Away from him - Part 3

"Are you awake?"

A voice called out, waking me up from my unconscious state. I fluttered my eyes open slowly, taking in the view before me. The first thing that greeted my eyes was the same soft gold-colored ceiling that I was used to seeing. I was back in my room, for sure.

A groan escaped my lips as I tried to sit up. My head was pounding and throbbing so violently that I had to squeeze my eyes shut to will the pain away. It was as if someone had taken a hammer to my skull, ceaselessly banging on my head. I raised my hand to my head to realize that there was a big bump on the side of my head.

"Bob said you bumped your head on a table when you collapsed, harshly," I glanced at the voice and recognized the owner of the helping voice, "Does it still hurt?"

"A little," I smiled, "Why are you here, Lisa?"

"What do you mean why?" She huffed. "Of course it's because I am worried about you!" she muttered indignantly.

"How long have I been out?"

"A whole day," she answered. I took a peek outside my window and noticed that it was bright out. Did I really pass out for a whole day? What the hell is wrong with me? The burnt that I felt yesterday is no longer there, and I felt completely fine except for my throbbing head.

I furrowed my brow in confusion when Lisa's hand touched my forehead. "You are still a little feverish," she said worriedly.

"Fever?" I inquired, confused.

"Yeah, you were burning like hell yesterday," she replied while wiping the sweat forming on my face that I didn't even notice. "You don't know how surprised I was when Bob rushed to me, his eyes moist with tears," she chuckled.

"He must be shocked that I fainted all of a sudden," I laughed, imagining Bob panicking. "I should thank him for helping me out yesterday."

"I will call him over to bring you something to eat. You must be hungry," she then remained quiet as if focusing on something, "He must be out of range. The mind-link is not working. I'll be right back," I simply nod in response. She waved goodbye and left the room.

It must be nice to be able to communicate with others through the mind-link. It's a great energy-saving method. We don't need to waste any energy trying to talk to someone. I mean, why talk when you can just telepath? Life would be a lot easier if everyone had the ability to do that. The world will be a nice and quiet place.

I slumped my body back onto the bed and moved my hand in a circular motion on my still throbbing head, trying to ease the pain that I was feeling. Just how hard did I bump into the table that it hurt this badly? I let out a heavy sigh. Such bad luck. No, actually, my whole life is a tragedy in itself, so it's no surprise that bad things keep on happening to me. I love my life.

What the hell happened yesterday? Why did I suddenly feel like there was a fire inside me? This has never happened to me before and I'm confused. Do I have some kind of disease after years of torture? Like, my body is finally giving up life? I laughed wryly at my thoughts. It has been a very tiring life for me, mentally and physically. If not for my burning desire for revenge, I would have given up life myself. But I knew that mom wouldn't want me dead, at least not now.

Another sigh went out of my lips and I let my eyes wander around the room uninterestedly. Everything was normal until I laid my eyes on the sole portrait that hung on the wall of this chamber. My eyes made contact with another eye that belongs to the figure inside the portrait. She was looking straight at me.

Our little contact gave me goosebumps all over my body, so I closed my eyes immediately, escaping from her gaze. What in the world was that? Why is she looking at me? I remembered that her eyes were supposed to look at the window beside me and not at me! I know this has happened before, but I thought it was only my imagination. But why is she looking at me again? I should've asked someone to take the portrait away the moment I realized something was odd about it. Will I be considered rude to Luke if I do that?

What should I do now? I'm too scared to open my eyes. What if there's something waiting in front of me when I open my eyes? Should I wait for Lisa or Bob to come before opening it? Maybe I should pretend to sleep until someone comes. I think that is the best decision for now. I should stay calm and act as naturally as possible. I heard ghosts know when one is scared of them and will bother them even more. I should stay calm. Stay fucking calm.

I could feel my eyeballs vibrating inside my eyelids as I forced them shut. I slowly pulled my blanket to cover my body, pretending that I was going back to sleep. I didn't know what the situation was out there with my eyes closed and all, whether there really was a ghost stuck inside that portrait or not. But still, I think it's better to be safe than sorry. I should wait for help to come, but when will they come? It's been a good few minutes since Lisa left. I really can't bear this tension any longer, but there's nothing that I can do if not pretend to sleep.

"Come," a voice suddenly rang in my ears. "Come to me," it called out.

What kind of otherworldly shit is this?! I didn't heed the voice and ignored it, acting as natural as possible while actually trembling under the cover. When will Lisa come back?! I cursed inwardly, begging for the time when other sentient beings would enter my room and save me from this apparition.

"I know you heard me," she said, "I won't hurt you, I promise."

Why would a thief admit if she wanted to steal something? Like hell, I will believe you. I glued my eyes shut and swallowed my saliva a couple of times until there was nothing left to swallow, but the presence of someone that I so desperately waited for never came until the same voice uttered again,

"If you won't come to me, I will come to you," she said calmly, which seemed like a threat to me.

