Chapter 22

Vijay woke her by kissing her. Without opening her eyes, She called softly, "Vijay". She knew it's him.

he chuckled, "You wake up. i think you are planning to staying here. baby, it's my office. Let's go home."

She pursed her lips more, 'its not her. It's him who started last night in office.'

He took her into washroom which was attached the room. It has every necessary stuffs. It was not big like their bathroom in apartment. But it was lavious. They took shower together. he wanted to do with her again but he knew if they started, they couldn't go home till noon. and she didn't eat anything since yesterday.

After taking bath, they came out in bathrobe. He opened wardrobe into resting room. There were male and female outfit. Male outfits are matched what he wears that's why she knew it were for him but when she saw female outfit, she startled. She didn't want to wear another person's outfit. When he noticed her hesitate look, he said seriously, "What are waiting? Wear anything otherwise the breakfast will be cold."

She frowned and choose a skirt and top. when she worn, it were her size. She was confused why it fitted her so correctly.

it's him who ordered Nick to arrange some outfit for her in office's closet for imergency.

they came out in office and ate on couch. After eating, he ordered to clean the table. After cleaning, he sat her on his lap and called Nick, "Come in"

Nick came with some small boxes. He looked at them, he was shocked to looking his boss like that. Can't he leave her for some time? When Bhavika noticed Nick was looking at them, She struggled to get up from him. But he tighten his hold and glared Nick with anger. Nick immediately lowered his gaze. Nick opened the boxes one by one and put it in front of them. It was more than dozen. When Bhavika saw what was into the boxes, she got shocked. Even she forgot his breath which was on her neck. Vijay put her hairs a side and said with low voice, "Choose whatever you want."

Nick was more shocked than Bhavika after hearing his boss tone. He worked for his boss many years but he never heard his boss soft tone. It felt like he is coaxing her.

Bhavika glanced every box one by one. they were all limited edition watches even few are going to launch. After knowing, Vijay gave her limited edition watch, She search on internet and read many news recently that's why she knew. She looked the pics of every watch on internet but she never knew she will look all with her open eyes.

Looking at her confusion looks, Vijay chuckled, "Can't you decide? or don't you like any of them?"

Bhavika shook her head immediately. how can she not like them? She opened her mouth, "I like them but..."

Vijay didn't let her continue, he ordered to Nick without expression, "send all into home tomorrow. now you go." Nick nodded and left. He even didn't want to stay there because it's hard to digest for him that his boss has soft nature side. He needed some time to digest it.

After coming out, he patted his chest hardly.

Bhavika looked at Vijay and asked, "What will I do all?"

he stroked her cheeks with his fingers and said with smile, "Didn't you worry that if you lost or break watch, what will your wear? Now, you don't need worry. If you lost or break them all, I will buy you more."

Bhavika was stunned to hear it. He only bought all of them to prove her nothing is impossible for him if she is satisfied. and he didn't like she looked at him suspicious. he will do anything to prove her.

To looking her shocking eyes, he put his lips on her lips and started to kiss. His tongue entered into her mouth and tasted her. She held him tightly to keep her balance.

After satisfied with kiss, he broke the kiss and said in hoarse voice, "Let's go home and thank me properly at home."

She blinked her eyes, 'who wants to say you thank?' Actually, she wanted to thank him but in his dictionary, thank meaning is different than her that's why she preferred to not thank him.

he took her into his arms and stood up. He took steps towards exit. She shouted with embrassment, "Vijay, I can walk."

Shd didn't want anyone saw them like it. In alone, She had habit to his shameless act. but She can't afford it in front of anyone. She preferred to die than being humiliate.

Vijay didn't care her and continued to walk. he opened the door and came out. Bhavika looked his employees were looking them with widened eyes. she protested, "Vijay"

Vijay looked at her and warned, "Bhavika, don't move otherwise I will kiss you right now."

She shut her mouth tightly. Carrying her is so humiliate for her. but kiss.... she never thought about it.

He smirked to look her obedient look and red cheeks. He added, "You have so much energy Huhh? Let's see you will be fainted today or not."

After hearing it, Bhavika gulped her saliva. Even, he whispered into her ear but she didn't believe he can say such words into public.

