Chapter 68

Mishti was glad that she was going to meet her great grandfather. Bhavika didn't know it was good for Mishti or not. But she couldn't deny the fact that if elder Rathore accepts Mishti as her great granddaughter, it will be benefit for her future. Mishti wouldn't suffer like her and her mother.

After one week, Mishti left with Reema and Raj. Bhavika didn't want to let her go but Reema ensured her that she will take care of Mishti and Bhavika trusted her mother. She knew Vijay was not in country that's why she didn't need to worry.

It was first time when she was seperated with her daughter that's why she was sad.

she double checked her daughter bag, "Mom,I checked but are you sure there is not anything she will be need?"

Reema patted her daughter shoulder, "Bhavika, you are overthinking. if you are worried, let's go with us."

Bhavika shook her head with pale face, "No mom" Even, Vijay was not there but she was scared. she remembered very well how angry he was last time when he left? when he warned them? She knew very well to him if he made his mind, nobody changed it? Actually, she was more scared about the truth.

When they left, Bhavika sat on couch without strength. After one month of her daughter birth, she made her mind to tell the truth Vijay. She was ready for any punishment behalf of her daughter safety. she knew very well if Vijay found the truth from someone else, he will not leave anyone. Raj is his brother but they were not related to him. he will not show mercy to them that's why it's better to tell truth.

When she was going to confess the truth to him, she saw the news on tv. The news about him and his new lover. They were very close and looking each other with smile in photos. she was beautiful and an successful business women in foreign. She came into country because of collaboration with Rathore group. Her heart ached after watching it. It seemed he moved on and happy in his life. Then what's the use to return into his life? He forgot her soon. Isn't it better? After all, she also wanted it. She should have be happy but why she was hurt?

she came into her senses when her mobile rang. She looked at mobile screen and a smile came on her lips. She felt warmth that her friends didn't forget her. There was conference call. She attended the call then she heard her friends screaming voice, "hello, Bhavika"

Bhavika chuckled lightly, "Hey, how are both of you?"

Suhi laughed lightly, "We are fine. you tell? how is our daughter?"

bhavika grinned, "She is also fine but she went to elder Rathore's birthday banquet with Raj and mom."

Rooma asked with worried, "So you are alone at home."

Bhavika shook her head with amusement, "I am not child."

Suhi grabbed the opportunity, "Then why don't you come to my marriage ceremony? I promise you will have fun. by the way, we didn't meet you since many years." They only talked by video call or chatting since she left the city.

In starting, Bhavika had no courage to call her friends because she was afraid to him. she didn't want her friends had unnecessary trouble because of her. But she knew Vijay moved on and he will not make trouble for her friends then she contacted them.

Rooma and Suhi asked many questions to her in starting but when she didn't give them answer then they didn't force her.

bhavika pursed her lips, "You know I can't."

Suhi tried to protest, "but bhavika...."

but Rooma interprutted, "Then we can meet somewhere near your city. that will be fine for you. Right?"

Bhavika agreed, "Ok, you decide time and place. I will be reach."

They talked about Suhi's marriage. Suhi's fiance was business man. he was not powerful like Rathore family. But He was powerful and rich than Suhi's family. Suhi and Devesh met into a party. they shared the mobile number. that time Suhi wanted to move on but she didn't know Devesh was interested her. After few meetings, They were in relationship. Now, She was happy with him and they were getting married soon.

Roma was already married with Sunil. and they were living happily. Roma didn't want a child soon that's why sunil corporates with her. Roma was glad that Sunil didn't change after marriage like other guys.

After talking them, they hung the call.

Meanwhile, When Raj, Reema and Mishti reached at Rathore maison, Elder Rathore, Rekha and Dushyant were already waiting for them.

Rekha and Dushyant talked Mishti on video call but they never met her while elder Rathore only saw Mishti's photo. He was happy with his great granddaughter.

Raj looked at his grandfather and parents. he didn't come since he left. He came after 6 years but nothing changed. He knew very well the power of Rathore family. he took deep breath and greeted his grandfather first, "grandpa." Elder Rathore was happy that his second grandson came back home after many years but he didn't show only nodded.

Raj knew his grandfather personality that's why he didn't think much but introduced to Mishti with bright smile, "Grandpa, she is misthi your great granddaughter."

Elder Rathore looked at Mishti. there was no daughter in family after his daughter. Even, his daughter Kamla has only one son while Dushyant has two sons but Elder Rathore wants at least one daughter in family. now, looking at Mishti, he was pleased. He said Mishti with light smile, "Come here, beta."

Mishti looked at Raj for confirmation. Raj smiled and patted her head with affection, "Mishti, go.. he is your great grandpa."

After hearing it, Mishti beamed with excitement, "great grandpa."

Elder Rathore was more glad after hearing it. he asked to servants for gifts which he already arranged for Mishti. When Mishti looked at toys, she jumped ups and down with excitement, "Thank you so much, great grandpa."

Elder Rathore patted her head with affection, "good girl." When Raj noticed that elder Rathore was pleased with Mishti, he was satisfied that his plan will work soon to return back at home.

He turned to his parents and greeted, "mom and dad."

Rekha was excited to look her son after many years. Even, they talked on calls everyday but looking her son in front of her was different joy. She patted her son head with affection, "my son."

Raj said with making his face, "Mom, now I am adult." he adjusted his hairs while Rekha laughed, "You will be child for me forever."