I cursed slowly while opening my eyes little by little and went out of my safe territory. There was nothing unusual except the portrait that was still looking at me. I took a few heavy steps with my jelly-like legs towards the source of the voice, the portrait of the last Luna, Ysabelle.

"W-what are you?"

I asked the portrait in front of me but didn't receive any answers to my question. Why is she ignoring me now that I have followed her wants? I took a little glimpse of her face to see if she was responding, but still received nothing. Is it not here anymore or wh—

All of a sudden, I felt some kind of force pulling my body. I was going beyond the walls, into the inside of the portrait. My knees scraped on what was likely the ground and I let out a cry, "Ouch!"

I took in my surroundings, but all I saw was darkness. I couldn't see anything else. Is this where I die? In the world of the unseen? Oh good God, please, anywhere but here. I at least need to be buried somewhere decent, right?

"H-hello?" I called out, regretting it almost instantly when I realized if anything came out, then it was not going to be human. I clutched at my dress, gulping down the lump in my throat. I currently have no strength in me to stand up, so I just sit anxiously on the ground.

A few moments passed by until a sound was heard in the midst of this darkness. Two claps were heard before the darkness dissipated, slowly turning lighter, giving me access to see where in the world I was. The first thing I saw when my eyes adapted to the luminance was the same woman that was in the portrait back in my room, Ysabelle. But this time, it was not only a painting of her but the real figure of the person.

"I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" She laughed while extending her hand to help me up.

What was in front of me was not scary at all, rather, she was pretty friendly, so I accepted her hand dubiously, "Very," I returned her laugh with another timid laugh as I steadied myself.

"I told you I wouldn't hurt you, but you got scared."

"Anyone with a sane mind will react the same way I did," I muttered in a small voice.

I thought she was beautiful when I saw her portrait, but looking at her now, she was even more beautiful than I had thought. She had the same appearance as the portrait. Everything from her hair to her clothing was the same. The question is, why is she here? No, rather, why am I here?

"I suppose you know who I am, right?" she inquired.

"Ysabelle, the last Luna and also Luke's mother," I replied after finally calming my nerves. She smiled at my answer and nodded.

"You must be wondering why I am here when I am supposed to be buried deep in the ground, right?" She asked to which I replied yes, "Well, technically, I'm dead. But my soul hasn't fully left this world—yet."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Do you know about witches?" she asked.

"I know a little about them."

"I asked Maggie, the witch living in the pack and also my friend, to seal a little bit of my soul inside of this little world," she opened her arms, denoting our surroundings.

"You mean inside of your portrait?" I asked and she nodded, "Why?"

"Because I wanted to meet you before finally leaving this world," she came closer and caressed my cheek, "The next Luna, my successor."

If she wanted to meet me, then why wouldn't she call me the first night I stepped inside this house? Why did she have to wait this long before reaching out to me?

"So you have always been inside the portrait, looking at whatever is taking place in the room?"

"Yes," she moved her head up and down gleefully, "It was nice to look at how my son adored you so much. It was a cute sight," she laughed.

So I was being spied on all this time? And by Luke's mother at that? Oh God, did I do anything embarrassing when I was alone?

She patted my shoulder, "Don't worry, you haven't done anything embarrassing all this time, sadly," her mouth formed into a pout as if she was disappointed with it.

"Why did you call me?"

Her cheerful face soon changed into a more serious one. "I have something to ask you as a mother, and also as the former Luna," she said.

I tilted my head a little, allowing her to continue what she was going to say, "Please take good care of my son and the pack. This is my first and last request."

I was quite surprised at her request, but I can see where she is coming from. She was Luke's mother and also the last Luna of the pack. It's no wonder that she wanted to give some words to her successor.

I was still not sure about being Luna and also Luke's mate. I knew that they trusted me to be their Luna, but I didn't trust myself. I didn't know whether I was fit to be in this position or not, and it was a huge burden for me. I mean, what can you expect from a girl who had just escaped from being locked up and tortured for years?

Taking in my expression, she asked, "Is this too big of a request for you?"

"I am not sure if I am fit to be your successor, and also your son's mate."

"And why is that?"

"I... I was locked up for years. I know nothing about this world and there's literally nothing that I am good at. I was used to being abused and humiliated, but I am not used to leading people and being someone people can rely on," I bit my lower lip, "It also has been a really long time since I last felt any affection. I don't know if I will be able to give your son the love he deserves..." I faltered, "I forgot how it feels to love someone."

"Honey," she stepped closer while stroking my hair gently, smiling, "I am sure you are the right person to stay by my son's side." She pulled me close to her, wrapping me inside her arms, saying, "All those hardships will make you stronger, and I can guarantee that you will be an amazing Luna.

"Learning how to love... it takes time. But you will be able to understand those feelings as time goes by, even without you knowing it. Even now, you are slowly learning how to love the people around you by simply caring about them," her warm embrace calmed my nerves.

Being embraced like this reminded me of my mother, one who I missed so much. It has been a long time since I last felt this way. I just realized that it felt nice to be adored by someone.

"You are a strong person, Violet."