Vijay didn't care his employees were looking at them or not. He only cares about her and he likes to tease her. After looking her blushed face, He curled his lips more.

it's Sunday that's why there were few employees in company. But when they saw Vijay like it. they didn't believe it. Everyone knew about his nature. Everyone knew what type of person he is. After sleeping with women, he left immediately the bed or kicked out the women from the bed. Because of his appearance and wealth, every women wants to stay with him. But he didn't give chance to anyone. But today, they saw different person that's why they were shocked. They saw Nick for questioning looks, 'its illusion or reality?' Nick pursed his lips and shrugged his shoulders because he also couldn't believe till yet. Even, he knew Bhavika has special place into his boss life but he didn't know how much or she already entered into his boss's heart.

Vijay sat her on passenger seat and buckled her seat belt. He came and sat on driving seat, started engine and drove fastly. He wanted to go home as soon as possible.

Bhavika slept immediately because she was tired and didn't take much rest. After parking the car into building parking area, he looked at sleeping Bhavika. he smiled and shook his head. He thought, 'she only knows sleep and study. she even didn't care his desire for her.'

he got out from car and closed the door. He opened her side door, unbuckled her seat belt and carrying her into his arms. He closed the door by leg. After locking the car by remote key. He went into lift. In lift, he lowered his head and looked bhavika who was into his arms. He urged to kiss her and wake her up. But he also wanted to not disturb her sleep.

After coming out from lift, he somehow opened the apartment lock because she was on his arms.

As he laid her into bed, she woke up because coldness of bed. Looking her opened eyes, he chuckled, "Were you pretending?"

She looked at him confusion and asked, "What?"

he smirked and shook his head, "nothing... now you wake up. do you wanna watch movie?"

She recalled last time when they were watching movie. As she starting to take interest on movie, he started to disturb her and he tortured her mercilessly in end.

She shook her head. He smirked, "Then what do you wanna do? Do you wanna...? he started to raise his hand towards her. She immediately stood up and said, "let's go to watch movie."

he laughed loudly but didn't say anything. They started to watch movie but after few minutes, he laid her on sofa and laid up on her. His one hand was rubbing her thigh while other was in her top. he was kissing her neck, collarbone shoulders and in between kisses sucking her skin. She was moaning abd her hands were rubbing on his naked back. He said in hoarse voice, "You are so soft."

he was hard like stone and she was soft like cotton. they were perfect in bed.

As she was controlling her breath because of his tease, she noticed he stopped. She looked at him with blinking her eyes. she felt his sleeping breath on her neck. She smiled that he slept. She wanted to laugh loudly and make him fun. But she knew he will torture her more if she did. that's why it's better to not provoke him. But she was feeling better to know that he was also human like her. He only slept few hours and didn't take rest much. He only knew to do work and torture her.

She touched his hairs slowly. His hairs were silky and smoothly. His mostly weight was on her. And he was more heavy than her. She was feeling suffocation because of his weight but she liked it. His hot breath was on her neck skin. She curled her lips slightly. She didn't know why she started to like his touch, his tease, his torture. even, she didn't want to know the reason. After few minutes, she also slept because of comfort.

After few minutes, Vijay woke and noticed he slept on her. He worried and immediately changed the position. now, she was on him. She woke up and looked at him confusion, "What happened?"

He caressed her hairs and asked, "When I slept on you, why didn't you wake me up? Did I hurt you?"

She wanted to laugh when he tortured her, he did not ask. now he was sleeping soundly, he is worried that he hurt her.

She told him calmly, "I didn't know when you slept. it seems I slept before you."

He looked at him confusion. There was a indescribable feeling into his heart. He knew very well. she didn't sleep before him because he heard her moaning voice before sleeping.

He changed the topic abd said, "What do you wanna eat? Let's order something. it's time to lunch."

She got up from him and they sat on sofa. she asked softly, "Can I cook for thanking you to buying me many watches?"

He held her chin and pecked her lips, "You know I don't like you do chores. You can thank me after lunch properly."

She wanted to slap herself hardly. why did she want to thank him? when she knew the result was same.

They ordered lunch. After eating, he had some work to do that's why he did work and she did study.