V1 chapter 27

"Princess wake up now" I heard Paisley voice. I saw her opening the curtains of my room.


I sat down on my bed while rubbing my eyes, Some maids came into my room. They've all prepare my food and clothes, while the others prepare my bed.



"I've already done preparing your bath, princess." Paisley said and help me get up


"Let's go"


We're now in the bathroom i take off my clothes and get in the bath tub.


She start scrubbing my arms and back, and put shampoo on my hair. She showered me with clean water after.



"I'll come back, I still need to bring your clothes to wear"


I nod my head and deep in my face in the water. When she came out. The loud yet soft bang sound from the door. Makes the room more feel empty.



"Why are you so quite?" A voice through the door.


"I'm still sleepy you know?" I answer


"Should i give you an energy potion?" He asked.


"No! I don't want it! I don't want your weird drink"




"Oh right, I'd totally forgot that i need to practice my dance with dad"





"Yep...i asked him yesterday, to dance with me"


"We'd just dance this night."


"I know! That's why I'm sleepy, I'm really tired.."


"I thought you already forgotten about that..."



I suddenly remember...that night..did he just...

I touch my forehead and i felt my cheeks start to burn again. That boy.


"EZIPRIX!" i shouted


"Yah?" he just give me a boring response


"What are you doing here!? You know I'm taking a bath!!"


"So? As if you have a...."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" i cut his words and start to yell like an idiot. I don't want to hear that!




Why do i feel like there's a smug on his face even though i can't see his face.


"Can you leave!? You maniac!" I said



"If that's the princess command...bye princess"



Why is paisley taking so long? This is embarrassing...Ah..geez that jerk.


"Princess?" She open the door while carrying those dress.



"Hmm? Why is your face so red? Does the water too hot?" I shake my head





I went to daddy after that.


"Daddy...oh!" I stop when i saw duke viqor... He has a business with dad today?... i didn't know that.



"Sorry for interrupting, I'll leave for now" I said and i was about to close the door.



"It's okay you can came in, we're almost done come here and sit" Daddy said so i do what he say.


I sat on the sofa, the maid serve me a tea. Minding my own business, however, the duke got my attention.



"So your majesty, does the princess already have an escort for this upcoming debutante? If she doesn't have any partner my son, he can be...."


"I'll be her escort!" Daddy with his fast respond.


Yep that's my dad! And excuse me duke i don't want to be escort by your son. Isn't azriel going to escort eileen? Now i feel bad about eileen.



"A-ahh really? You really adore the princess isn't right your majesty?"



Welp that's awkward for duke viqor. I'd take a sip to my tea.



"You're dismiss today duke viqor."


"Yes your majesty" And he leave.


Daddy stand up and sit on the sofa with me. I kiss his cheeks and he did too.



"So about my request yesterday, practice a dance with me..."





"Ahh! Daddy your the best! thank you"



afterwards we practice a dance in the dancing room area. I keep stepping his foot yet it's still okay for him. But after an hour that one dance was finally perfect.



We rest for a minute.





"Yes dad?"


"This is an advance present for your birthday"


Khyler brought a giant diamond and shape like a tree. It's sparkling.



"So beautiful..." I'm speechless.


"Where did you get this dad?"


"Do you like it?"


"Yes! Super! I love it! daddy" i hug him, he just pat my head.



But did he just say advance gift? So there's more?



Two days left before the debutante.