Chapter 63

After an hour, when Reema and Bhavika didn't come back, the bodyguard called on her number and startled to heard Mobile shut down caller tune. He looked with worried towards other and told, "Madam number is switched off."

they were sweats from head to toe. They rushed inside the market and asked everyone but there was no response. One bodyguard called their leader and told, "Boss, madam and her mother are missing. We found them everywhere into Market. their numberd are switched off."

the leader shouted, "Bastard, how is it possible? do you know what it means. Mr Rathore already warned us. Find them one more time. I will track her watch."

he murmured, "ok" and the call was disconnected. They searched Bhavika and Reema again. Even they asked many. everyone denied that they didn't see them.

After few moments, the leader connected them and told, "I am coming with other. I send you location. it's near mall. meet me there."

They all rushed towards mall. They contacted to mall manager because the location was ladies washroom. without permission, they couldn't enter them.

They were from authorises security system company and the owner was Vijay Rathore. The mall was small and manager knew the identity of Vijay Rathore. He corporated them.

After getting permission, the bodyguards rushed towards ladies washroom. but they didn't spot anyone. Their face got paled after looking the clothes and bags into dustbin. they knew they will die soon.

one bodyguard asked the leader, "Sir, what do we do now?"

The leader couldn't believe it. It was kidnapping case or they eloped. He was confused but he was professional that's why he ordered, "Find them everywhere. they didn't go far away."

the bodyguards nodded and took action immediately. The leader contacted Elder Rathore because elder Rathore denied to contact Vijay and the leader knew if Vijay got to know about it, they will be all death.

It's already evening time and Bhavika and Reema left the city few minutes ago.

Elder Rathore received the call from the leader bodyguards. He attended the call, "Speak"

The leader bodyguard was sweating from head to toe. he calmed down himself and opened his mouth, "Elder master, Madam and her mother are missing. We found their clothes and stuffs into mall dustbin. what do we do?"

Elder Rathore frowned, "What do you mean by missing? Where did they go?"

The leader bodyguard almost lost his voice, "We don't know. it may be kidnapping case or ..."

Elder Rathore knew how much posissive his grandson for that girl. He was also worried what will Vijay do when he will know. He sighed, "try to find her. Don't tell him anything. I will tell him on my own."

It was only one day left. Elder Rathore thought He will tell his grandson later. then something clicked on his mind. He called servants and asked, "Where is Raj?"

the servant replied, "Second young master just came from outside."

Elder Rathore ordered, "Call him here."

The servant bowed down and left. Elder Rathore shook his head with frustration.

Raj knew why his grandpa was calling him. He already prepared anything. He could handle his grandpa. His main purpose was to Vijay come delay as much as possible.

He went quickly to his grandpa and greeted, "grandpa, you called me."

Elder Rathore asked, "Do you know anything?"

Raj tried to be innocent, "Grandpa what are you asking? please ask directly."

Elder Rathore gritted his teeth, "Do you know where that girl went?"

Raj told truth, "I don't know but she was not living willingly with bro. one day, she will leave him."

Elder Rathore stunned to hear it. and asked loudly, "What do you want to say?"

Raj sighed, "Grandpa I don't know more. You should ask directly to bro about it. I told you what I know."

He was not stupid who told everything to his grandfather. He told what he wanted to tell. Now, he knew what will be grandfather decision.

He left with happy but soon he got sad. Bhavika didn't want to meet him again. What does he do now? He will wait. Let his brother try first. After some time, he will find her. may be that time, she will change her mind.

Elder Rathore went to house where Reema was living. The housekeeper looked at him and she knew the identity of Elder Rathore. She suddenly bowed down her head and told what she knew. She didn't know much but she noticed Reema didn't like Vijay.

Even, Reema bad mouthed in front of Bhavika and Bhavika never objected her but she always said, "Mom, I will listen you."

The housekeeper knew Vijay provided every facility to Reema but Reema was not grateful towards him.

Elder Rathore heard it and gritted his teeth. In his opinion, his grandson was Kohinoor, how can any women treat his grandson badly? Only moving of his finger, there was a lot of girls will stand in quene for his grandson. How ungrateful was that women? He sighed and examined everything. There was no trace of that mother daughter pairs. It's like they planned everything perfectly.

he ordered, "searh whole house. tell me if there was any things missing or not."

