short stop in the suburbs

After some time Kageyama slept in as well. His head rested on Hinatas bright orange fluffy hair and the jacket that was once covering Hinata, was now covering both of them.

By midnight everyone except Ukai-kun were asleep, since he and Takeda switched driving after two hours.

Sugawara fell asleep on Daichi, Yachi on Kiyoko, Nishinoya on Asahi and Yamaguchi on Tsukishima. Tanaka leaned against the window as Ennoshita was sleeping next to him and Narita and Kinoshita were sleeping like that too.

„It's so quiet once they are asleep..." Ukai mumbled when he turned right to a road leading to Tokyo.

Those silence remained till seven o'clock in the morning. That was when the third years woke up. Due to that Nishinoya woke up too and his loud yawn woke up everyone else on the bus...

Except for the setter-spiker duo.

They were still asleep, heads resting on each other while their silent snores back-upped the talking noises.

The "bubble" was still around them, making them absent from the loud noises around them.

„Oi, someone should take a picture of those two lovebirds!" Tanaka said loudly and laughed then.

„Lovebirds? Ryuu, they aren't dating like Sugamama and Dadchi!" Nishinoya answered, in an even louder volume.

Tsukishima pulled off his headphones at that.

„Sugawara-Senpai and Daichi-senpai, you are dating?" he asked, genuinely interested as he didn't know.

„Mh! Yes, that is correct Tsukishima-kun. We are dating." The grey-haired said softly and nodded.

„You should keep it low, Noya and Tanaka. Let them rest, they deserved it." Daichi added now.

„Oi, but they acted slightly weird over the past week, didn't they?" Yamaguchi asked now and looked at the two boys a few seats behind theirs.

Suga remembered his short conversation with Hinata. Yes, he indeed was kind of weird, but he decided to bot tell anyone, as he could already think of the reason he's been off. It probably won't affect their volleyball games in any ways.

„Hinata seemed a bit off, that's right, but it has a particular reason which we shouldn't go after." Kiyoko added now in a chilled voice.

„H-hai, Kiyoko-senpai!" Tanaka and Noya said at the same time and put their palms together as if they were praying.

Suddenly you heard a loud 'click'. It was the noise of a phone camera and everyone turned to Tsukishima again.

„What. You wanted someone to take a photo. I will send it in the group chat." Tsukki told them monotone and typed something on his phone.

Suddenly the bus parked somewhere in the middle of a parking lot.

„Osu!" Takeda-senpai started and clapped his hands. „We will have breakfast now! They aren't at Nekoma-High yet, so we will stop here and hand out breakfast packages Ukai-kun put together for us with stuff from the store!"

The boys' faces lit up and a big smile covered their faces. „Thank you Coach Ukai!" Everyone said in unison.

While everyone gathered out of the bus, Sugawara went to the back to wake up the still sleeping spiker-duo.

After a few tries Shōyo finally woke up and looked at his senpai tiredly.

„Ohayo Suga-senpai." He mumbled after a long yawn. Then he noticed the weight of Kageyamas head on his and blushed softly.

„Ohayo Hinata-kun! I couldn't get him to wake up, can you please try it?" Suga answered and begged him to do it.

Hinata - still blushing - lightly poked his setter's cheek. „Oiii, Bakageyama!!" He practically yelled.

The yell was so loud that the few crows in the tree at the end of the parking lot flew away at that noise. The team outside just laughed at their awoken teammate.

Tobio's dark blue eyes fluttered open slowly and he looked into a pair of part angry, part embarrassed light brown eyes. „What did you just call me?!" He said with an tired expression on his face.

„N-nothing. Breakfast is ready."

The three of them got outside and smelled the fresh air of Tokyo's suburbs.

Hinata ruffled his hair powerfully and shook out his morning-hairstyle. He then grabbed one of the paper bags filled with breakfast and started eating directly, making his way over to Nishinoya and Tanaka.

Kageyama followed him with some distance. He also took one of the bags, but then went off to talk to Sugawara.

The vice-captain was sitting next to his boyfriend on a rock, taking to the other third years (besides that Kageyama didn't know that his captains were dating).

He called out his name and waved into gis direction as a sign to talk to him in private. Kōshi understood directly and together they went a bit further away from the traveling group.

„Kageyama-kun. How can I help you?" The main setter asked his Kōhai.

„I heard you and Tangerine talking last week. I am concerned that whatever is bothering him might affect our relationship on a friendly and professional base. Long story short, I was hoping if you could tell me anything why Hinata's been avoiding me over the past two weeks." Kageyama spoke and looked at his senpai.

Sugwara was a bit surprised, but smiled then. „No, I have no clue what's going on in that mind of his. But I am sure that whatever it is, won't affect our games in any way." He said and winked at him, leaving him there as he walked off to the bus.

Now that was weird. Usually they could ask Sugawara about anything, but that was something he's never done before- at least not since the first years came to Karasuno.

Kageyama sighed and followed his vice-captain to the bus, getting in as they wanted to drive to Nekoma now. He sat down on his previous seat and pulled out his phone.

Tsukishima Kei has sent a photo. (7:15am)

Tsukishima Kei: Look at those two, sleeping peacefully. (7:15am)

He clicked on the picture and within seconds the blood rushed into his cheeks. It was a picture of him sleeping on a sleeping Hinata - well, on his fluffy hair but it's practically the same.

When everyone was back on their seats, Kageyama just glared at the middle blocker madly. He actually enjoyed sleeping like that, not knowing an exact reason for that. He was bothered by the fact that every team member now had a picture of them sleeping, cuddled up as if they were a couple.

The glare sent shivers down the blonde's spine, but he just smirked and ignored it.

Hinata hasn't seen the picture yet, and he wouldn't as long as he would talk with Yachi now for the time during their drive to Nekoma Highs gymnasium.

Volleyball could begin soon.