chapter 19

After few hours, Bhavika woke up freshly. then she noticed she was sleeping on him and they were on sofa. She raised her head and looked at him. He was sleeping. it's first time when she saw him sleep. otherwise he woke up before her. She looked at his face carefully. First time, she noticed he is most handsome man among she met till yet. in her eyes, her father is most handsome then he is second handsome man. She knew he is rich otherwise why he paid her mother medical fees. Even, he appointed 24 hours nurse for her mother. he provided her every facility into hospital. She saw his car which is one of luxury cars. She didn't knew about him so much but she was not naive. She can tell to look his life style that he is very rich. Even, he spend money on her without thinking. she noticed everything into her closet. According to his appearance and wealth, he can get any girl. but she didn't know why he was wasting his time or money on her?

She pursed her lips and thought again and again but she didn't find any reason.

As she was observing him, He said without opening his eyes, "Bhavika, you are glaring me. have you started to like me?"

She didn't say anything and thought. She didn't know what is liking. For her, her mother is whole world. She didn't know what she felt about him. He took her dignity. He hurt her. She should hate him but she doesn't. in starting, she didn't like his touch but now she enjoyed. She thought she should listen him because he paid for her. But she also wants to listen. When he calls her name, she likes it.

Vijay noticed, she didn't reply him that's why he opened his eyes and looked at her who was in deep thought. he didn't know what she was thinking. His heart ache to thought what if she hated him. He shook her lightly and called, "Bhavika, what are thinking?"

She got up from him and sat aside on sofa. He frowned to lose her touch. He immediately sat and looked at her. She replied lowly, "I don't know what is liking?" She told him truth.

Vijay sighed and made her sit on his lap. his fingers caressed on her cheek, "You don't need to know about it. Only stay by my side."

Bhavika looked into his eyes. he understood why she was looking him like that. He immediately changed his expression and smirked, "Bhavika, Don't look at me. You are seducing me." As he said he started to kiss her lightly. he was sucking her lips. She was distracted that's why she didn't respond him. She thought she was overthinking.

Vijay knew she is distracted that's why he aparted his lips from her and he asked, "Bhavika, do you know cooking?"

Bhavika lived in poverty that's why it's common for her to cook. here, Vijay didn't her to do anything that's why she doesn't do. but in her home, she helps her mom in doing chores. She nodded with confidently, "yeah..."

he smiled, "ok... prepare the lunch for us. I have some work to finish. I am going to study room if you need my help, call me."

she nodded. He pecked on her lips and left. He knew if he stayed with her any longer, he will tell her truth. and he didn't want to scare her. When she will be ready, he will tell her. if she didn't be ready whole life, he will not tell her ever.

He went to study for work. he made some calls while bhavika started to cook. She decided to make curry, rice and roti. She washed the vegetables and rice. She chopped the vegetables while put the rice on lid to cook. After making the curry, she started to make roti. As she was baking, Vijay came to behind her and started to kiss her neck, "why are you taking so much time?" his hands were roaming on her body. She got distracted and didn't bake properly. She denied him, "Vijay stop.... you are distracting me."

He chuckled, "what am I doing as you are distracting, bhavika? It's your fault to distract. you are blaming me. do you want to punish double? Huhh?"

As he pinched inside her bra, she moaned, "Vijay"

he said in deep voice, "Now stop to bake... and let's eat. otherwise I will punish you here and now."

he turned her towards himself, turned off the lid and kissed on her lips, "You are cooking in bra and shorts. Are you trying to seduce me, Bhavika? you are becoming more naughty. after eating, let me teach you."

She rolled her eyes, 'was he not be who chose her to wear? she was not shameless as much he was.

She prepared really delicious lunch. Vijay liked it so much. He wanted to eat daily which cooked by her. but He didn't want her to do any work. She already suffered a lot. he wanted to give her luxury life.

After eating and washing dishes, As he said, he tortured her on sofa. He didn't take her rest and fuck her hardly. He was so pleased that he couldn't control himself. He wanted to tell her how much she is important for him. but he knew to tell her by torture. in end, when her energy drained, she laid on sofa. he chuckled, "baby, your stamina is poor. I will plan your diet and you have to follow. otherwise, how can I satisfy you?"

She pursed her lips, 'its not her stamina was poor. she doesn't know where he gets that much energy. He can torture her whole night and the following morning, he can do work.'

in evening time, he stopped to torture her and they laid on bed. He wanted more but he knew she couldn't hold it. He took her into his arm and started to kiss and sucked her lightly.

After dinner, he again tortured her in different different position. this time, she was also giving him response. They were moaning and enjoying each other. but he stopped in mid night because he knew she needed rest otherwise she couldn't go college next day. Even, he liked that idea but he knew she didn't want it that's why he applied medicine on her and they slept.