
The luggage was already in the room . Each corner of the room was decorated with gold decorations . The corner of the tables was with golden decorations too .

" this gold ?! " asked Amber when she touched it .

" Yes , pure gold miss ! " said the waiter .

' Where did we end up ?!.... ' thought Amber when seeing that almost every corner of the furniture was decorated with gold .

When they went to look at the bathroom they saw that the decorations around the jacuzzi were made of pure gold too .

Before Amber could ask again , the waiters told them that it was made of gold .

" My god....this place is very...luxurious ! " said Amelia amazed .

" Amber , is this really all for free ?! " whispered madam Adley .

" I read the papers aunt brought you , and yes , they are ! " whispered Amber .

" If you are hungry you can ask for the lunch to be delivered in your room or eat at the restaurant on the first floor . We can take you there if you want .

" That would be nice ! I am feeling a bit hungry . What about you mom ? " asked Amelia with a smile .

" Yeah , I am too ! We better go and eat something . " said madam Adley with a serious tone . Amber decided to lay down and look at the TV while her mother and sister went to the restaurant on the first floor to grab something to eat .

' It's been a long time since I have had a break ! That witch , was a pain in the neck ! Thanks to her I wasn't able to enjoy even a single day since the vacations started . Now I can finally watch TV in peace . ' thought Amber and started to watch a funny movie .

When she was watching the action scene , today's incident came to mind .

' I never knew I would experience something like this in my life . Today it was pure luck , but I won't be as lucky as I was today and escape with only a bruise . I need to start learning how to protect myself or....I can choose to stay away from troubles.... ' thought Amber with a bit of a troubled expression .

While watching tv the door of her room suddenly knocked and Amber went to open it . Before going to the door she took a knife and hid it under her sleeve on the right hand . When she opened the door a bit she noticed that it was the person who let her take his seat in the first class when they were on the plane .

" Hello miss Amber ! I have something to say to you , it won't take long . May I come in ?! " said mr Paul with a polite tone .

Amber looked at him again with a suspicious look then let him in .

' It isn't this mr's fault that such a thing happened . He was kind enough to give me his first class seat . You're thinking too much Amber . ' thought Amber and followed mr Paul .

Mr Paul entered and sat in the living room of the VIP presidential suite .

" Anything wrong mr ?! " asked Amber with a polite tone .

" My name is Paul miss Amber . It's a pleasure meeting you . " said mr Paul with a polite tone .

" Nice meeting you mr Paul ! " said Amber .

" I am the assistant to the manager of this hotel . A family member of yours won the lottery in staying at our hotel for the next two weeks . I am the one responsible for your staying here and will assist you with everything that you'll need . " said Paul with a polite smile .

" What a coincidence ! " said Amber with a surprised expression .

" I thought the same thing miss Amber ! " said mr Paul .

Mr Paul handed over to Amber the schedule of the events that would take place in the hotel during the two weeks she would stay with her and her aunt's family .

" The one who one the lottery is my aunt , do you know whether she has arrived or not ?! " asked Amber .

" They will be arriving tomorrow ! Due to today's incident, the airport has taken more safety measures . " said mr Paul with a polite tone and Amber nodded her head .

While reading the list of events , she read something unexpected .

" Mr Paul , I have a question . " said Amber while reading .

" What is it miss Amber ? " said mr Paul .

" What does , personal waiter , mean ?! " asked Amber confused .

" Oh , that part ! You're lucky miss Amber ! When we give the lottery we give to one member of the family a personal waiter and in your family, you were chosen to have a personal waiter in your family . " said mr Paul with a polite smile .

" This is the weirdest lottery I have ever seen in my life . " said Amber while looking at the file and Paul laughed a little at how straightforward she was .

' Master has really made a weird arrangement just to punish the young master . ' thought Paul with a smile .

" Anyway , I will not disturb you any longer . You just came and after what happened I believe that you need a good rest . " said mr Paul and got up from the couch .

" You're right mr Paul , I really do need a rest . " said Amber with a tired expression .

" I will also make sure that lunch is served to you . Tomorrow the waiter will come at 9am to assist you with daily routine stuff . I shall take my leave now . " said Paul and went out of the door .

Amber went back to the bed and kept watching TV , waiting for the food to arrive .

It didn't take long and the door knocked . When Amber opened the door , the waiter took the tray with the food inside .

" Bon appetite, miss ! " said the waiter .

" Thank you ! " said Amber and the waiter left then she closed the door .

She took the gold tray to the bed and when she opened it , she remained stunned by the finesse and good looking appearance the food had .

" This is true art ! It's a waste to eat it ! " said Amber but she couldn't resist the temptation to taste if that artwork .

She took the fork and tried it .

' This is delicious !!!!!! ' thought Amber who fell in love with the food .

Amber continued to eat , watch TV, and relax .

Nikolai had arrived in his room and had ordered the waiters to bring the lunch in his room . He had turned the music on and started to read the content of the contract his grandfather forced him to sign .

' Damn ! I am forced to work for two whole weeks as the personal waiter of someone just because of an expensive gift I gave to a girl , whom the name I have already forgotten ! ' thought Nikolai troubled .

" Heck this work ! " said Nikolai and threw the contract on the floor in an angry way .

The door knocked and Nikolai was too lazy to answer or open it . When the door opened , assistant Paul came inside with a pile of files that he was holding , Nikolai looked at him surprised .

" Hello young master ! " said assistant Paul .

" What are those ?! " asked Nikolai.

" How impatient ! Bravo ! That the right attitude the future head should have ! " said assistant Paul with a serious tone filled with admiration .

" What are you talking about ?! Have you lost your mind from overworking and now you're talking bullshits ! " said Nikolai confused .

" Very funny young master ! These files are the ones , the master ordered me to bring you . You need to finish them within the time you will work as a waiter . " said assistant Paul with a smile .

" Work ?! For me ?!...I have no idea how to take care fo such things ! Let him or my dad takes care of it ! " said Nikolai with a serious tone .

" I actually find it quite weird myself too , the fact that master left such important work in your hands young master ! " said assistant Paul with a serious tone .

" Exactly ! " said Nikolai .

" Wow , you admitted that pretty fast ! " said assistant Paul surprised because in the past he always made a big fuss when they told him that he was incompetent in handling the family business .

" What can I do ?! It's time to face reality ! Plus I am not interested in dealing with work , I only wanna have fun and nothing else . " said Nikolai with a serious tone .

" How can you say that when you don't even give it a try ?! You're a brilliant kid , you should...." said assistant Paul but Nikolai interrupted him .

" The fact that the company lost great founds and nearly announce bankruptcy.....who do you think was the responsible one for that ?! " said Nikolai and assistant Paul looked away .

" Mine ! I nearly destroyed my family's business , now you expect me to take care of projects regarding the company ?!...... Forget it ! Tell my grandfather that I'll never accept this work ! I will bear all the punishments he'll give me ! " said Nikolai with a serious expression .

' Ah, young master ! That incident has taken away your self-confidence about your abilities ! You were and you are a very intelligent person but since then , the only thing you do , is playing around and spend money . I don't know how we will manage to restore his confidence again master..... ' thought assistant Paul with a dejected expression . He thought that a talent such as Nikolai , if not cultivated in the right way , it would be a huge loss to the business world .