Rage - Part 2

After confirming Violet was asleep, I slowly got out of bed, careful not to wake her up. I've been holding the flames inside me for the sake of Violet, but now I think I'm at the end of my limit. I saw my reflection in the mirror and noticed my dark red eyes were now glowing bright red again.

[Andrew], I mind-linked my Beta. [Call Hunter over]

[Now? I think he just left.] He replied almost immediately.

[Do I need to repeat my words?] My wolf was now furious. It has been a while since I've felt this much anger.

[...right away.] He must've felt my emotions through the bond and decided to not question me anymore.

After 20 minutes of waiting, the man who I was waiting for finally arrived. The moment he came into my sight, the anger inside me which I had been controlling was no longer in control.

"Alpha Sir, nice to know you are finally warming up to me," he smiled while reaching out his hand to me.

"Kneel," I ordered.


"KNEEL!" The Alpha tone, which rarely comes out of my mouth, boomed through the hall. The Alpha tone carried gravity in every order that came out of it. It could give anyone below me a strong wave of pain, or worse, they could suffer internal wounds just by defying my orders.

Hunter looked at me in surprise, but unwillingly kneeled in front of me. He was someone with Alpha blood in him, so of course he wouldn't want to kneel to someone else because it would hurt his pride. But he was not in the position to care about his pride.

"Sir, wha—" I kicked his stomach, making him flinch at the impact and fall backward.

"Who allowed you to touch my woman?" I bent my body slightly and held his face in my hand, piercing my nails into it.

His eyes became wider, "Sir, I wouldn't dare to do so! I've never done such a thing!"

"Really?" I sneered, "Then why did I find her in a bloody state at the back of my building?"

As the realization hit him, he bowed his head to the ground, "Sir! I didn't know that human was your woman! If I knew it, I wouldn't have dared to touch her."

"But you did," I stepped on his head, making him kiss the ground before him, "Tell me, why did you touch her?"

"Alpha Luke," I glanced to the side to see Alpha Morris. "My son has always liked to collect human organs. That's why he did it," he explained calmly while glancing at his son beneath my feet.

"Really?" I stepped on him harder, "You wanted to take my mate's?" An eerie laugh came out of my mouth, not believing what I had just heard, "What is it that you want from her?"

I lifted my foot from him, giving him a chance to talk. He raised his head a little, but still bowing to me, "H-her eyes."

"Then I want yours," I replied.

He looked up at me in bewilderment, "S-Sir! How will I live if you do so?" Such a stupid question that came out of his filthy mouth.

"Who told you that you would still be alive after this?" I laughed at his question.

He quickly glanced at his father beside him, seeking help from his dad like how he used to. But Alpha Morris was not a stupid man. He knew that there was no way out this time.

"I will give you two options," I offered Hunter. His eyes glimmered with hope, but it was soon gone after my next words, "Kill yourself—or I will kill you."

"P-Please, give me a chance to fix my mistakes," he pleaded frantically, with his head flat on the ground.

"Are you deaf?" I kicked his head to the side, "Nevermind then. I will kill you."

He cried in pain quietly. He must've felt ashamed of how he was treated, as his claws soon elongated, canines coming out of his mouth. He was trying to challenge me. "Then I will fight you to death," he growled as he lunged at me. Before he was even able to touch me, my warriors took hold of him and held him against the ground.

"Very funny," I mocked. "Are you trying to challenge me?"

"I would rather die fighting than be killed willingly!"

"Let's see..." I circled around him, "What did you do to my mate?"

He stayed quiet, but I was not in the mood to play. "Break his limbs until he confesses," I ordered the guards who were holding him.

He screamed in pain after his limbs were shattered one by one. "I-I slapped—" My palm had found its way to his face before he could even complete the words he so laboriously voiced out. I actually didn't need any explanations, as I realized what he did just by looking at Violet's condition. I wanted to torture him slowly before I sent him to his death.

I sighed, "Nevermind the explanations." I walked closer to him, raising my hand to his eye to plug the first one out.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH," he screamed as fresh blood streamed out of his eyes, at the same time staining my fingers with his unholy blood.