The housekeeper nodded abd searched everything. Everything was perfectly on their place. she reported, "No sir "

Elder Rathore nodded and ordered, "if he calls, tell him they were sleeping.

the housekeeper nodded and he left. it seemed they eloped themselves. It's better for his grandson. He couldn't do in front of his grandson but that girl already left on her own. what can he do? He can only hide from his grandson.

Elder Rathore didn't know Vijay and Bhavika were living at apartment that's why he went back to villa directly.

Vijay was feeling uncomfortable into his heart. He shook his head and laughed, 'I think I will get insane to remember her. Don't worry Bhavika. I am coming tomorrow."

He recalled her sad face when he left. He thought she also started to feel about it. It's perfect time to introduce her to his family. His grandfather was bothering him for taking her in villa.

After going back home, he will talk Bhavika and he introduced her to his family. He couldn't sleep at night without her.

the following day, Elder Rathore ordered to stop searching them. Vijay was going to come at evening.

Bhavika and Reema reached other state of country. They changed their clothes at local washroom and ate breakfast at side by shop.

After eating, they climbed other bus and went to unknown destination. After four hours, they reached at small town and decided to stay there. Reema heard about this town from her relative when she was young. She had blurry memory about this town. According to her, it was small town and there are nice peoples into this city. It was best place to stay for them. They stayed at local inn temporarily. Reema visited many places before her marriage. She was young miss of her family and she was creative. That's why she was experienced. In few days, they roamed whole town and decided to live on rent in small colony of that town. They told house landlord that Reema lost her husband and she wanted to change that's why she came into this town.

Raj gave them different identity cards. Reema named was Shalini while Bhavika was now Rashmi.

After completing deal, Vijay came back with excitement. He rushed to house directly from airport. He wanted to see his women. He missed her so much. He wanted to take her in his arms and spend whole night and day with her. After that, he will be satisfied.

Nick was with him. He never saw his boss like it before. Bhavika really changed a lot to Vijay. Before Vijay was aloof and heartless who only knows how to play with women but now, there is only one woman into his heart.

As he entered the house, He called her name, "Bhavika, I am back."

but there was no answer. the house was big. he didn't know where was she in that house. He only bought this house but he never visited that house completely. he didn't know how many rooms have this house or where was what?

the housekeeper run out immediately and greeted, "Sir"

Vijay asked in soft tone, "Where is Bhavika? Tell her I am back." He sat lazily on sofa.

the housekeeper was hestitated. she didn't know how to tell Vijay who was so much glad.

Vijay frowned when she didn't move, "What?"

the housekeeper lowered her head and told, "Madam is not at home."

Vijay frowned angrily, "Where did she go?" She didn't know that he was coming. what is important than him for her? Can't she wait for him at house?

He waved his hand to dismiss the housekeeper impatiently. He dialled the number and asked angrily, "Where is she?"

the leader bodyguard startled to hear Vijay's voice. He didn't know how to break the news. Even he was not sure where was she? she was kidnapped or.... but Elder Rathore ordered to stop the searching and he had to.

He gupled and said in low voice, "Sir, elder master..."

Vijay roared, "What do you mean by elder..."

He hung up call, stood up angrily and rushed towards car. He ordered to driver, "drive quickly to villa."

Nick was startled to hear Vijay. What happened suddenly? His boss was happy but suddenly... we are going villa. Does it mean she is on villa? but how is it possible?

Vijay rubbed his temple with frustration. didn't he warn his grandfather not to take any action? He will take her himself when was right time? Is she fine or scared? there was lot of possibilities into his mind.

As the car stopped in front of villa, he rushed inside. He looked at elder Rathore who was sitting on sofa calmly. He shouted angrily, "grandpa where is she?"

Elder Rathore got the call from leader bodyguard. He knew Vijay came to him that's why he was waiting for his grandson.

Elder Rathore asked calmly, "Vijay, you came back just now. Let's sit and tell me how was deal?"

Vijay frowned and roared, "Grandpa, I am not here to visit you. Tell me where is she before I lost my mind?"

Elder Rathore retreated, "Vijay how did I know where is your woman? did you come here with her? Ever I met her? How can I tell?"

