Chapter 75 (the end)

After changing, Bhavika came out from washroom and looked Mishti who was sleeping. She kissed on her forehead and said sleeping Mishti, "Sleep well and don't create troubles to others."

Then she heard Vijay's voice who just entered when Bhavika was kissing on her heard, "She can create problems as much as she wants. Her dad will clear every much."

Bhavika looked at him stunned. She clearly remembered she locked the door from inside then how he entered into her room without opening the door from inside. Then she recalled who he is. It's his house and no locks can resist him. Now he was standing in front of her and looking Mishti with affection.

She smiled and said sincerely, "if you let her do anything what she wants, you will spoil her."

He held her hand and pulled her towards himself. He chuckled and said with sign, "I couldn't spoil her mother but I am sure I will definitely spoil her. She is my daughter and it's her birth rights to be spoil."

Bhavika rolled her eyes and said lightly, "Do whatever you want." When Raj wanted to spoil Mishti, Bhavika always frowned because she didn't like anybody spoil her daughter. but When Vijay said it, she was glad that he doted their daughter.

Vijay kissed her forehead and said, "Let's go now otherwise we will be late."

Bhavika nodded even she didn't know where they were going. She knew Vijay wouldn't tell her and she trusted him. Vijay took her hand into his hand with smiling and interlocked their fingers.

After giving order to a maid to take care Mishti, He took Bhavika outside the mansion. Bhavika was pity to maid who had to wake up at middle night because of them.

Bhavika looked a car was parked outside. He changed the car that's why she didn't know this car was his or not. But looking at his driver, She was cleared. The driver opened the car door and Vijay let her in first then he climbed the car. When the driver closed the door, Vijay took her into his lap. Bhavika looked at him shocked because he knew she didn't like anybody looked them into that state. Because she opened her mouth, Vijay activated the partition between front and back.

Vijay looked at her with smirking. When Bhavika understood what's going on, her face and ears were buring hot.

The driver started the car and the car was riding on road.

In the mansion, Vijay controlled himself somehow because it was important. But now they were in car, there was no need him to restrict himself any more. As he tried to capture her lips from his, she put her hand on his mouth to not touch her lips. Vijay looked at her unhappy then she noticed she was glaring him then the partition.

She remembered very well that there was no facility into his car. then what it was doing into car when she was not arround him? What's the use to him? Did he lie to her that there was not women into his life when she was not around?

Vijay noticed she was angry. Why was she glaring him and partition? What did he mistake now? then something clicked on his mind. Thank god, he was quick wit.

He asked with hestitation, "Are you doubting on me?"

When Bhavika didn't deny or accept but started to take deep breath control herself, he understood immediately.

He held his waist tightly and explained, "After you left me, I occupied myself into work. because there is nothing which I have interest into this world except you. That's why there were several occasions where I had to changed my clothes into car because of work."

when he noticed, her facial expressions changed anger into sad, he smirked, "Do you want me to change my clothes in front of others? that's why there is a facility into car."

he whispered into her ear into his sexy and memorized voice, "Baby, I want to show my body only you."

When Bhavika heard, her heart rate increased and she felt thirsty that's why she gulped her saliva. Vijay was satisfied to her reaction. Without delay, He captured her lips with his and started to kiss. Bhavika started to give response as her life depended on it. Even, they kissed few minutes ago but it was enough for her. She wanted more. Vijay was right she had habit of him and nobody can replace him into her life and her heart.

She recalled when Vijay said that he will wait for her to give her heart to him and they have whole life for them together. She lost her heart to him before he said it. But she was young that time. She was scared to accept her feelings for him because of their suitation. She didn't want to accept what she felt for him. She didn't know exactly when she gave him her heart but she knew very well it's before when he said it to her. But now she was mature. She was not scared anymore. She didn't care anything and anyone anymore now. She knew very well she wanted to be with him otherwise she will never be happy into her life. And most importantly, Vijay is Mishti's father and now, everything is clear. Vijay dotes his daughter. What's she need more? She wanted to live with her own family and gave Mishti complete family.

