chapter 17

the following day, Bhavika worn her old clothes to meet her mother. During breakfast, she told Santa, "I live with my mom for four days. do as you wish."

Santa got startled, "But madam if sir...."

She smiled, "I asked him already. you can confirm him."

Santa nodded with smile, "ok madam."

When Bhavika reached at hospital, Doctor already examined her mother. Doctor said with smile, "You can take your mother at home. but take care her."

She nodded with smile, "thank you doctor."

She completed discharge formality and her mother changed into her clothes. She was happy for her mother. She tugged her hands on her mother arm and said with spoiled voice, "Mom, from now onwards, you have to take care yourself. I checked into your account, we have enough money for one year. After graduating, I will earn for you." she was sure Vijay would leave her soon. that's why she will be free soon and do job in future to support her mother.

her mom argued, "But Bhavika..." She didn't want to be burden on her. but Bhavika didn't listen to her mother, "No mom, no argument. you already worried me a lot. I don't want you became sick again."

Her mother looked her teary eyes and agreed immediately, "Fine... I will listen to you."

Bhavika laughed, "you are really great."

They were talking and laughing while going out. Aditya who came in that hospital because of some works. When he looked Bhavika, he shocked. Four days ago, She was lifeless and now she was laughing and beaming.

He smiled. At least, Vijay listened to him. He went to Bhavika and called, "Bhavika."

Bhavika and Reema stopped. Bhavika looked Aditya and she recognised to him. After taking sleeping pills, When she woke up first time, she saw him who introduced himself, "Bhavika, I am Dr Adtiya... Vijay's friend..." When she heard Vijay name, she didn't listen to him and closed her eyes. She knew she was saved and she had to suffer more. But without her expectations, Vijay didn't touch her after that while allowed to meet her mother and continue study. but it didn't mean she will forget everything.

Her mother looked at Bhavika and Aditya with suspicious and asked bhavika, "Bhavika, do you know him? Who is he?"

Bhavika told her nicely, "He is just like other doctor. I met him during your surgery."

her mother said, "ohh.." Bhavika said, "mom, you go first." when he noticed Aditya was looking at her with differently.

When her mother left, Aditya said, "I am glad you are fine Bhavika."

Bhavika pursed her lips, "hmm" When she didn't say anything else, he continued, he said if you need anything, you can contact me directly." he took out his card from his pocket and gave to her. but she didn't take and said coldly, "no need." She left. she didn't want to keep in contact who related to him.

Aditya laughed and immediately dialled Vijay number. Vijay attended call after two calls and asked coldly, "What?"

He chuckled and thought, 'they are really same.' he asked with wondering, "I came to city hospital. guess with whom I met just now?"

Vijay recalled Bhavika's mother was going to home today and she went to take her home. He roared, "don't think about her."

Aditya didn't angry while laughed, "Vijay don't overthink. I know she is your woman. why do I think about him? but I have something interesting to tell you. I offered her my number but she replied, 'no need'".

Vijay smiled to hear it. He was pleased to hear his girl is not interested in anybody else. He said in pleasing tone, "I told you she is different."

Aditya told him, "but don't you think she doesn't want to keep contact anybody related to you?"

When Vijay understood, his face became gloomy. and he hung up directly. Aditya heard beeping tone on his mobile and shook his head. He warned his friend. Now, it's in his friend hand how to handle the situation.

Bhavika was glad. they hailed taxi and went to her home. She cleaned home when she came three days ago. that's why there was no need to dusting. Reema looked at home and asked with surprised, "Why is it so clean?"

Bhavika laughed, "mom, I came three days ago and cleaned it. you take rest. I do sweeping the floor. then I will make lunch for you."

Reema said, "ok, you sweep the floor. I take charge to kitchen. don't tired yourself and don't you go college? I am fine here."

Bhavika told, "I took leave from hostel for four days. I will stay with you. that's why you take rest. and mom my friends want to come to visit you. Can they come?"

Reema patted her head with affection, "Ofcourse, invite them tomorrow after college."

She smiled, "ok mom."

They ate lunch together. their lunch had no varieties like that apartment meal. but Bhavika preferred to eat with her mother.

Bhavika and her mom went to buy necessary things for home in evening. She didn't let hold any bag to her mom. She held herself every bags. they were heavy with she didn't care.

Three neighbours aunty came to meet her mother. Her home was small. there were only one bedroom, a small hall, kitchen abd bathroom.

her mother was talking neighbours into hall while she went to bedroom for study. on bedroom, She sat comfortably and started to study.

She heard an aunty voice, "Reema, your daughter is really sensible. She is so young but she handled the situation clearly."

Her mother laughed, "Yeah, I am proud of her."

they were praising her one after another. She thought, 'if her mother and others know about her and Vijay, will they praise her like it? no, they will hate her most importantly her mother.' She doesn't care about anybody else but when shd thought about her mother expression after knowing, she shivered. no, she shook her head. She will hide forever from her mother. She hoped Vijay would get bored with her soon and leave her. Then she will never thought about him in her whole life.

At night, She cuddled her mother and said, "Mom, I missed you so much."

her mother laughed and patted her cheek, "Bhavika... don't be sad. I will be with you forever."

She smiled and hugged her mother. She couldn't sleep that night because of fear what will happen if her mother knows?

The following day, She told Suhi, Roma and Sunil that her mother is at home and invited them. they were excited and agreed to go together after college. Raj also followed them.

When they reached at Bhavika's home, Reema was waiting for them. After putting backpack aside, Bhavika went to make tea for everyone while her friends were asking question to her mother.

When she was making tea, Suhi came to kitchen and whispered her, "What is he doing here?"

Bhavika shrugged her shoulders, "how can I tell? Ask him directly. I can't be rude with him after all, he is one of classmate. And his intention is good he wanted to help me."

Suhi frowned, "But his grades are always good why does he ask notes to you? don't you feel something fussy?"

bhavika sighed, "I didn't think about it."

Suhi advised, "ohh... you should stay away from him. I heard his brother is dangerous person."

Bhavika smiled, "Suhi, you know I don't have to time for this things. I want to study hard as I can support to my mom." She looked into Suhi's eyes, "Don't tell me you like him?"

Suhi adjusted her weight on another leg and said with smile, "Don't say anything stupid."

Bhavika smile wildly, "I am not interested. your line is clear. I wish for both of you together."

Suhi slapped her arm tightly and blushed, "Really bhavika?"

Bhavika nodded, "of course. may be he is interested in you and wants to spend time with us for you."

Suhi thought abd told with smile, "yeah... why didn't I think like it? You knew when you didn't come college. he asked me many times. yeah. you are right." She hugged bhavika by side and jumped, "thank you Bhavika."

Bhavika laughed, "When both of you will be together, give us treat in expensive restaurant. I heard he is from rich family."

Suhi nodded, "Yeah... my father knew his brother."

Bhavika and she came out with tea tray. Everyone enjoyed tea and snacks which Reema and bhavika made last day. They talked and laughed. After many days, She was laughing by heart.

After two hours, her friends left. Before leaving, Raj gave Reema medicine packet and told, "Aunty, when my mom got to know, you are in hospital, she told me to give you. It's medicine is really effected. it will improve your health soon."

Reema thanked him. When they left, Reema looked the medicine and asked Bhavika with suspicious, "Is he boy who came when we were not here?"

Bhavika nodded abd told her mother everything what he said to him. Her mother only said, "ohh... it seems he is good boy."