Dushyant also gave Raj smile. Vijay didn't talk to his father but Raj always talked to his father that's why Raj had more favour into his father's heart than Vijay.

Rekha took Mishti into her arms and said with bright smile, "How is my Mishti?"

Mishti laughed innocently, "Grandma, I am fine and what's about you?"

Reka laughed at Mishti response. she kissed Mishti's cheek and replied with good mood, "I am fine my beta."

Reema also greeted Elder Rathore, "Elder Rathore."

Elder Rathore asked with indifferently, "Where is her mother?"

Raj was worried inside his heart but he didn't show off and told calmly, "She was not feeling well that's why she is resting at home."

Elder Rathore said angrily, "Did you forget what I said to you?"

Rekha knew what's going on that's why she called a maid and told her, "Take Mishti into her room." She patted Mishti's head and said with light smile, "Mishti beta, go with aunty. there are lot of toys into your room."

Mishti looked at Reema for confirmation. when Reema nodded, she went with maid. Mishti was child but she knew what's right or not.

When Mishti left, Elder Rathore looked at Reema and said honestly, "I accept Mishti as my great granddaughter. It doesn't mean I will accept Mishti's mother as my granddaughter in law if she doesn't come to meet me. it's more than 6 years but they didn't get marriage certificate till yet. I can understand youngsters' thinking but it doesn't mean I will let them do anything. After all, if she would marry to my grandson, she has to come here and live with family. Then what's the problem to come and meet? I hope you understand what I want to say."

Reema understood that Elder Rathore is not against Raj and Bhavika's relationship but he had his own thinking. Reema tried to convince many times to Bhavika for accepting Raj but Bhavika always denied. Reema knew the reason very well.

Reema took the deep breath and said calmly, "Elder Rathore, I am asking apologize in advance if I will offend you what I am going to say. I don't know if you know or not but my daughter suffered a lot in past since my husband death. She is precious to me and now she is adult. She knows very well what's to right for her or not. I will never force her for anything." Reema already forced Bhavika once but Reema always regretted it. Reema continued, "If she wants to come here, I will support her but if she doesn't, I will support her. My daughter and I will listen what Elder Rathore will take decision about it. My daughter and I will never create problems for your family. I can say it guarantee.

Mishti is daughter of Rathore family that's why we will never stop her to meet Rathore family while we will support in every way."

Everyone was shocked to hear what Reema said. Even, Raj didn't think Reema rejected in front of his family. Reema always supported to Raj but what happened.

He opened his mouth, "Aunty..."

Reema didn't affect from it but she said honestly, "Raj, you know very well her suitation. I will support if she agrees but if she doesn't, I can't do anything. I want you to be my son in law but it's not in my hand. Sorry, beta."

Rekha said with frown, "But they have daughter together. What will happen to Mishti's future?" Rekha likes Bhavika because she saw her photo which sent by Raj. She was satisfied with her this daughter in law. But now, Reema rejected in front of Elder Rathore what will her son do?

Reema replied calmly, "Mishti doesn't know who is her father. She called Raj uncle. I don't think it will affect anybody in future."

Dushyant said reasonably, "But they have daughter together."

Reema replied, "Bhavika never accepted or never denied about it. If it is necessary, Bhavika can give statement that Mishti is not Raj's daughter."

Raj almost lost his control. He said with pale face, "Aunty.... Mishti is my daughter. Nobody can change this fact. Why are you talking like it?"

Before Reema opened her mouth, Elder Rathore stopped, "Enough.... Raj, come to my study room. I have to talk you in alone."

Raj understood what Elder Rathore wanted to talk. He thought it would be better if he didn't come back. he thought he would convince Reema for accepting the marriage proposal by his family's pressure. but what happened to Reema? Why did she reject without thinking?

Reema was not stupid when Elder Rathore said If bhavika would marry to Raj, she would have to live with Rathore family. It means bhavika had to return here. Reema didn't forget Vijay's warning. Rathore family didn't know about trio but she knew. If Rathore family knew, what happened in past? They will criticize Bhavika, not their sons. Bhavika was right it's better to stay away this family.

Raj followed Elder Rathore to his study room. When Elder Rathore sat on his chair, he asked with raising his eyebrows, "Raj, is Mishti not your daughter?"

Raj gritted his teeth but he didn't show. He doesn't like when anyone doubts Mishti is not his daughter. He said calmly, "Grandpa, how is it possible? Mishti is Rathore's blood. She looks innocent because she took it from her mother but you didn't see Mishti's other side when she gets angry. After looking her that side, you will not doubt that she is not Rathore's blood. She looks innocent but she is cunning when time comes. I specifically toom her here to show you her that side."

After thinking, Elder Rathore sighed, "I will wait but don't forget what I warned you."

Raj nodded with understanding, "Don't worry Grandpa. I remember it."

Elder Rathore took deep breath and said, "now you can go."

Raj smiled, "then grandpa, I take my leave."

when he came out from study room, he patted his chest with relieved.

Elder Rathore closed his eyes with resignation. He was worried for his both grandsons. His elder grandson didn't move on from that girl after seven years. He thought Vijay would give up soon when he tired to search for that girl. he knew very well his grandson personality. Vijay never attached to any women but how could he attach to that girl like it?

Meanwhile, His second grandson likes a girl who doesn't interest to marry him. but the good part is atleast they have a daughter. Even, he was impressed Mishti very much. Mishti is still child but she was well educated in this young age. How can he not see it?

But what he doesn't know that His both grandsons are like it for same girl.