When they seperated, they were taking deep breath to calm down their heart. Vijay looked at her swolen lips and flushed cheeks because of his kiss. He was not satisfied but he wants more. he had to endure just now. that's why he hugged her tightly. It was just like a dream for him. He always thought if Bhavika denied that day what Raj said, Vijay and Bhavika will be happy together. But he never imagined that his dream was going to real.

Bhavika was into his arms but he had doubt it's not real. He doesn't care if it's real or not but he will live every moment like real and love her more.

Bhavika felt his grip tighten on her waist. She called his name softly, "Vijay"

He responded, "Hmm" and looked at her.

She asked looking into his eyes, "What are you thinking?

He maintained the eye contact and said honestly, "I am feeling it's dream."

She nodded to understand, "me too"

They were looking into each other eyes and could see each other's emotions. Vijay was glad that now she was not avoiding eye contact. It means she didn't want to hide her emotions from him. It's good for both of them.

The driver announced, "Sir, We reached."

Vijay looked at Bhavika and smile, "Let's go."

Bhavika nodded and they got out from car. When Bhavika looked what was in front of them, She was dumbfounded. She looked at Vijay with suspicious.

Vijay nodded and smiled. He turned her and hugged her by back. He looked the marriage bureau office infront of them and said with sad voice, "Baby, when you left me, I promised myself when I found you, I will marriage you immediately. I don't want you leave me again that's why I want you to tie with me."

Bhavika felt guilty again because of his sad tone but she said calmly, "But I am not going anywhere now. I promise I will stay by your side forever."

Vijay said in pittiful sound, "But I feel insecure. Can't you marry me as I feel me ease?" When Bhavika heard it, She was more upset. Why didn't she explain him earlier? She will marry him one day then why not now?

She asked with hestitation, "But I need promise from you."

Vijay asked with excitement, "What?"

She told, "You don't take any decision about me and Mishti without discussing me."

He agreed immediately, "ok... no problem." Now, his main purpose to convince her to marry him. He will look other problems later.

She opened her mouth again, "I doubt your grandfather and your family will accept our marriage. you know what happened after all."

Vijay said lightly, "Don't care. We don't need their blessings."

Bhavika said in low voice, "But I want elders' blessings."

Vijay signed, "fine, leave it on me. If you want, they will definitely give us their blessings." Bhavika had no doubt on him about it.

Bhavika opened her mouth again, "But..."

Vijay took away his hands from her. He turned her towards himself and asked gloomy, "Bhavika, don't you want to marry me?"

Bhavika immediately responded, "It's not like it."

He asked with frown, "Then why are you finding excuses? Did I ever mistreat you?"

Bhavika denied, "never."

He took her hands into his hands, "First let's get married then we will discuss further."

Bhavika pouted. Didn't he agree just now that he would discuss with me? But what happened now? Forget it. She also wanted to marry him. just enjoy the moment.

As they entered the building, Nick came to them and said, "Sir, everything is arranged."

Vijay nodded and took steps further with her. Bhavika looked Nick first time after she came back. She didn't see him since many years. He almost changed. There was large circles under his eyes. He looked tired and in stress.

Nick gave her light smile. He didn't greet her or talk her because he didn't want his boss got jealous from him. When he got to know Mishti is His boss's daughter, he understood everything. He knew Bhavika is filial to her mother and Mrs Reema doesn't like Vijay. It's natural to take that steps for Bhavika. He was relieved Bhavika didn't do anything wrong and have faithful to his boss.

Bhavika returned him smile back but didn't say anything because she didn't want him to be in trouble. She looked at Vijay who was looking ahead. Then she noticed the dark circles under his eyes. He was so handsome that if anybody didn't look his face carefully, nobody noticed it. Even, dark circles couldn't less his beauty. She blushed to think it.

He didn't notice she was glaring him. may be, he was worried that if they would be late slightly, She will run away again.

It's only her thought that he didn't notice she was glaring him. He noticed when she looked first time but he didn't react because he likes when she looks him.

His gaze was ahead but he bend slightly and whispered into her ear, "Baby, leave 'glaring me' part for our bedroom because if you glare me like it, I can't resist myself to kiss you here... in front of everyone." When Bhavika heard it, she lowered her head and blushed more. Vijay was in more good mood after teasing her like it.

