Chapter 65

After four months,

Bhavika and Reema were relieved that Vijay didn't find them. It means now, it's impossible for him to find them or may be he would give up. They started to feel comfortable. Now, they were happy with their current life. Bhavika was doing job and the salary was sufficient for them.

Vijay was working in his office as usual. Now his mostly time spend on his work and company. He didn't give up till yet. His team was active but there was no progress.

Suddenly, Nick got some information which received from searching team. The information was not accurate and it may be about Madam. He was not sure that's why he was confused to tell his boss about it or not. After all, Vijay was more agressive after her going. And Nick was also scared to him even he was his secretary. Actually, someone posted a photo on social media account. The girl was in photo looked like Bhavika but her hairstyles was changed even her face was more round. In the photo, only girls face was showed. it felt like she gained more weight. But She was slim and it was seemed that she was similar to Bhavika.

In starting three months, Vijay saw every reports about searching team but as the time passed, he gave order, "Only tell me if there was any progress or information."

Actually, he was feeling helpless. He had power status and money but he lost in front of common girl. It's more than five months and he couldn't find any clue about her. he decided he will never give up even if he has to search her whole life. He told her that If she escaped, he will take her back and keep her with his side forever. and he will prove it to her.

Nick took many deep breaths and went to Vijay's cabin. As usual, Vijay was doing work with gloomy face. Nick didn't look him to smile or good mood after escaping her.

He said in low voice, "Sir"

There was no reply from Vijay even he was reading the annual report with gloomy face.

Nick said again, "Sir, actually, It's not accurate but there is a information about Madam..."

As Vijay listened Nick mentioned her, he looked at him and raised his hand towards Nick. Nick suddenly gave the tabloid to him and explained, "It's only photo which uploaded on social media by others. But the girl is similar that's why we can't sure it's her or not." Vijay didn't hear what Nick said because he saw the photo. It's her. She was changed. Her hairstyles changed even there was fat on her face but it's really her. How can he not recognised her.

He gave order, "Find out about her every detail."

Nick reported, "Sir, our informer already collect information by her account." He was hestitated, "But her name is Rashmi."

Vijay said loudly, "Make all arrangements and we are leaving now." It's late night time. But Vijay didn't want to waste it.

After bowing, Nick left and made the arrangements. He called the informner who was active on that city, "We are coming and will reach till afternoon. Find out her adress. I already send you photo and related details."

The informner who was other side was worried. How can he find all details only by photo and name in night time? it was small town and there was few security cameras activate. He sighed but he had to do his job.

Other side, Raj received the email from foreign country. he knew who sent it. Nishant was keeping an eye on Vijay's searching team. He was in foreign country but he was master in technology. It's not differ for him that he is in foreign country or own country.

In that mail, There was a photo and social media account information. He knew her current name. that's why before Vijay knew this information. He send to Raj. Raj opened the mail and felt relieved. She was living happily. She changed her appearance but how can he not recognised her. he was amused that she gained weight. But if he got information, it means Vijay also knew it. the mail deleted automatically as he read.

He packed necessary stuffs in bagpack and rushed towards car. While driving, he dialled foreign number. it was late night. it means it was day time in that country. As Nishant attended the call, Raj asked, "Address?"

Nishant replied, "Don't know but send soon. He also took initiative."

Raj understood, "Got it... but find soon."

The call was hung up. and Raj drove fastly towards city. Nishant send him city name. He knew it's long journey but he didn't care. If he drive now, he will reach in fourteen or fifteen hours later. He activated Gps on car and drove.

Nick and Vijay was also in car. Nick got the call. He said few words and hung up the call.

He looked behind Vijay who was sitting with closing eyes. Nick didnt know what his boss was thinking. But he reported, "Sir, second young master also got the information."

Vijay only sighed. It means his doubt was right. Raj was behind it. Vijay also knew Nishant was keeping an eye on his searching team and he let it be. Nick was doubt in starting about his boss decision. but now, Nick knew why his boss decision. Raj took action it means she was definitely her. Vijay said lazily without opening his eyes, "Let him do what he wants."

A evil smile on his lips. Soon, Bhavika would be with him and he will not let Raj go easily this time. It was Vijay's bottom line and Raj touched it. Vijay had to wait bhavika for more than five months. How can it let Raj go easily? Last time, Vijay cut Raj's allowance and pocket money. even he took Raj' unlimited card. But Raj didn't learn from it.

For Raj, Bhavika was more important than money. But Vijay didn't know Raj is also his brother. They can do anything for their love.

Bhavika was six months pregnant. It's hard for her to travel that's why Reema suggested, "vika, you should take maternity leave now."

Bhavika denied, "Mom, what will I do at home whole day? I will get bored. I am totally fine. My work is stress-free at office. I talked to my boss. He said I can take half day leave or full day leave at any time. So It's ok. when I will feel tired, I will take leave."

Reema sighed because Bhavika was right. She saw sadness on Bhavika's face. Even Bhavika didn't share anything but she was her mother and she knew what's going on her daughter's mind and heart. Why did she deny to get married? why did she want to give birth of this child? She was regretting to advise her escape. But Bhavika told her, "Vijay doesn't want child." That's why Bhavika was somewhat happy that she escaped. but Reema knew it's hard for Bhavika to live alone with child. Now, Bhavika was young that's why she doesn't think about future. But Reema knew what she had faced. Even, Reema never regretted that she denied for second marriage but Bhavika was her daughter. She didn't want bhavika would also suffer like her.

But they were satisfied with their life. Bhavika income was less but they saved the money which Raj gave them for future. Now, They saved money for baby. they wanted to give child a bright future that's why they already planned everything but they didn't know their plan was going to ruin soon.

That day, Bhavika was not feeling well since morning but she neglected and went to office.

In office, she couldn't concentrate that's why she took half day leave and went to home in afternoon. She wanted to eat from outside that's why in way, she packed two plates snacks for her mother and herself. She didn't know uninvited guests were waiting for her.

As Vijay's car entered into city. his informer send the address to Nick. The car didn't stop and they didn't sleep. Even they didn't stop for eating. The informer couldn't find any details about her but address was enough for him.

As the car entered into colony, Vijay frowned. He never thought she chose this type of colony. Does she hate him so much? But now, there was no use. She was his and he will keep her his side. He decided he will take her back. First they will go marriage bureau and he will register their marriage as she can never escape from him.

As the car stopped, he came out slowly. This time he was not in rush. He waited her for many months and he can wait her for few minutes. Nick came out from car and rang the doorbell. Nick already confirmed the house by neighbour.

Reema who was working into home heard doorbell. It's rarely when someone came to their home. Their behaviour was neither good nor bad with neighbour. They maintained low profile lifestyle in this city. only few knew about them. Reema told neighbours about Bhavika that she is divorce otherwise they raised fingers towards Bhavika if any unmarried girl got pregnant.

Reema thought any neighbour would come that's why she wiped her hands from cloth and opened the gate. Her face got pale to look Nick and Vijay. As she was going to shut the door, Nick opened the door by his hand. He was more powerful than Reema that's why Reema couldn't do anything. It's good Bhavika was not at home.

Vijay gave her evil smile and greeted, "Mother in law." Reema shivered from fear. She gulped her saliva and Nick and Vijay came inside the house. Vijay examined the house and sat on sofa lazily. He opened his mouth and said one by one word, "Where is she?"

Reema opened and closed her mouth many times but nothing came out from her mouth.

Before some words came out from her mouth, the door opened and Raj came in hurry. He looked Vijay, Nick and Reema one by one with narrow eyes.