Dark creatures

"Rabbit, stop," Luke complained after the continuous tapping my fingers made on the wooden desk. "You are distracting me," he said as he continued to busy himself with the pile of documents atop his table.

"Can you let me help with work too?" I asked him while giving him a little pout. I was bored to death after three long hours of sitting around in his office doing absolutely nothing. Even though he said I was his secretary, it felt more like he hired me only to keep him company while he was working. The only job he gave me today was to breathe beside him.

"I don't have anything for you to do," he said casually while shrugging his shoulders.

"Then give me another job," I suggested. "I don't mind being a maid in your house. I will have a lot of things to do."

I have lived most of my life waiting for the time to come out of the horrible underground room my dad used to drag me to. The only thing I did inside was staring into the darkness surrounding me. That's why I was eager to do a lot of things I couldn't do before now that I'm out of the cage. I can't stand wasting my precious time idling around. Even the utmost little thing will do.

"Hmm... why should I do that?" He smiled softly as he patted my head, "I like to have my little rabbit around. Besides, I already have a lot of maids, but I don't have a secretary," he tilted his head to the side as if telling me 'this is the only job for you'.

I frowned at him and buried my face in the overly clean desk in front of me. Now that I think about it, I have never known what kind of job Luke had, as he never told me. Looking at the amount of paperwork lying around his office, he could either be a subordinate of a very lazy person who throws all of his work at him, or an independent businessman who hates to work with others. But maybe I think the latter fits him better.

I lifted my head and rested my chin on the surface of the wooden desk while glancing at him, "What kind of job do you have?"

He shifted his gaze from his paper to me as he pondered for a few seconds before answering my question, "I own a lot of lands. So I need to supervise my territory with the help of my underlings."

"How many lands do you own?"

"Hm... I own all parts of Wonsvile."

I felt my mouth fall open the moment his answer was heard. Wonsvile was the biggest land out of the three lands of the empire, with Gordom being the second, and Myltha the last. I've been living in Wonsvile ever since I was born, but I didn't know who was the Lord of Wonsvile. Now, are you saying that I've been living with the man in question?

"Are you saying that you are the lord of Wonsvile?" 

"I am," he beamed with pride, "The one who keeps the peace over all the creatures in Wonsvile." 

"What do you mean by creatures?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow with a questioning look, "Do you know about dark creatures? The other beings besides humans."

"As in witches? Do they live in all three lands? "

"And werewolves, and vampires," he nodded. "Yes, they live throughout all three lands."

"I thought there were only a few of them in this world," I frowned, "I believed humans occupied most of the land."

"They have been hiding themselves well to live alongside humans. That's why you think there are only a few of them when, in fact, they are disguising themselves as humans. They are like wolves in sheep's clothing as we can't differentiate other creatures besides the ones that belong to us," he explained calmly while sipping his coffee.

My lips formed into an 'O' shape as I nodded my head a little. That means we humans have been living our lives oblivious to the dangers surrounding us.

"Then how come humans can still live among dark creatures? Humans could easily be killed by them as humans were much weaker. Won't it be better for the dark creatures to live freely, without having to hide their true self?" I inquired, as question after question popped up in my head.

"There must be some kind of agreement between supernatural beings and humans so that humans can still coexist."

Hmm, that makes sense. But what's the good about letting humans live? They are wicked enough even without having supernatural power. I wonder how evil and heinous humans would be if they got such a privilege. And when I say humans, it mostly refers to the two people who love to torture me.

I opened my mouth to ask another question, but Luke beat me to it, "Anyway, there will be a meeting in," he took a glimpse at his watch, "another fifteen minutes. Do you want to help me prepare for the meeting?"

My head went up and down vigorously, happy that I finally got something to do, "What should I do?"

He handed me a pile of files, "Put these on every seat in the conference room. Also, ask Bob to prepare the tea for the guests. The conference room is on the third floor."

I gave him an 'ok' sign with my fingers and proceeded to go upstairs with the files in my hand. After telling Bob his task, I went to the third floor to arrange the files.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by an ample room. An expensive-looking chandelier hangs in the middle of the room, illuminating a soft yellowish light throughout the vicinity. A long table and a number of chairs decorated the almost empty room. There was also no window, as if to make sure no one would ever know what was taking place in this grim room. I can feel the serious atmosphere just by stepping into this place.

I noticed there were already a few people waiting for Luke to start the meeting. They shifted their attention to me right as soon as I came into their sight. Their eyes lingered longer than necessary, so I quickly put the files in the right place and scrambled away from the room as I was uncomfortable with their gaze.

But before I managed to go outside, a man called out to me, "You—what's your name?" It was a tanned-skin man with a tattoo on his forearm, which I noticed when he pointed his fingers at me.

Fortunately, Luke came in on time, just before I answered the man. I didn't want to tell him my name. What's the use of someone else knowing me? It will do me no good. Luke nodded at me while mouthing a 'thank you' and allowed me to go to the other side of the door.

I left the room, but the tanned man's gaze didn't go unnoticed by me even until my body was completely hidden by the door.