V1 Chapter 16

When i open my eyes, My head still hurts and a bit of dizziness. I look around and found my self in my room. I saw my dad talking to someone.



"D..addy~" I'm so weak i can't even speak properly. My throats is dry, I'm so thirsty.




"Princess! Thank god your awake!" Paisley walk to my bed and hold my hand. Her hand's is so warm.



"Princess..." Khyler, he looks like about to cry.



Daddy and khyler immediately walk towards to my bed when they'd notice that i was awake.




"D..daddy" as i called him, he give me a cold glance usual.



"You still need a rest, go back to sleep" He said.



"Rest well, princess" Khyler.



After he said that daddy and khyler, Both leave in my room. I looked to Paisley, she's still holding my hands.



"What...h..append?" i asked



The lasting i knew is when i collapse in front of my dad. I don't what happen next.



"Please don't force your self to speak princess, I'll tell you when you fully recovered, Okay?"



I closed my eyes and go back to sleep. I remember the guy on the tree.



Who is he by the way? Does the book ever mention him? Eziprix he said. But i never heard about him nor in the book that can describe his looks,Blue Long haired guy and eyes as bright like a sun. He's not a side character either nor one of the main characters. The book definitely not mentioned him.



"Hoho. You're really weak..." I'd open my eyes when someone spoke in the middle of the night.



Theres someone standing on the balcony of my room. But i can't see his face fully, because of the brightness of this moon.



"W..hat? You...who are you?" I asked



"You already forgotten my name? How sad"



Eziprix!? But what is he doing here!?.



"What are you doing here in the middle of the night mister?"



"Just checking you if you're still alive" he said



Is that supposed to be a joke?



"Yeah,I'm still breathing and it's just my vision become blurred this afternoon"



He became silent.



"Do you know something about why i suddenly collapse, huh?"i asked. Definitely he is because before he transfer me in my dad he stared at me.



"Hmm, I'll tell you tomorrow, see ya'kid" He said and vanished like a bubbles. i knew it, he know something.



Is he some kind of magician? Anyway, I'm going back to sleep.





"Stop dozing around you brat!" a familiar voice again. This jerk is here so early!



"How did you get here, what if someone saw you mister!?"



"Of course thats not a problem anymore, your sweet father allowed me to." He smile like an innocent little shit.



This guy is getting into my nerve.



"What!? Stop Lying or i will call Paisley to kick you out"




"Do you really think im lying?You Brat?"



"Stop calling me brat i have a beautiful name and it's atarah! Atarah ixchel demos bobeveron!" I shout



"Oh? I thought your name is brat, Why is a brat suits you better?" This jerk is really really pissing me off



"Just tell me how did you get here"



"I'd told you, Your dad allowed me to, Even your maids already know me because i already talk to your dad and yeah i convince them that from now on I'll be your caretaker, Don't you want that?after all, I'm the one who healed you so you owe me your life kid" He said while smiling like an idiot.



"No. And what did you say!? Dad agreed? What kind of magic did you do to my father!"



"Ohoho, well i just tell them that i saw you suddenly showed up in front of me and of course with this form..." He snap his fingers again and he turn into a child.




"What do you think? Princess?" I want to punch this guy for real. He really pissing me off.




"You tell a lie to my daddy?"



"Hmm, Nope...i just add some details of how we both met like, telling him that you showed in front of me in the middle of me making a potions in my house! Teehee"



For god sake.He really told a lie.



"You're pissing me off!?"



"Your dad's coming" he said.



I get off to my bed and run to my dad when he showed's up.



"Daddy!" He lift me up like khylers do to me.



"Why did you believe...to...that guy" I didn't even finish my words, While pointing my finger to that jerk he become look innocent little shit.



"I'm really sorry princess if i discover your ability, i didn't even meant too. I know his majesty does not want other nobility or commoners to know that you have that kind of skill, That's why i volunteer, my self to take care of you princess." His expressions change so fast! This moron!



"B..but daddy i don't need a caretaker, i have paisley to take care of me" i said



"Of course you need too, princess I'm only your nanny but a magician is what you really need in this situation" Paisley said, wait when did she came in?



"It's true princess, Yet the magician already explained to us that he will take care of you and he also said that he wants to teach you to control your ability" Khyler replied.



I look at Eziprix. Holding back his laughter. He knew that, He knew I was annoyed with him.



"Yes, And from now on he will be your royal magician" Daddy said



Wait royal magician!?



"You give him a title daddy?" I asked



"Omygod, I'm really really honored to receive a title from his majesty,Even though I was just a kid, May god bless the demos empire,"



He bowed and Khyler came to him and helped him stand up.



"We are the one who's thankful to have you little magician, That someone is willing to take care the princess abilities" Khyler said



I can see his smirk again.



This people believing his innocent looks, He...he BRAINWASHED THEM!