chapter 3

At night, Reema slept soundly early because of medicine. Bhavika didn't eat and drink whole day and she was standing in sun that's why she tired. She slept on side bed in her mother ward soundly.

While, Mahesh was worried for deal. And Vijay couldn't sleep because if thinking Bhavika. He laughed, "Girl, you are making me wait so much. Let see how will I punish you tomorrow. You have no way to escape from my grips."

The next morning,

As usual, bhavika made her mother to eat and gave medicine. She knew there is little chance that her uncle help her but she couldn't give up so much easily. There is nobody else other than her uncle who can help her. That's why she made her mind and went to her uncle company again.

She went to reception area. The receptionist saw bhavika yesterday that's why she ignored bhavika and started to her work.

Bhavika didn't care her behaviour. She told with calm voice, "hello, I am Bhavika Singh. I want to meet Mr Mahesh Singh."

The receptionist made her face and said formally "sorry mam, our boss is busy today."

Bhavika sighed into her heart but said with smile, "it's ok. I am waiting outside. Please tell him."

The receptionist didn't give her any reply. At last, Bhavika turned and left. The receptionist told yesterday to her boss's secretary about Bhavika. The secretary didn't say anything. It seemed bhavika is not important to her boss that's why she think 'it's better to forget about her' and started to her work.

Bhavika came out from company and stood under the tree which was outside the company. There was a local shop infront of company. The shop owner was around fourty years old. He saw yesterday that girl was standing in front of company without eating and drinking anything. Even, he saw the incident what happened yesterday. Even, he could not hear anything but he knew that girl was related to company owner somehow. And she was begging yesterday. He was pity for her. He called out the girl loudly, "litte girl."

Bhavika heard stranger voice. She looked the voice direction. She looked shop owner was calling her. But she didn't know the shop owner. She looked him with doubtness and pointed her finger towards herself, "me" mouthed.

The shop owner nodded with smile. Bhavika was in dilemma why he was calling her. She decided to know the answer but there was doubt into her heart.

She reached the shop and stood infront of shop owner who was other side of short counter.

She said with low voice, "yes uncle."

The shop owner smiled and asked with politely, "I saw you yesterday. Do you come here to meet someone?"

Bhavika thought some seconds. She didn't know what that person intention that's why she said, "yes uncle, my uncle is work in that company. He is busy that's why I am waiting here. When he will free, he will come to meet me."

The shop owner that she was lying but he smiled, "ohh.. the sun is shining outside. Why not.... You stay here and wait for your uncle." He pointed a bench which was for customers.

Bhavika knew that's why she asked with hesitation, "but uncle... It's for..."

The shop owner smiled and gave her water bottle, "why not you buy this bottle? You will my customer."

Bhavika looked at water bottle. It was package water that's it was expensive. When she can buy water in cheap why waste her money. The shop owner knew she was hesitated that's why he insisted put the bottle into her hand and said, "it will expire tomorrow and it would be waste if nobody use it. Take it in cheap price."

Bhavika smiled and took out a note from her bag and handed over to that shop owner, "thank you uncle."

The shop owner nodded and smiled. Bhavika sat on the bench with good mood and drank water. She was glad with shop owner behaviour. Even in this world somebody is nice to her. But suddenly, she recalled her mother condition. Her face got gloomy.

Vijay tried to concentrate on his work. In his thiry years life, its first time. He could not concentrate on his work because of a girl. He closed his eyes with frustration. As he closed his eyes, there was a face of that girl in front of him. His lips curled up slightly. He knew if he doesn't take action now, it will be late and he will not hold that girl in future if something happened to her mother.

He took his mobile and dialled a certain number.

Mahesh who was tensed since yesterday because of deal. Vijay left as he was not in mood to sigh the deal. The deal was important for Mahesh and his company. He didn't know how to sigh the deal with Rathore group. Mahesh was not in good mood that's why he was shouting to everyone since morning. Every employee was scared to him. When he saw his mobile rang, he glanced the screen but he saw Vijay's mobile number. He got excited. He knew what is importance that Vijay called him with his personal number while he informed Mahesh by secretary. He picked up the call and said with cheerful voice, "hello. Mr Rathore."

Other side, Vijay said in calm voice and came into point, "Mr Singh, I saw your proposal. It's fine and I am ready to sigh today at dinner."

When Mahesh heard it, he knew how valuable Vijay's time and he didn't want to waste the time that's why Mahesh replied with polietly, "why not?"

Vijay said with low voice, "Mr Singh, I heard you have a niece named Bhavika. Come with her at restaurant." After that he hung up.

Mahesh was stunned to hear it. It seemed yesterday he saw her. Mahesh is man and he knew what was going into other man's mind.

Yesterday, vijay didn't fancy to Sanya. Then how is it possible? May be, vijay wanted to fool around... Nothing else.

But was Mahesh ready to scarifice his brother's daughter? Even how, his brother is death and cheated to his brother for business but after all, he was his brother and Bhavika was his niece. And he was not this type of person. He was greedy but has some values.

But he couldn't afford to offend Mr Rathore otherwise his small company didn't survive.

But yesterday, bhavika didn't say it herself and she needed money for her mother's operation.

He thought another time and dialled intercom number to reception. The receptionist immediately responded, "Sir, how can I help you?"

Mahesh thought another second and in the end he spoke, "did Bhavika come today?"

The receptionist confused for some seconds but she recalled immediately, "yes sir, but she left the message, 'she is waiting outside.'"

Mahesh asked with anger, "why didn't you tell me?"

The receptionist was speechless. Wasn't you who didn't respond yesterday? But she couldn't say loudly.

Mahesh took a deep breath and ordered, "find her and send her directly into my office."

The receptionist responded, "ok sir."

After that, Mahesh put down the speaker and lost in his thinking. He was confused what should he do or not?