Chapter 2



"I'm back..." I called as I closed the door and took off my shoes, placing them on the rack, same goes to my coat.

"Lores!" I heard Trey shout as he ran out of my room and approached me, looking as worried as ever, "Where were you?"

"I..." I paused as tears formed under my eyes, "I thought I saw Mallory..." I croaked.


I could feel my face heat up when Trey told me about how he felt like we had kids today. To be honest, we haven't actually done any indecent things.

We promised each other that once we do so, we'll have to get married. So, in order to prevent us, he only visits me every weekend and calls me on weekdays.

I smiled at Trey and replied, "That would be..." I paused for a sec, as I noticed a familiar face a few meters away from us, behind Trey, "Great..."

"Lores? Hey, are you alright?" I hear Trey ask.

"Hey, excuse me for a sec, Trey, I'm gonna go check on something" I excuse myself as I hand my Coffee cup to him tapping his shoulder before briskly walking away from him as I walked deeper into the crowd, trying to chase after that person to clarify.

"Wait, wha-- Lores!" He tried to call for me, but I ignored him.

"Wait--" I called, trying to squeeze myself out of the crowd.

I tried reaching for their arm, but they were too far away from me, "Mal... Mallory!" I called, finally grabbing ahold of their arm.

I pulled them back to face me, but, instead of Mallory's face, a stranger greeted me with an annoyed expression.

"Hey, what do you want?" She asked, pulling her arm out of my grasp as she clicked her tongue in annoyance and walked away.

~End of Flashback~

"I guess I'm being too paranoid" I sighed, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I can't blame you for that," Trey says, taking me in his arms, "You took care of her since her Freshman year of College, it's only normal that you worry about her" Trey reassures me, stroking my hair gently as he sat me down on the couch.

*ring ring ring*

"Your phone's ringing" Trey says.

"Yeah, I can hear it," I say, pulling my phone out of my pocket, looking at the ID, "It's Mallory..?" I half say half ask.

"But, today's a Saturday, what's up?" I ask myself, looking at Trey, a bit worried.

"Just answer it, I'll be here listening" Trey smiles as I nod, answering the call, putting it on speaker and setting it down on the small table before us.

"Hey, Mallory, what's up?" I ask, leaning on my knees.

Mallory:Lores!! I miss you so much, how have you been????

"I'm doing fine!" I say, "I miss you too, how are things there?" I ask, clasping my hands together.

Mallory: Abbeigh and I are doing fine! We've been going out and doing so much fun stuff together!

"Really?" I ask in an ascending tone, "Why haven't you gone back here? I miss giving you a shower" I say as I gave out a small laugh.

Mallory: Ha-ha, Lores, amongst all of the things that make you miss me, giving me a shower is what came to your mind?

"I missed chasing you around the park, too! Does that count?" I ask, annoying her.

Mallory: Whatever, I called today to tell you something

I fell silent for a moment. I looked at Trey but, he shook his head, placing his pointer finger on his lips, probably to tell me to just listen to Mallory.

"Yeah? What's up?" I ask, clearing my throat, trying to keep my composure.

Mallory was quiet for quite a long time that made me worried. I looked at Trey one more time as he sighed at me.

'Wait for her to talk' He whispered, leaning in to my ear to be as quiet as possible.

I stitched my brows together and threw my hands up, 'She's too quiet, what do you think happened?' I whispered.

'Let her tell you first, calm down, alright?' He whispered, stroking my back gently to calm me down.

I sighed and nodded, giving up. When it comes to things like this, I can never win against Trey.

Mallory: Abbeigh and I...


A/N: As I promised