Vijay almost lost his temper, "Grandpa"

elder Rathore stood and broke the news, "Vijay, she is eloped with her mother. I didn't know where she went. We searched her but we didn't find any clue. now you tell me what's going on?"

Hearing the shouting voice, Dusyant and Raj came down.

Vijay Didn't believe it. he murmured, "How is it possible? Grandpa, you are lying right?"

Looking at his grandfather glaring eyes. He was retreated back how is it possible? She was happy with him. She was behaving obedient and suddenly.... it's like someone threw him down from moutain and he didn't know how to save himself. he was floating into air.

He looked Raj who was standing still and rushed to Raj, "Raj, tell me where is she?"

Raj said seriously, "Bro, I also don't know. I didn't meet her after college. it's almost one year."

Vijay grabbed his collar, "You lair."

Elder Rathore came forward and shouted, "Vijay, it's enough. it's your fault. why are you asking him?"

Vijay glared his grandfather and left the villa. Dushyant asked, "Dad, what happened?"

Elder Rathore sighed, "history repeats itself. but she is more smart than her." It was not Bhavika who was smart. but Raj helped her. Raj knew his brother very well and he was planning for more than six months. How could he be failed?

Dusyant was stunned and stood on spot for few seconds. Raj put his hand on Dushyant shoulder, "Dad"

Dushyant took a deep breath and whispered, "I am fine." he left to his room.

Raj took a relief breath because his grandpa was his side. Now, his brother couldn't anything to him.

Vijay came out from villa and hit the fist on car with force and the car shook. Nick and the driver who were sitting into the car was frightened and got out from car. Vijay was shaking with anger. It was not possible. He ordered to Nick, "collect best security guards in fifteen minutes."

Nick couldn't understand what's going on. but he nodded. He dialled the number and gave order. As they reached into the company, Everyone was waiting them including four bodyguards which was appointed for bhavika.

Everyone was shaking with fear because of Vijay's dangerous auro. he walked like demon and sat on chair. He shouted to the bodyguard, "Tell me what happened from starting with timing. Don't miss a single details otherwise I will kill all of you on spot." They knew it was not fake warning. Vijay can kill them nobody will find their bodies.

They told everything and Vijay listened with closing his eyes. nobody knew what he was thinking. perfect planning but he knew She was not smart and her mother no way.... someone helped them.... but who? She had no large friends circle and her friends are stupid.... then only one person.,... huhhh... let's see who wins.

He opened his eyes and glared at leader with buring red eyes. The leader was trained from many years and he was professional but on front of Vijay's looks, he shook head to toe from fear. Vijay roared, "She missed since yesterday evening and you didn't think to inform me."

The leader tried to explain, "elder master denied."

Vijay laughed evily, "Who gave you salary? you forgot so soon. If I don't find her, I will make all of you impotent. then you will feel what I am feeling right now."

They gupled their saliva with horror but they couldn't do anything. Vijay told the strategy to them how to find them. and where to search.

After telling them, he dismissed everyone. He ordered to Nick, "Give me their mobile."

Nick gave the mobile with calling details. They already working but it was all useless. Their was nothing unusual. Even there was no call or message from Raj. How is it possible? It seemed they dismissed into air but he will find every corner of earth and take her again his side.

It's late night. he told Nick what to do. He left for apartment. in apartment, he searched clue. Everything was like as he left last time. He searched her old clothes but there was nothing into her closet. there was only branded clothes which he bought of her. No accessories was touched. even she didn't take any watch otherwise he found her within minutes. Did she know? But how?

he went to study room and there was not any her stuffs. Was she planning since many days? he looked at her mobile but there was no photo of her. It's like it was his illusion as he was living with her. He was only his and her photo into his phone which they clicked on sunset. He took the lucky charm into his hand and looked. he gripped it tightly. "Why Bhavika? Why? Did you pretending everything? Did you never feel for me? Were your emotions fake?"

he laughed loudly, "Well done Bhavika. you played with me. You made me believe that you have feelings for me then you left. Let me find you. then I will tell whats the consequences with playing fire."

After few minutes, the tears came out from his eyes. 'Why Bhavika? why?'

he sat on floor miserable.