8: The Hunt


[*Head to an open area in the forest*]

"Well we should get going, it's time to for your training hehe."


Logia's Laughed mysteriously as if he knew what was going on. Sage suspected that he had something to do with the timed mission right after their conversation about training, so he decided to confront him.

"You...you're behind this aren't you?"

"What do you mean? did you forget already? the system is automatic"

Sage soon realised that he had asked a stupid question. He suddenly recollected his thoughts, remembering that the system was self-operated. He blushed with a face overflowing with embarrassment.

"Hehe, not to worry everyone is forgetful, anyway we're here."

They arrive at an open space where the ground was perfect for hunting.


[*The mission has begun good luck*]

Sage got into position while Logia left to get a better view. While he waited for prey to arrive, he tried to understand the meaning of the mission.

"hmm...' kill and protect your prey'. Does it mean I have to protect something?"

But there wasn't enough time for Sage to create a solution, because the ground was trembling under his feet.

"So they've arrived huh? Well, let's get this party started!



A hoard of boars which were as large as a minivan and had tucks as big as elephants we're rushing towards Sage. Their eyes were filled with rage.


[Species > Flame Boar]

[Level > 1 ]

Sage stiffly stood in place, devising a plan as the hoard drew closer.

"Ok Sage think, how can you capture a hoard of stampeding boars? Hey Logia can I use magic?"

Logia answered with an anxious tone.

"Yeah, you have mana so you are able to use it ... Why?"

"That's all I need to know"

Sage came up with a strategy on the spot, he was going to attempt magic.

"I don't know if its gonna work but I've got to try!!"

Sage placed his hands on the ground. And began to cast a spell.



The ground below the hoard's feet began to deteriorate.

"Ground break!!"

The ground collapsed underneath the boars causing them to fall into the trap, they were badly injured.

"It actually worked!?! I can't believe it, haha!"

Both Sage and Logia were surprised, that the spell Sage cast had actually worked.

"It seems like I still don't know the full capacity of the system yet."

Logia mumbled to himself. It was a great victory but it wasn't the time to celebrate, a green screen pop up in front of Sage.


[*The preys have been caught, it is time to protect*]

As soon as the screen disappeared, an unknown monster emerged from the forest, it had the appearance of a black lizard and stood on two legs, it had sharp claws and teeth, with eyes painted with the colour of blood.

Sage stood there trembling, but it was not out of fear but was more like excitement.

"Ah...Is this system messing with me? An orange levelled monster huh?"


[*Species: Larsen Lizard ]

[*Level: 10 ]

Logia was also surprised by the sudden appearance of a level 10 monster.

"Hey, Logia remember the plain sword? do I still have it?"

"Yeah, it's in your inventory... Wait are you in going to fight that thing!?! but you're only Level 1, what if you!!.."

"Enough Logia!!, I'm going to fight this damned monster, for some reason I'm really excited!! besides, I've got to protect my prey, we're having roasted pork tonight and I'm not gonna lose it"

Logia became really worried but he was willing to trust Sage's decision. He nodded in agreement. Sage smiled and opened his inventory.



[ Items ]

[ Dual sabres ]

[ Drac's Legacy ]

[ Long sword ]

"Huh a long sword, Logia did you?_"

"It was just in case okay don't look too happy"

Sage tap on the long sword and it emerged from thin air into his hand. He pointed it towards the monster.

"Well? are you ready to dance?"


And the fight began, Sage jumped to attempt a frontal attack to the monster's chest, but that was only to distract it front the real attack.


Sage cut one of the Larsen's hands leaving it with one to protect itself. But it wasn't that easy to defeat.


It's hand regenerated.

"What on earth!?, it can grow back its arm!?!"

The Larsen launched its attack on Sage, as big as it was, it swiftly moved behind Sage. Hitting him to the ground.


"ugh!! cough! cough! is it just me or does this feel like deja vu!? Cough! cough!"

The monster tried to step on Sage, but he rolls successfully dodging it. Sage gets up and made some distance between him and the monster, he analysed it and tried to anticipate its next move.

And then he spotted something.

"Hey Logia what's that in its forehead!?"

"Oh, That? that's it's core crystal, not all monster have it though monsters of a high level don't possess one. If you're able to get it it can help you level up quicker but..."

Logia didn't finish his sentence, and that made Sage more curious about it.

"Hey, Logia...ah never mind I'll get the core crystal first."



The battle commenced and something slowly became clear to Sage.

"So its weakness is its head. I figured as much, well time to head this. ahhh!"

Sage delivered The final blow and the Larsen fell on its knees, dying in utter defeat.


[*Mission Completed*]

[ You have gained 50 Exp ]

[ You have gained 1 Core Crystal ]

[Your stamina has increased ]

[Your strength has increased ]

[Your dexterirty has icreased]

"Haha. I guess we're having roasted pork tonight, hehe!"

Sage put the boars into his inventory and both him and Logia went back to that cottage. By the time they got back, the sun had already set.




The sound of the crickets filled the air near the fire Sage set up to cook the pork. He skinned one of the boars and cleaned the blood by the river. He picked some herbs and spices to give it taste as he roasted it in the fire.

"Ah... that smells good, finally, it's done."

Sage removed it from the fire and sliced it into pieces with his blunt sword.

"Here you go Logia!"

Sage offered Logia some roasted pork with a smile.

"No thanks I've never eaten before I don't need food to stay alive."

"What!? Really!?"

"Well, it's not that I can't eat."

"Then give it a try I promise you won't regret it"

Sage offered Logia the pork once again with a smile.

"Well if you insist"

Logia took the pork and took a bite


"Ummm!!!, it's so good!!, the softness and tenderness of the pork is amazing, it just melts in your mouth!! and the herbs give it a spicy yet mild taste!! Sage, where did you learn to cook like this!?"

Sage was both surprised and happy by Logia reaction but his expression quickly turned dark.

"Logia...would you like to hear my story?"