
"And that concludes our meeting today," one of the Alphas from the other pack said, and people one by one started to leave the room until it was completely empty.

"Man, that's a long-ass meeting," said Andrew, my Beta, while stretching his arms up. He is my second in command, but I couldn't help but regret the decision to choose him over someone else back then. 

"Don't ask me to come to this kind of meeting anymore," I said, annoyed by how long the meeting went on. It went on for about six hours, and we still got nothing about the rogues that were attacking our lands.

"Well, Alpha Luke, you are our Supreme Alpha, so you are obviously needed," he said in a sarcastic tone, also rolling his eyes.

"Just give me a summary of the meeting. I have other important things to do rather than sitting around in this kind of useless meeting."

We have been attacked by rogues for months, and we still didn't know where they were coming from. They can be easily defeated by our warriors, but they were targeting civilians. This has caused great damage to our kind and we need to stop this. There were attacks from everywhere and it was obvious there was someone behind it. There is someone who is controlling all the rogues.

Rogues are not usually controlled by others, but one thing that made me sure of it is their attacking patterns all look the same. Every victim that we found has a missing heart, but their bodies are in pretty good condition. No wounds are found in other parts of their bodies except their chest. It's like they were all killed by one swift attack on their chest. We can guess that their main purpose in attacking these people was to take their hearts. But why would rogues need werewolf's hearts?

Just when I stepped my feet outside of the building, a very intoxicating scent lingered in the air. The scent made the wolf inside me perk its head up and started to get anxious. It was very faint, but not too faint until my heightened senses couldn't smell it.

"Follow the scent," my wolf said—I mean, ordered. He seemed very intrigued by this scent that it made him pace around when all he used to do was lay on his back.

Even without him telling me to follow it, I was going to do just the same. I wanted to know what and where this scent came from. I breathe in harder to smell the scent, using all my senses to focus on it. After guessing which direction the smell was coming from, my feet immediately started to walk towards it.

"Where are you going?" asked Andrew after realizing I was walking in the opposite direction from the packhouse.

"You go back first," I replied without actually answering his question.

I walked into the source of the scent, and the closer I was towards it, the stronger the scent. It was almost the time of midnight, so the street was pretty much empty, with only a few people remaining on the street—mostly working-class people, whether on their way back home or still packing up their goods. I passed through them without any care, turning into a few dark alleys which I assumed were a shortcut towards the source.

I was getting more and more eager to find the source of this intoxicating scent, so I unconsciously sped up my pace. What kind of scent is this? I've never been so intrigued by anything as much as this scent intrigued me. Whatever it is, it must be something that I've never encountered or had before.

I made a few more turns here and there, and then... I finally saw it. The source of the intoxicating scent. It came from a girl, who was currently running in my direction. Her long brown hair cascaded down to her waist, gracefully bouncing every time she took a step. The moment my eyes fell on her, I felt my body come to a halt. It was like every inch of my body was focused on the girl in front of me and nothing else mattered.

I was so mesmerized by her that I didn't notice that she was going to bump into me. I snapped out of it when our bodies collided with each other. The little connection we had sent sparks all over my body, something that I've never felt before. She fell because of the impact, and when she looked up at me, that was when I realized.

"She is it," I heard my wolf say with the most excited voice I have ever heard from him.

I know—my long lost mate.

She was... the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. Never have I seen anything or anyone as wonderful as her. Her long wavy brown hair that covered her small body and her jade green eyes melted me when she stared back at me. The empty shells that I had in my heart before, now felt full just after I looked at her. It felt like all the happiness in the world came to me right at this moment and filled my body with it. My heart was filled with happiness and bursting with joy. It was one of the best feelings I have ever felt in my life.

I was so captivated by her beauty that I didn't even realize that her body was covered with bruises, and her dress was splattered with blood. A frown appeared on my face after realizing the state she was in. The happiness that I felt before soon changed to rage. Who the hell dared to do this to my mate? I swear I will kill the fucking bastard who dares to hurt her. I opened my mouth to ask what happened to her but was cut off by someone else's voice.

"Oh! Thank you for catching that little troublemaker. Please give her back to us." So that's the answer to my question.

I felt another spark in my body when she grabbed my hand and pleaded to me, "Please save me! They are going to hurt me! I don't want to go back!"