She tried to think other things around her to not more embrased anymore. It's only 5 am but the required staffs were present. She was wondering to look at staff. She heard he was more powerful person of city but today she looked herself. Otherwise government employees never come before their working time.

It took one hour for whole process. From filling form to finalize marriage certificate. When magistrate gave them congratulations for happy married life, Vijay smiled brightly, "Thank you for your cooperation."

The magistrate was speechless. It was first time when he saw Vijay's smile. He also knew who was Vijay Rathore. He also heard about him. Then he looked bhavika who was blushing. It seemed both were happy. As a marriage bureau magistrate, he felt relieved that couple who got married just now were happy.

After getting marriage certificate, Vijay and Bhavika left. It's Nick duty to warn everyone who was presented today that they wouldn't spread their marriage news. Because if media got the news, there would be big mess into media and business world of country. But Nick was relieved that after seven years, he can sleep soundly at night. He can go office in time and come back home at time. Because he knew his boss got busy into his life soon.

Vijay didn't take her into mansion while an apartment which was new established. Bhavika looked at him suspicious but didn't ask. When she looked the decoration from inside, she was stunned. How could he arrange everything so fast? Vijay closed the door behind them abd took her into his arms, "Welcome Mrs Vijay into my life and our married life." He didn't like anybody call her Mrs Rathore. She was his wife that's why he will allow anybody address her 'Mrs Vijay' or 'Mrs Vijay Rathore.'

Bhavika was moved. There was tears into her eyes. Vijay frowned to looking tears into her eyes. He asked with hestitation, "Why are you crying? You know I don't like you cry."

When Bhavika noticed, he misunderstood her. She shook her head repeatedly and smiled. She tiptoed on her foot and kissed on his lips, "I am not crying. it's tears because I am so happy."

He was relieved to hear it. He said without any room of discussion, "No.. you will never cry. Even if it's because of happiness. understood?"

She nodded with bright smile, "Fine..."

They looked into each other's eyes with smile. She asked with blushing face, "We stand like it here or..." She avoided eyes contact and looked everywhere but not him.

He understood it but he played dumb. He wanted to tease her more, "Repeat again. don't understand what you said."

Bhavika hit his chest lightly and said with embrassment, "forget it. I didn't say anything."

Vijay lifted her into his arms and took steps towards bedroom. He bite her earlobe and laughed, "How can I forget when my wife ask me to love her? Baby, don't worry today I will satisfy you."

Bhavika wanted to roll her eyes and said, 'Who wants to satisfy?' But she stopped because she... forget it.

Vijay threw her lightly on their wedding bed who was decorated with flowers petals and came on her. He took out his coat and said shamelessly, "I wanted you to enjoy the decoration but I think you have another plan." He also wanted to take her into bedroom first and love her but he restricted himself. He didn't want her to misunderstand him.... his feelings. His feelings was pure for her. that's why he surpass his desire for her comfortable. he didn't want to repeat the old mistake again as she misunderstood his feelings.

But she mentioned it, what's need to control himself when she also wants it.

After three hours, she was tired and wanted to sleep because she didn't sleep last night and the sun rose outside.

Vijay kissed her neck and said in hoarse voice, "Baby, we just started. How can you sleep now?"

Bhavika pouted, "Vijay, I am tired now. Mishti and mom will be worried for me. Let's go back mansion."

Vijay bite her neck. When she moaned andhe was relieved. he told, "Don't worry. Nick will arrange everything. And don't mention anybody else into our bed."

Bhavika looked at his lustful eyes, "But she is our daughter."

He smiled, "Then she will be happy that her parents are working hard for her junior siblings."

Bhavika warned, "Vijay, Never talk shamelessly in front of our children."

he didn't mind her warning but chuckled, "our children.... it seems you also want more children." When she blushed and avoided eyes contact, he held her chin and captured her lips with his, "Then let me do more hard work."

She shook her head to hear shameless. he will never be changed.

She slept soundly after one hour because of exhausted. He tugged her into quilt and kissed her forehead, "Bhavika, I will never let you leave me again."