V1 Chapter 20

"Ahh~ Today is so boring, nothing's to do either... Being stuck in this big palace is starting make me bored." I said and lay my head in the desk.



Reading a books sucks now, doing drawing either. Dad is busy today too, i don't want to interrupt him now.



Eziprix is here again. He's still not receiving his needed.



"Want to go to the Town?" He asked.



"You know that daddy is not going to let me go out right?" i replied



"Who said they would know?" He said with a smirk in his lips.



Then after he said that, he snaps his finger and we transported in the town. We are in the darkest area so i think no one notice us.

I was amazed to saw the people in the town. So many people's today, They're must be so busy working hard for their business. This is the first time i step out from the palace. I turn my head to eziprix when i think about daddy.




"Hey! What if the maids notice that I'm missing! And they'd tell to daddy!?" I shouted



"They wouldn't know, I'd already fix everything before we step out from the palace. And do not worry yourself to much about your missing body." He grin at me. He's suspicious, what's with a meaningful look? what did he do?



"Now now, it's not the time to get mad. We're here to get some fun.!" he said and starts to walk.






I walk after him. I looked around as I walked and did not realize that our path was getting narrower, my walked begun to slow because of the people's passing by and squeezing each other.




"E..ziprix!?" as i called him, he turn around and come towards me.



"Tch... seriously!? Here, hold my hand so you don't lose your way." He offered his hands and so i grab it. We start's to walk again but this time he slowed down his walk.




We look around and stopping to see some objects or eat's a street foods. And I'd noticed a shop. This shop caught my attention.




"Hey Eziprix! Let's take a look in that shop!" i command.



"Wha-!" Before he finished his words i grab his hand and run to the shop.




"What the hell are we doing in this shop?" He Bragg. I looked at him and roll my eyes.



"I think i can get a gift for daddy, if he finds out that we're out!" i replied and walk to check the shop.



This shop is a pen shop, maybe i can find a suitable pen for daddy. And he can use this.




"I'd told we're not getting caught! because i fix everything before we go!" He said and scratch his head.



Oh! is he mad?....Whatever.



I pay my attention to the pen's in front of me and starts grabbing them one by one.



'Oh this one is cute!' 'This one too! and this one! What about the sparkling one!? Wow this one looks cool!' i didn't realize that my hand is full of pens.




"Eziprix! Look, what do you think is good for daddy?" i asked and showed him all the pens that i got.



"What!? Don't ask me about that! That's up to you, It's you who's going to give and decided for his gift, not me" He said.



I pouted and look all the pens. When one of the pens, again, caught my eyes. I'd tried to reach it but It's really high so i can't reach it.




"Hey can you get that pen for me?" i asked eziprix to help me get that pen so i pointed where the pen is. He look up and use his magic to get the pen.



"Thank you" i said.




I look very carefully the pen. It's glowing too like the other one but this one is such a high quality, and the design on it too so beautiful. I didn't know that feathers can glow.



Is this magic? Did the owner put magic on the pen to make it glow like this? This one is so pretty. This is perfect for daddy. I'm going to buy this!.




I go to the counter to payed for it.




After i pay, i called Eziprix so we can leave already.



"Eziprix let's go!" i shouted, I'm already near at the exit door but this jerk is still not moving. Is he looking for something? because his attention is in the shelves...




I think he didn't heard me so i was about to go to him when i bumped to someone. I fell into the floor because i didn't manage to balance myself.



"Ouch" I whisper and touch my head.



"Are you alright?" A voice of a child.



I looked up and my eyes wide when i saw his face.



"Are you alright? milady? I'm so sorry about that, i didn't mean to. Can you stand milady?" He asked and offered his hand to me.



I didn't answer for a second, I'm trying not to believe that this is him. I was frooze by his gentle stared. Even his glance is so gentle it's make me frooze like a meat.






But when he called me again, i came back to my sense, thi...this is him!. The Male lead in the story! And of course eileen's fiance! AZRIEL! What the hell is he doing here!?. Is he Alone!?



He looks a little bit confused because of my acts. I stand. And Look at him directly.



"I'm really so sorry about that, milady" He repeated




He looks like his about to cry any time! His voice is so angelic and even his face is so innocent good looking!. Why is this kid so perfect!



"A-ah I-I'm okay don't worry about me, I'm perfectly fine....he he" i said awkwardly.



"Is that so? That makes me happy that you're okay.Yet I'm hoping for your forgiveness too, milady" He smiled brightly as the sun's right now.




"Yes! Yes! i forgive you... now if you don't mind, I'll excuse myself." I said and go to Eziprix direction.




"You jerk! How didn't you hear me!?" i said in lower toned and smack him.




He did not answer me, but he just stared seriously to the door where i bumped to azriel.



"Let's go" He said and walk out.



I just followed him. 'What up to him?' i asked to my self.





We went to a restaurant. To relax our body.



"That's Duke Viqor's dog right?" He said serious. I look at him while holding the menu.

The heck.. Who's dog?



"You're so mean calling him a dog. But how did you know that he's the duke son?" i asked.



"Huh? Of course i know, Everyone knows, Because he's know as a smart dog and yeah, for being a duke son. You don't know?"



I just give him a poker face

"I know! Of course! But still! If you know already why did you asked me then?" I shouted.



"Just making sure that it's was him. But what is that dog doing here ?".




This jerk mouth is so dry. But I also wondered why. Why is he in the town? Is there such an event in the book where he went out to the town too? This bothering me so much. We came here to get some fun, But this is stressing me out. I don't remember well what was written in the book.



"Let's just order" I said and proceed to order from the menu.




"By the way, You look irritated when you saw him? Do you perhaps dislike him?" I asked. He looks annoyed when i open the topic again.




"Nah~ He just resemble his father so much, His father is so annoying too. He looks like a walking money and his son looks like a walking dog." He said in bored. But walking dog? Dog's can walk! are dogs in here flying? that's why he said that!?..




"Wow looks like you really hate them huh?" i commented



He just give me a smug face.


Our order finally came and the waitress laid it to our table.