Chapter 3 : New life

Hello welcome back, the last chapter was a bit dramatic but, in the end, I accepted the young master's offer of being his assistant, well I had no choice after what he did to me, I guess he won this time. Which brings us to this morning, in his room trying to wake him up.

"Rise and shine young master, please wake up and get ready for breakfast.'' suddenly I felt a pull and I fell on the bed.

''good morning, why don't we sleep for another two minutes.''

what is with this guy, seriously, do I have to deal with this every single day? I got really annoyed so I punched him in the stomach.

'' Excuse me It's time to get up sir, you have a meeting at 11 am and you need to sign a new contract with_''

'' That's a really good punch you got there, I guess you're not a morning person?'' he said while he coughed.

''Well, excuse me for not being a morning person sir."

''But that's what makes you interesting.''

Is this guy an idiot or just plain foolish?

''Please come downstairs when you've finished dressing up, your breakfast will get cold."

''Did you make it for me ?''

''No the maids did if that is all I will meet you downstairs.'' I left his room in a hurry.

The young brat came down to eat breakfast and it was not so much of a peaceful breakfast.

''Sir is the breakfast to your liking?''

"No, from now on I want you to cook my meals.", is he serious? he's such a spoiled brat, I don't want to do it.

"Young master but it wasn't in my contract."

"Well, it is now." He sent a maid to get the contract we made, it was re-typed and I was forced to resign, it was all done in a second.

"There, so there's no more excuses, your cooking whether you like it or not." He said it with an anxious face plastered on him. I'm so angry that I want to punch him but if I did I'll probably be fired, or even worst killed.

We finished breakfast and headed to his office, we road on a fancy car and all throughout I was awed, the main branches company was huge!! I couldn't even see the top of the building, my neck almost broke and my eyes popped out of its sockets, it was that tall!! We went into the building, a bright light shone when the doors open, no wonder the young brat was wearing sunglasses, and he didn't even tell me about it, that brat!!

Anyway, when I looked up everyone looked beautiful, they all looked like celebrities, people out of a movie, a book, they were just too gorgeous for life, of course, I said this all in my head. I may think like this but my expression says otherwise. As we head to the elevator lots of people started greeting the brat.

"Good morning young master!"

"Good morning President Koza!"

''Good morning everyone," he said with a smile.

No!, no! no! this isn't the person I know, everyone doesn't be fooled by that smile!!! his really evil!! But I know no one will believe me so it's useless. I walked with the president but suddenly I heard murmuring, is it just me or were the workers staring at me, no they were definitely staring with fire In their eyes, is this Deja vu or what? I hope this doesn't get any worst.

Unfortunately, it did, as I was about to enter the elevator I 'suddenly' fell flat on my face, it was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me so far, I was laughed at and was looked down upon, I felt so disgusted, so there are still people like this in this day in age? When I looked up at the president he looked like he wanted to laugh so badly but held it in, I simply got up and went on with my business. Did they really think I would be affected by that kind of trickery? they're sadly mistaken.

Coming out of the elevator we arrived at the president's office, it was not what I expected, I thought it was gonna be one of those golden chamber rooms but I was wrong, it was Impressive but not as fancy I thought it would be, but it was cool, anyway its time to get working.