Although being regularly raped was over, Richard could no get rid of the horrible memories of being sexually exploited. The thought of what if he releases my naked pictures kept on haunting him. The little boy carried the big load of woes tied to his back still his fate wasn't satisfied. It took away his safest shelter; his mother. The young boy felt like his entire world was shattered into pieces. He became insomniac at that age. His anxiety would keep on haunting him all day and strangling him all night. His life was begining to become a burden.
Yet, his fate was still not satisfied. On his way back from school, a gang of men kidnapped him and put him inside their car while they covered his mouth with a handkerchief. The boy tried to shout; all in vain. However, the adrenaline rush in his blood caused wonders which gave literal meaning to the hormone- the fight and flight hormone, Adrenaline. He jumped off the moving car, ignoring the fact that he might be badly hurt or even lose his life. After jumping off, he felt like a hero; as if he has got some super power from some mysterious source which must exist. However, he still felt broken while he walked his way back to home.
This time, he decided to share the incident with his dad maybe because he wasn't embarrassed by it. He would rather prefer to get physically hurt than being physically exposed in front of the world. On the other hand, his grandmom's funeral was going on. Maybe that was the reason why he was kidnapped. The gang thought the little boy wouldn't be taken care of. Richard found a little bit of relief. But that wasn't enough to keep him going. At night, his lungs would crave for air, his soul would crave for peace.
One day when he was alone at his house, he decided to put an end to all his miseries. He had learnt how to make a hangman's noose- a noose which tightens more if you try to struggle. The boy was a great learner. Flawlessly, he managed to make it. While he put the noose around his neck, the flashback of all the horrible things crossed his mind. Nonetheless, he felt death only could bring him peace. He was just about to take this step when his father opened the door of his room--- son, are you alright? I feel something is wrong with you. Wanna talk about it? The man who gave him his life became the one to save it. The young boy got another reason to live. He believed that he needed to survive and that, it is not the end of the world
Even though he could never share the incidents with his dad or anyone from his family, he decided to move on and look at the better things life has to offer. After going through all these, he became a quiet boy which attracted bullies. At school, he would be bullied at lunch, during class time and every now and then. However, he had been through worse. The thought of suicide crossed his mind a billion of times but his harsh fate made him stronger. He grew up to be a kind, determined and optimistic boy who would take immediate action against any wrong acts taking place around him.
He was now a real life super hero without a cape. Starting from saving his own life, now he tries to save others'.
In our daily life, we meet hundreds of people. There are some people who give unapproachable vibes; some people who are introverts and keep things to themselves. We have no idea what is going on in their lives. If we can't help them, we shouldn't atleast make living even harder for them. We all have our own stories. Rape is the most horrible thing that could happen to any human regardless of their gender. The rape of a girl is something the world faces almost everyday in every corner of the world. However, only in a few percentage of cases, justice is brought. On the other hand, rape of a man seems so weird to us that sometimes we don't even believe it. Non-consentual sexual activity done with any human is a crime that deserves life sentence. This is a true story about my friend. Currently, I am seeing him growing up to be an ideal human being which is more satisfying than anything. However, legal actions must be taken against any of these activities and shaming of the victim must be avoided. Moreover, we should all refrain ourselves from bullying as this can cost the life of any person. Love and let love. Live and let live. Let us all make the earth a better place to live