
"Here," Luke said as he put a piece of meat on my plate. My plate is filled with the mountain of food Luke continuously gave me from the beginning of the feast. A little bit more and the food will scramble on the table.

"My plate is full," I defended my plate to prevent him from putting more food on it. After Lisa's excited exclaimed to throw a feast in the house, Luke quickly agreed to it and asked Bob and the servants to prepare for the feast.

We were now in Luke's dining hall, which was massive in size and very exquisite. The walls were covered with shining gold paper, giving off a very luxurious ambience. Five long, beautifully carved mahogany tables took up most of the space the vast room gave, adorned with a red soft and silky woven above them. Along with the long tables, matching chairs completed the furniture on each side of them. A few candelabras stood in the middle of the table, catching the attention of the hundreds of attendees in this opulent room.

I've only been here once when Luke invited me to tour around the house, but I've never really eaten in this dining hall. He never asked me to eat here, and instead sent my meals to my room. Maybe it was because he didn't want me to attract the attention of the few people who roamed the house. After all, he hasn't told the pack about me. But now that it has been revealed, I guess I'm free to go wherever I want.

"Then I will bring you more plates," he pinched my cheeks, "You should eat more. I want to see your chubby face," he smiled fondly while glancing my way.

Ever since he told me about being my mate, he showed his affections more clearly and more often than usual. It made me think that he was actually holding his feelings inside for my sake? I noticed that he liked to pinch my cheeks and ruffle my hair from time to time.

I moved a few pieces of food from my overfilled plate to his plate. "You should eat more too," I said casually.

"I will," he blinked his eyes as he nodded his head down with a smile on his face.

As the room was packed with hundreds of people, it was noticeably noisier than usual. The quiet room was now buzzing with people's chattering and it was a rare occurrence in my life. I've never been surrounded by this many people before because I lived a very lonely life.

Whenever I am not beaten by my dad or not being mocked by Fiona, I usually bury myself in the countless books in my room or get private lessons from my teacher. I once felt thankful to my dad when he gave me a private teacher. From what I've heard, it was a shame for him if he had a stupid daughter, so he unwillingly hired a teacher to save his face in his community. But his decision struck me as odd. It was not as if he was going to show me to the public, so I wonder why he thought that people would know how stupid I was if I was not taught a good education.

"What are you thinking?" Luke asked, noticing that I only played around with my food and not eating it.

I stopped churning out my food and glanced at him. "Nothing important," he eyed me suspiciously but didn't insist on asking about it. I went back to eating my food but halted when I felt something touched my shoulder.

"Princess!" A young boy who I assumed was not older than five poked my shoulder and smiled brightly, "You are the princess mama told me about!"

It was shocking to know that such a young boy like him, who seemed very harmless, was actually a werewolf too. I think even a pup could break my leg if they tried. I was curious to see what he would look like when he shifted. I bet he would look cute. I wonder how adorable a pup will be when even a big wolf like Wolfie can manage to look cute despite his gigantic size.

Before I replied to the young boy, a woman swept the boy off the ground and heaved him on her shoulder, "Troy! I told you to not wander off alone!"

"I wanted to see the princess!" He gave her an adorable pout as he crossed his chubby arms in front of his chest.

"Sorry, he has been obsessed with princesses lately," the woman shrugged her shoulders. "I shouldn't have read him any bedtime stories."

"But she is a real princess!" Troy pointed his tiny fingers at me, "She is very pretty! Just like the princesses in the book!"

"She is not a princess," Luke, who was sitting beside me, poked his head out at the boy. "She is a queen—our queen."

I turned my head around, just to see Luke, who was smiling so proudly at me. "I'm not either of them."

He took a few strands of my hair and sniffed into it with his eyes closed. "You are my queen," he gave me an enchanting smile as he looked back at me.

I quickly snatched my hair away from his hand and shifted my attention to the boy from before, "H–how old is he?" I asked, trying to change the topic of the conversation, causing Luke to chuckle softly beside me.

The woman eyed me and Luke back and forth while smirking mischievously before answering, "He is—"

"I am six!" Troy held out his five fingers, missing one from the number he shouted, "I am a big boy now," he giggled.

"You are still a long way from being a big boy, young man," she pinched his chubby cheeks gently, then reached out her hand to me, "I am Jane. It's nice to finally meet you, Luna."

"Please call me Violet," I said as I shook her hand with mine.

"Sure, Violet," she smiled, "Oh, Jack. You're back?" She called out to someone from the opposite direction.

I glanced to see who she was calling and saw a man I had never seen before. He had his hair up in a messy man-bun, his blue eyes sharp as a dagger. With his distinctive features, it's no doubt that he was one hell of a man. He also had dark skin, which complimented his features, making him look all the more handsome. He is probably one of the most handsome men I've ever seen.

"Yes, it's been two days since I arrived back," he answered her politely, then shifted his gaze to Luke. "Alpha, there's something that I need to talk to you about."

"Hmm," Luke hummed while nodding his head. "Let's talk outside," he stood up, ready to leave the hall. Before he left, he ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead softly, "I will be back."

After he left, I finally felt how comfortable I was around him. He was unconsciously becoming my comfort space, and I just realized it now when he was not around. I felt awkward being left alone with a bunch of people I had just met today. They are very nice people, but I'm just too socially awkward to get along with them.

"I see you are very close to him," Jane smirked at me.

"It's not like that," I replied bashfully. I knew his bold actions would put me in an even more awkward situation.

"Oh, don't be shy," she slapped my shoulder gently while laughing, "I wonder where Lisa is? It's time to finally start."

"Start what?" I asked, curious to know what she meant.

"The—" Jane was cut off by a loud bang from the open door.

"IT'S TIME FOR THE DRUNKEN NIGHT!" I jumped slightly at the sudden uproar, and saw Lisa, who was screaming while holding two bottles of wine in her hands, "BRING OUT MORE WINE!!"

"What night?" I asked Jane.

"The drunken night," she grinned, "Troy baby, it's time for you to sleep. Go back to your room."

"What about mama?" Troy asked.

"Mama still needs to work," she put Troy down. "Now, don't you want to meet the princess in your dream?"

"Oh!" he exclaimed, "I need to sleep fast! Bye, mama! Bye, princess!" He waved his hands and scurried out of the hall.

"Now that's taken care of," she grabbed my wrist, "Let's have some fun!"