I looked at her and my heart ached when I saw her frightened expression. I didn't want her to see me killing these people in front of us and made her even more scared. I looked at them and said grimly, "Go."

"What?" asked the pompous looking man. Humans—always making me repeat my words twice.

"I said go... before I kill you," I was holding back the urge to kill them because I didn't want my newly found mate to be scared of me. Don't let me kill in front of my mate.

They looked taken aback by my words but then decided to challenge me. One of the men said, "We won't go before you hand us that girl." Such a foolish sentence that came out of his mouth.

These bastards. Maybe they have a non-existent brain to dare to challenge me. I was going to send my mate to the packhouse first before killing them. I was being kind for once and let them live a couple of hours longer, but they stupidly declined my offer.

"I warned you," guess I can't help it then. I just need to make it fast and simple.

I let go of my mate's hand unwillingly and turned her body around so that she wouldn't have to see the gruesome event that was yet to happen. "Don't look," I said, then turned towards the people who were chasing after my mate. No one is allowed to chase after my mate.

I walked up to them and one of them started to attack, holding up his sword. I swiftly dodged his attack and quickly snapped his head to the side, causing it to stay in a way it's not supposed to be. Looking at their friend who was now laying on the ground lifelessly, the other two people looked at me with a look of horror on their faces and froze. I used this moment to do just the same to both of them, not wanting to spend any more seconds dealing with these bunch of cockroaches.

Finished dealing with the men, I turned towards my mate and quickly went to her. I held both of her shoulders, causing her to open her eyes. I was immediately drawn towards a pair of jade green eyes that were staring right back at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

She was surprised by the sudden touch but then her eyes softened when she looked at me and said, "Yes."

I knew that it was a lie, as right after she said it, her body went weak and her legs couldn't bear the weight of her own body. I quickly caught her before she fell to the ground. She fainted.


After we arrived at the packhouse, I quickly mind-linked the pack doctor to come to the room next to mine. We need to tend to my mate's body and treat her wounds before anything worse happens to her.

I saw Andrew in the hall and his eyes widened when he saw me holding a girl in my arms, "Who is she?" he asked. But before I could give him my answer, he seemed to have found his own answer and gave me a knowing look, "Luna."

I nodded to him and went inside the room. I placed my mate slowly on the bed, just in time when someone knocked on the door. "Alpha, I'm here," said Ronald, my most trusted pack doctor.


He came in and immediately started to check on my mate's wound and condition. After a few minutes of examining her, he stood up and explained, "It seems that she was beaten very badly with a whip. There are a few old scars on her body that are covered by new wounds. Thankfully, her new wounds are not too deep to leave scars on them. I think a few of her bones have also been broken before, but it's all healed now.

Other than that, she is fine. We just need to treat her wound for a few weeks and she will be fully healed. Also, she is malnourished. We have to make sure that she rests well and is eating well. I will prescribe a balm for her wounds."

I nodded and thanked him, "Thank you, you may leave now." I sat on the chair next to her bed and stared at my mate, who was now sleeping soundly. She looked so much like an angel that it made me wonder why would someone hurt her? I doubt she did something bad to make people do this to her.

"Who the hell did this to you?" I groaned, frustrated by her condition. If only I met her sooner, she wouldn't have this many bruises and scars on her body. The thought of her being beaten made my eyes slightly water. It has been eight years since the actual meeting should have occurred. Most of the werewolves found their mates at the age of sixteen and I still haven't found mine until the age of twenty-four.

That made me wonder for years, why haven't we met each other? I was scared that I would never see her for the rest of my life and I always thought about how wonderful it must be to be able to meet my mate, the one destined for me by the Moon Goddess. I was made for her and she was made for me. We were meant for each other.

Now that I have met her, I know how wonderful the feeling of meeting my mate is, and I don't ever want to forget this feeling till the end of my time. I will cherish her, and give her all the love that I could ever give to her. Hell, I would even die for her. She was the best thing that has ever happened to me. The other half of my life, and the source of my happiness. The only one who could complete my life. I breathed in her heavenly scent that was floating in the room and soon fell asleep beside her.

Tomorrow will be a good day, waking up to my love beside me.