V1 Chapter 30


Its was night that time while raining.


"Father, I'm your daughter *Cough*" She wipe her mouth using her hands, but a blood comes out.


"I...I'm scared...father..."


Her entire body was become more weak while she's walking. Both of her eyes are already dark.


"I..don't wanna..die... Please" *Cough* She collapse and more blood comes out from her mouth. This time the curse are already spread out to her body.


And Die without no ones around.



I woke up because of some nightmare.


What the heck was that? I can't even remember.


ah~ my head hurts...


"Princess!!" I was shocked because of Paisley voice and running towards to me.


"Yes~" i asked while yawning.


"You need to get up already!" Opening the curtains in hurry.


"What? for what?"


"Today is your debutante day! We need to hurry already princess!"


My eyes wide when i hear that. How come i forgot about that!


I got up and paisley assist me to somewhere, and a lot of maids start entering my room.



We're now at the bathroom...


Two maid's preparing the bath and paisley undressing me...



"Paisley! The hairpins are missing!" Jane yelled


"What!? What do you mean! Its should've be in the box! Look for it!" She yelled back


The other maids are helping paisley washing me.


"Paisley! What crown will the princess wear!?" Another maid came.


"Don't worry about it, I'll be the one to look for it later!"


"Paisley! Where's the gloves!?" Yet another maid came.


"In the drawers!"


Ahh! What's going on! Is this a busy day!????

I can't even tell! Everyone were on hurry...


"Please get up princess"


Oh...we're done washing me?


"hmm~ Where's khyler?"


"Stop moving for a second Princess..."


Okay sorry,


A minute later there was a knock on the door..



"Princess!" That's khyler voices


"Is daddy already ready?" i asked


"He is princess, the royal maids are helping him getting ready." He said


"I just came here to tell that the carriage are ready"


"Yes Yes thank you khyler!"


"Then, i shall take my leave now..."


Can't believe daddy is going with me...

With i just remembered that Eziprix is going with us.


After an hour of preparing...


"We're done..."


"You can look yourself now to the mirror princess..."


Wait really...


one maid bring the mirror and place it in front of me...


"Is this really me?" I asked


"You're truly a beautiful princess, princess"


"Thank you..."


Wahhh~ i don't know what to say... I'm lost at words, I didn't know that this face was so extremely elegant. The dress makes it even more beautiful...Therefore, i can't take my eyes looking at my face...I'm so pretty.


"Let's go princess?? His majesty might be already there outside waiting for you"


I nod and grab paisley hand when she offered it to me,We start to walk. But we stop right in front of the door after she opens it.


"I shall escort now the princess" He said


Has he been here waiting for me?

But when i look him...I'm speechless. He's so handsome with his suit!


"Good thing Lord Eziprix is here princess, Please be careful"


Then paisley passed my hand to eziprix's hand.


"Enjoy this day princess"


"I..I will!" I answer.


"Let's go princess"



"You look so good with your clothing!" Praising him



"I'm always good looking! There's no days that i don't look good!"


I wish I've never said that!


"Your dazzling you know" He said.


Is there a fire from both of my cheeks!?


"O..Of course! I am!" i answer...




When we reach the front door... Daddy and khyler was already there waiting for us...



"Princess! O my god!" Khyler.


Daddy start to offer his hand to me... Of course i grab it.


Daddy is so handsome...More handsome because of how he dress... Are you really my dad? You're too good looking to have a child.

Looks like my dazzling moment are expired because of him...



"Daddy your so handsome!" Praising him



"Yes, you too...You really resemble your mother" I don't expect him to say that...I thought he's very sensitive when it comes to my mother...I give him a smile

"Thank you daddy!"



We both head inside of the carriage...



When we got to the destination I just wanted to back off because of nervousness ... I don't know why because somewhat my emotions are mixing...Now as we head inside. We have two guards with us. One opened the door and he also announced our arrival.


Now looking at the people in the room they start bowing...

" We should come down now" daddy said.

There's still gossing around...But my eyes start looking for noemie

Is she already here? I can't see her.