"What an ugly eye," I said as I looked at the eye in my hand. "You must be jealous of Violet's beautiful eyes," I then crushed his eye and threw it to the ground as it should.

"You should throw away ugly things, Hunter," I raised my hand to his other eye, but he struggled to back away with his broken body. "Come, let me help with the other one. I will make it nice and quick."

"P-Please... no... more," he begged pitifully, but I, unfortunately, didn't have any pity to give. "K-Kill... me... now."

"Says the one who tried to challenge me," I laughed incredulously, "You should have stayed quiet and let me kill you before. You do know that I'm not known as a man with great patience."

I reached out to his remaining eye, causing him to widen his eye after my actions, making it all the easier to gouge it out, "Don't be shy, I was just trying to make you more bearable to look at. You should think of this as I'm doing a little service for you and thank me instead."

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!" Another scream came out of his mouth before darkness surrounded his world.

"Now you are... still ugly," I frowned, "At least you look better now." I placed his remaining eye in his hand and said, "Here, a little souvenir to hell."

"I... will... haunt... you..." were his last words before I stabbed his head, making a hole in between his eyebrows. His body dropped to the ground lifelessly as I pulled my hand out of his head.

"Sure you will," I snorted, "Andrew," I called out to Andrew, who was silently watching the scene unfold behind me, "Clean this up."

"Right away," he said as he sighed. Andrew had always hated having blood on his hands, but there was nothing he could do if not following my orders.

l left the bloody scene behind, and headed to my room to clean myself off the blood staining me before going to Violet's room.

"Alpha Luke," I stopped, turning my body to the source of the voice.

"Alpha Morris."

"I'm sorry for troubling you," he bowed, "I have failed to educate my son and caused trouble for you."

"I hold nothing against you, Alpha Morris. But I'm not sorry for killing your son. I hope you don't mind," I replied while wiping his lovely son's blood from my hand.

"Of course, it was my son who was at fault and he deserved to be punished," he said, still bowing to me. "I have no grudge and will still pledge my royalty to you, sir."

I nodded at him curtly and continued walking to my destination. I tore the blood stained clothes away from me and stepped into the bathtub. I let the water rise against me and cleanse my body, causing the clear water to turn red in color. I had to unfill and fill the bathtub twice before the water finally stayed in its original color.

It was the second time my own people hurt Violet, and I was beyond enraged. My own fear of rejection caused Violet to be hurt. It was time for me to tell her and the people who she was. No matter how she takes my words later, I will have to face it. I couldn't let my own ego hurt the one who I wanted to protect so much. If she wanted to leave, then I would use thousands of ways to keep her by my side. I can't let her go—no, I don't want to let her go.

I finished bathing and went to Violet's room. I knocked on the door but there was no response. She must be still asleep. I opened the door slowly, and walked into the room. I sat on the chair beside her bed and stared at her. She was sleeping so serenely, looking so peaceful. I could hear her heartbeat, calming my tense body. The anger I felt before has vanished, and all I felt was a warm fuzzy feeling. I smiled at the feeling inside me. It was all because of my mate. She didn't even have to do anything and I will still be happy with it. How will she react when she finds out I was a werewolf? And that she was my mate?

Violet moved her body a little as she fluttered her eyes open. She first stared at the ceiling before shifting her gaze to me, "Luke?"

"Hmm?" I smiled at her, "How are you feeling?"

"Better," she said as she sat up.

I caressed her hair softly and trailed my fingers down her cheeks, "We need to trim your hair tomorrow." Violet held my hand which was on her cheek and placed it on her other hand.

"Why... are you so kind to me?" Her beautiful green eyes stared straight into mine as she asked with a slightly trembling voice. I breathed in before answering her, trying to calm my nerves. I needed to tell her.

"Because you are my mate."

She looked at me in surprise, "What? What do you mean by mate?" She released her grip on me, but I quickly took it back.

"I am a werewolf."