved ones.

Lastly, I want to address what will happen to the police department and Commissioner Adams.

I am disgusted by the actions that the Charlottesville Police Department has shown. No self-control; anyone that does anything wrong, you use your gun like you're in a war zone. It's a violation to use real bullets during a riot. A lot of vampires and humans died because of the wrong bullets used. Now a lot of people are trying to sue the police department and even the justice system for allowing this to happen. Some people even want to defund the police.

There's no one else to blame other than Commissioner Adams. When I first appointed you as the Commissioner, I thought you would be perfect for the role and you had everything under control. But after everything I witnessed, you showed more of your ugly side. Your blatant hatred and assault towards African Americans, abusing your power, not using rubber bullets during the riots, not letting the Chief of Police do her job, and having so many innocent people die.

I can do nothing else but strip your position away as the Commissioner. Being the Commissioner is a privilege and you used it for sinister reasons. You brought shame to Charlottesville, the police department, Virginia, and all the good commissioner over the world. Even if you do apologize to Njau, you're still going to be replaced with someone who can handle the job as a commissioner with respect and care. You broke a lot of rules and you will certainly pay the consequences.

All the remaining officers besides Amanda Brack will be replaced by new officers. We will do a thorough background check on every officer. Officers Durant and Jordan will have their jobs back. Amanda Brack will lead the police and not let anyone interfere. We will make sure that the police department gets enough money to make it a better environment. Defunding the police won't bring change, it will only cause more chaos. The police are still important to protect citizens from any danger. We do apologize for the bad cops, but they don't make up the majority of the police force. There are men and women who properly do their jobs and are good towards beings.

I know it's a scary and depressing time for America right now. Even as the president, I'm even worried about the future. But we will survive and change will happen.

I understand that there's so much anger right now as people across America are still protesting and rioting. I can't promise anything, but I do have hope for a better tomorrow.

I can't stop people from fighting for what's right. But keep it peaceful, and no need for riots. You are free to speak your minds, but physically attacking others, looting, and destroying properties are not the best ways to solve issues.

As for the police, don't engage in any violence unless they are physically attacking you. For the vampires, welcome to the United States. Your journey here hasn't been easy, but that's going to change real soon.

We as Americans have to do much better. We can't let history repeat itself. This country should be evolving and be more accepting towards beings who are different from us. It gets tiring seeing the same story about an African American man or woman being brutalized by the police or are killed because of hate crimes. This is why other countries continue to treat us as laughing stocks, it's embarrassing.

The United States of America is more than just racism and hatred. This is a land of dreams, opportunities, equality, and freedom. Everyone is welcome to come here, no matter where they come from or who they are. Your existence matters to us and no one can take that away from you.

Thank you, stay safe out there and God bless America!