Chapter 31

The following day, they returned. Vijay had to work to finish but he was worried for Bhavika. Even, bhavika told her that she was fine. One day was enough for her. Vijay was with her whole day and she was feeling better but Vijay didn't stay there anymore.

He already ordered to destroy that swimming pool. He wanted to do it with his hands but Bhavika needed him and he chose later. After coming back, he took her hospital for full body checkup. Bhavika denied, "Vijay, I am fine now. no need to go hospital."

Vijay didn't listen her, "Bhavika, listen to me. It's your own benefit. why are you scared if results will be good?"

Bhavika pursed her lips because she knew he will not listen her. He already talked to Aditya they were coming. Aditya did reschedule for them. When they reached at his office, Aditya greeted to her, "Hello bhavika."

Bhavika only nodded her head. Aditya looked at Vijay and Vijay shrugged his shoulders. Vijay didn't like Bhavika talk to others even it's his friend. That's why he didn't care his friend feelings. Aditya pursed his lips. He knew his friend is like it but Bhavika. he met Bhavika thrice but she didn't say anything to him. He saw her with her mother. She was laughing and talk active. but in front of Vijay, it's felt she has other personality. He took deep breath and doing his job. He did some tests on her. Vijay was with them that's why he didn't talk to her. Aditya knew she will not talk in front of Vijay.

Aditya send Vijay for taking lunch to her. Now, Aditya and Bhavika was alone. Aditya started to talk, "Bhavika, why don't you like me? it's not that I hurt you."

Bhavika sighed and looked at him, "Don't you know." Bhavika didn't like to talk who related to Vijay. It's not that she has grudge towards them but she didn't like.

Aditya looked at her for few minutes. He was doctor and he was studying in psychology because of Vijay. He asked again, "Do you hate him?"

Bhavika told truth, "No" It's true she didn't hate him.

Aditya took deep breath, "What do you think about him?"

She said with mocking tone, "Does it matter or change anything?" She didn't know what she thought about him. She didn't know what she felt about him. When she thought about it, she got confused. that's why it's better not to think and she can't change anything. it's better to let it happen what's going on.

Before Aditya asked something else, Vijay came with lunch. Aditya left them alone. Vijay and Bhavika ate in silent.

After eating, Aditya took Vijay into his office for showing results and bhavika was waiting outside.

Aditya told him, "the results are normal."

Vijay knew he wanted to talk him something that's why he asked directly, "What do you wanna talk?"

Aditya looked at his friend and didn't know what to say. Their relation is complicated. one was possessive and other was not ready to talk. They lived together but didn't know anything about each other.

Aditya took a deep breath, "Vijay, try to control yourself. She is so young and her body is delicate."

Vijay glared him and said in mocking tone, "Do you want to live me as saint with my women?"

Adtiya shook his head, "No, but try to win her heart. You don't know nothing about her and even she doesn't know about you."

Vijay said with dominating, "No need. there are lot of couples who love to each other and know to each other but they break up or live seperately. I will tell her everything when she will be ready."

Aditya didn't refute it because it was fact. you can't say anything about future. but he asked, "What if she will never ready?"

Vijay laughed, "then I will never tell her. She is with me it's enough for me." He knew very well it was not enough for him. He wanted her whole... her body, her heart, her soul, her time.... everything only be related to him.

Aditya took deep breath and patted his shoulder, "I am concern for you." he knew what his friend was planning.

Vijay laughed with mocking, "I thought you would be concern for her."

Aditya chuckled, "I know you more than yourself" he didn't tell Vijay clearly because he knew Vijay fall in love with her and he will never hurt her intentionally. but in end, who will hurt? He was worried for future.

At evening, during the dinner, Bhavika asked Vijay, "Can I go to my mom home tomorrow? I want to stay with her at night?"

Vijay didn't want her to go even one night but he promised her that's why he can't deny her.

After wiping his mouth with towel, he made her sit on his lap and kissed on her neck, "ok but come back after tomorrow."

She nodded, "ok... but next day, my friends want to go out with me. but I will come back before evening. ok?"

Vijay sucked her skin and laughed, "don't you think you are more demanding?"

Bhavika pouted, 'Dont you will in office at day time?' She tried to say, "but..."

Vijay made her sit on his lap face to face and said, "ok... then make me happy."

She looked at him confusion. he smirked, "bhavika.. kiss me." He always took initiative to kiss her. She only kissed him that day when they were hotel. he liked it and wanted that she would take initiative but she didn't take after that.

Bhavika couldn't escape from him that's why she closed her eyes and tried to kiss him but he ordered in husky voice, "open your eyes."

She opened her eyes and looked into his eyes who has mixed emotions. when their lips met, her heart was beating fastly. She didn't like that feeling but he wanted her to feel it. He held her back head and started to kissed while other hand was on her clothes.

She also started to respond him. After kiss, they got naked and he tortured her whole night. He didn't want her go that's why he tortured her mercilessly. She cried his name many times but he was not affected. He wanted to tell her not to think about others except him.

