Crazy pauper girl

The sun started to shine brightly , a new day had started . Today was the day Amber had to hand over her math report . If she didn't then she would be forced to spend her whole summer studying math and doing extra class .

" Amber , you lazy girl ! Get up or you're gonna be late ! " said madam Adley , Amber's mom .

" Mom.....I have been working all night on the math report . Let me sleep some more ! " said Amber who was too lazy to get up from her bed .

" Fine , continue to sleep ! You can pass the whole summer studying math with the students who have to repeat the year . " said madam Adley with a non caring tone .

This sentence was enough to wake Amber from her sleep . After getting up , she immediately went to the bathroom to wash up then grabbed her clothes in a hurry .

" Mom , I will get going now ! " said Amber who finished dressing up .

" Wait , where will you go with your hair messy like that . " said madam Adley and took a comb then combed Amber's brown , shinny hair .

" Thanks mom ! " said Amber with a smile .

" Geez.....when will you start to take care of your image properly ?! You're a girl , you should pay attention to these things .

" I promise I will be more careful in the future . " said Amber .

' Mom's right , I should focus a bit more on my appearance . Back then I could only think about playing and my grades were the worst . Since my dad left us , I have been studying like crazy and ended up becoming the best student in my school . Although I still lack a lot when it comes to math . Still I have improved a lot and will do everything in my hands just to ensure a luxurious life for my mom and my sister . I will definitely succeed and become a rich person . ' thought Amber .

" Oh no , I'll be late ! " said Amber when she looked at the time .

She grabbed her bag and them rushed to the door .

" Thank mom ! See ya later ! " said Amber and went out of the door .

" Be careful ! I really worry about her . " said madam Adley while looking at her daughter who rushed to school from the window .

Amber looked around and noticed a short way which could get her to school faster .

' If I take this route then I will be able to get to school five minutes earlier . ' thought Amber and decided to take the short way .

She ran for about ten minutes then stopped to catch her breath . She lifted her head and noticed that the school was in front of her .

" Good.....I managed to get here a bit earlier . " said amber with a smile and then walked towards the school .

The only thing separating her from the school was only a car road . She noticed that in front of her school a huge group of people were gathered at the entrance in a round form .

' Oh , great ! The school had to be crowded today out of all the days that the year has ! ' though Amber with a dejected expression .

" What's going on ?! I wonder if someone important came to my school ?! Whatever Amber ! Let's just hope I get to pass through them . " said Amber when looking at the crowd .

She towards the crowd that blocked her way to enter the school then tried to pass through it .

" Please let me pass through.....Sorry could you move a bit ?! " said Amber while trying to pass through the crowd .

When she was about to break free from that crowd , a person pushed her then she lost balance and accidentally fell .

" Ouch ! My knee ! " said Amber who had hurt her knee .

Amber raised her head and remained amazed by the car that was in front of her . A grey lamborghini of the latest model .

" Hey you , have you watched enough ?! Get up ! " said a voice and Amber turned her head towards the voice .

She saw that a handsome , tall guy full of muscles , with blue eyes and blonde hair was looking towards her . Amber had never seen a guy more handsome than him in her life .

" Oh dear ! Don't bother with a pauper girl like her . She's just trying to catch your eye . " said a sexy girl who was standing next to him .

" Babe , are you kidding me ?! She wants to get my attention ?! Look at her , is she qualified ?! " said the handsome guy .

' He may have a god like face and body shape but he's so rude . ' thought Amber with an angry expression when looking at him .

" What ?! Did your heart just break ?! I only spoke the truth . It's your fault for deceiving yourself by daydreaming ! " said the handsome guy .

Amber got up and looked at him in an angry way .

" Hey , isn't that Amber ?! The girl who ranked first in the history test ? " said one of the students .

" Yeah she is ! Although she has good grades , her family is very poor . " said another student .

" True ! I heard her parents are divorced . " said another student .

" Hmph ! A pauper like you trying to get attention ! How come paupers don't know when to stop being greedy ?! Well that's to be expected , after all paupers spend most of their day searching through the trash cans for something that may be handy to them . " said the sexy girl .

" I agree babe ! " said the handsome guy .

" Enough ! " said Amber and took her bag from the ground .

" I don't give a damn about catching attention of someone as rude as you ! I just fell on the ground cause there are a lot of people here . I tripped while trying to get to the school's entrance gate which is blocked by all these people thanks to you . The majority may like you but that doesn't mean that everyone likes you . I find rude people like you very annoying and boring so don't worry about me liking you . " said Amber .

" What a great speech ! I liked it ! Here's your tip miss pauper ! Now get the hell lost ! Your pauper aura is making me sick ! " said the handsome guy and threw a check at her .

Amber looked at the check quietly and then glanced at the car . She saw the caretaker at the entrance gate that was taking baseball equipment out of the school . She went towards him . The students made way and looked at her .

" Sir , may I please borrow this ?! I will return it right away ! " said Amber with a warm smile .

" Sure but only for a minute though . " said the caretaker .

" Don't worry ! It won't take long ! " said Amber and took the baseball stick then headed towards the handsome guy and the sexy girl .

The students looked at her surprised and curious about what she'd do with the baseball stick she was holding .

The handsome guy looked at her and wasn't understanding what she would do .

Amber raised the baseball stick she was holding and with full force she smashed the front glass of the expensive car .

" What the ?! This pauper has gone crazy ! " said the sexy girl .

The crowd remained shocked from seeing her smash the front glass of that luxurious car without beating an eyelash . The most surprised of all was the handsome guy .

" This type of car is one of the latest Lamborghini models . It's front glass cost two millions . Here ! " said Amber with a smirk then threw the check at the handsome guy .

" I damaged it so it's just right for me to pay for it . Although I am poor , that doesn't mean that I will step so low as to accept the money of a person who insults me . " said Amber and left in a cool way leaving the handsome guy speechless .

' That girl is crazy ! ' thought the handsome guy .

When Amber looked at the time , her expression changed into a worried one .

" I need to go to the class immediately ! " said Amber nervous and lost her cool composure .

She handed the stick to the caretaker who was still in a shocked state then rushed to get inside .

The handsome guy took his phone out and called for a new car of the same type to be brought .

" Get the car here within five minutes and take the old one to get fixed . " said the handsome guy .

" Sir , should we teach that impolite girl a lesson ? " asked the bodyguard behind him .

" No ! Let her be , being a pauper is miserable enough for her . Plus she paid for the damage . Since I got to see an action out of the daily routine I will turn a blind of eye this time . " said the handsome guy and took the sexy girl with him .

" As you wish sir ! " said the bodyguard .