When she couldn't hold anymore, he let her sleep. Looking at her sleeping soundly, he wanted to torture her. He couldn't sleep because he was worried for next night. How will he sleep without her? He can't stay away for her even one night. He regretted to promise her to stay with her mother for one night.

Whole night he looked at her sleeping. When the sun rose outside, he came onto her and started to kiss her. she woke up because of his kisses and called his name, "Vijay"

He was pleased to hear his name from her mouth. He captured her lips with his and change position. Now, she was on him. He entered into her and she moaned into his mouth. She thought, 'didnt he torture me last night? What happened to him in morning?'

he held her waist and made her sat on him. He hold her breasts with his hands and looked at her. She cried loudly. She was looking so beautiful in that position. He called her name, "Bhavika... look at me."

She opened her eyes and looked into his eyes. She gulped to see the lust into his eyes and he was looking at her shinning eyes. He wanted to swallow her whole. He tortured her untill she lost her whole energy. She was worried how will she go to home like in that condition.

He was pleased because he didn't want her go.

She wanted to shout at him but she knew there was no use. He was not affected while he was in good spirit. Before going to office, he pecked on her lips and said, "I will send the car for you."

She made her face, "No need. I will go by bus."

He caressed her hairs, "no arugment.... he will drop you at near bus station of your mother home. If you need anything, call me."

She pursed her lips because she was not in good mood because of his torture. He chuckled, and left after pecking her lips again.

After an hour, she regained her energy and she was excited to meet her mother. She decided nobody can affect her mood. She worn her old clothes and packed her bag for necessary stuffs. When driver came, she left. the driver drove her near the bus station of her home. She went to her home by walking. When she reached, her mother was happy to see her. She already told her mother that's why her mother applied leave in her office.

her mother hugged her and said in affection, "Bhavika, you are not eating well. why are you looking thin?"

Bhavika smiled, "mom, I am fine. what did you cook I am hungry?"

Her mother asked with concern, "Didn't you eat in morning?"

She chuckled, "mom, I ate but it was not like food which made by you."

Her mother glared her and smiled, "You are...."

They both laughed and talked what they did in last days. She didn't want to lie her mother but she had no choice that's why she told, "I did study mom. In next semester, I will definitely have good grades."

Her mother said with relieved, "good.... but don't stress yourself. my job is good that's why you don't need to worry."

Bhavika only nodded. She knew when Vijay will let her go, her mother will lose her job. They need to prepare for future. It was temporary.

She changed the topic, "Mom, why don't we cook something special tonight? I didn't eat tasty since many days." She knew her mother didn't eat healthy in absence of her that's why she suggested.

her mother said, "ok, but we have to go shopping. we didn't have much at home."

She agreed, "ok let's go."

They went to near market. It was afternoon. Her mother was selecting and buying. She was carrying the packets. She was happy because it was her real life where she belongs. With Vijay, she was living luxury life but it was not her real life. She knew very well it was temporary. the shopkeepers knew her mother that's why they were talking nicely to them. one of shopkeeper said to her mother, "Didi, she is your daughter to whom you talked."

Her mother nodded with happily, "yeah .. she came today from her hostel that's why we think to cook special today."

the shopkeeper suggested "She is really beautiful. you should take care of her."

her mother said with confident, "She is mature and intelligent. I don't need to worry about her."

When she heard it, she wanted to cry. Her mother trusted her and she broke her mother trust. she didn't know how will she face when her mother will know. She prayed her mother will never know about her.

they went to other shop and that shopkeeper were talking and they were laughing. She heard her mobile rang, she took out her mobile abd looked the screen. her face got paled to see the number. She excused herself and came a side as her mother didn't hear her, "hello"

Vijay was busy but he knew he hurt her that's why he wanted to give her gift. He came to mall for her gift. He selected the gift but he was waiting for someone that's why he called her. He wanted to know what she was doing without him. when he heard her soft voice, he was pleased. he asked with curling his lips, "baby what are you doing?"

She pursed her lips, "I came market with mom."

he smiled and said in sexy voice, "what a coincidence I also came to mall with someone." He looked in front of him and his gaze was on his prey.

Bhavika only said, "ohh" She was not interested into his matter.

He specifically mentioned someone to her. He wanted her to ask him but he was disappointed that she didn't ask anything.

He was thick skinned. he asked with raising his raising, "Don't you wanna know with whom I came to shopping?"

She didn't want to know but she knew why he asking because he wanted to tell her. That's why she asked without interest, "with whom?"

He smiled and said with low voice, " with your cousin... Sanya."

When Bhavika heard it, she gritted her teeth. She hated her uncle and his family. She tried to calm down herself, "Mom is calling me. I am hanging up." Without hearing his response, she hung up. When he heard the beeping tone, he was stunned. it's first time someone hang up on him but he was not angry. He curled his lips and thought, 'huhh she is jealous... good.'

Bhavika didn't care with whom he was or not. But when she heard Sanya name, her mood dropped. She didn't have grudge with her uncle and his family but it doesn't mean she forgot what he did with her. She can forget everything but not one thing.... to sold her to someone.