The attack - Part 3

"That's a problem," Alpha Harry said while holding the bottle up. His fingers slowly trailed over the snake that coiled the bottle. He appeared to be a lot better after having his long-needed sleep.

"It is. But for now, we should just focus on the rogues. We will discuss those witches later," I said, receiving a nod from all the people in the room. "Where are the warriors?"

"They must be training on the field," Flint replied while stretching his body, "Should we head there?"

"Of course," Andrew jumped out of his seat, "I can't wait to beat some asses. It's been way too long. My body is starting to get rusty," he said eagerly while punching the air.

Flint nodded before leading us to the training field where all of the warriors were. As we walked, snow was starting to fall from the sky, softly alighting on our skin. The snow brought cold to our bodies, but the sun still shone brightly, giving us warmth amid the cold the snow brought. I unconsciously smiled looking at the falling snow. It was as large as the peas I used to eat as a child. I couldn't wait to see the snow's immaculate white slowly turn to crimson red, tarnished by the blood that would soon be splattered on those pristine layers of crystalized water.

We soon arrived at the training field. It was no doubt the most crowded place in Alpha Harry's territory as it was swarmed with warriors. Drops of sweat were seen perching on their bodies despite the cold weather. Alpha Harry nodded in satisfaction, looking at the signs of perspiration on his warriors, as it showed the fruits of their hard training.

"How's the training going?" He asked to draw attention as they were so focused on their training that they failed to notice our presence.

One of the warriors hurriedly ran to us after realizing our presence, "It is going as well as it's supposed to be, sir," He then glanced at me and Andrew. A questioning look seemed to appear on his face as he didn't know who we were.

Alpha Harry noticed his confusion and announced to all of his warriors, "Warriors, meet Alpha Luke and his Beta, Andrew."

Hearing this, a sudden murmur rang out from around them. I assumed this must be their first time seeing their Supreme Alpha and my name was the only thing they knew about me, as I only attended parties or events that required me to attend, and most of them were only attended by leaders or officials. The annual party was the only place ordinary people could see me, but invitations to the party were randomly sent to people, so the guests would be different every year.

"Greetings, warriors. I'm Luke William, your Supreme Alpha," I introduced myself, then followed by Andrew, who did just the same. I allowed Alpha Harry to explain what we had found and also to tell them the plans that we had made if an attack broke out.

"As we are now bigger in numbers, we can split our force into two," he explained, "One will stay in the territory to guard our pack, and the other will have to go around our border and ambush them from behind. I will be staying here with Flint, while Alpha Luke and Beta Andrew will go around the border.

"Hopefully, by doing this, we can buy ourselves some time and the potion will wear out with us still being able to hold on to their attacks."

"How do you know we are bigger in numbers?" One of the men raised his hand, allowing us to see who was asking the question.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you that Alpha Luke's warriors will soon be arriving here to help us. The estimated number of our force will be around three hundred warriors with the men Alpha Luke brought last night, and the ones soon to arrive. Assuming the numbers of rogues are the same as usual, then there must be only forty to fifty of them. We are obviously winning a lot of numbers."

They were smiling ear to ear after hearing this news, thinking that it would be a sure win for us knowing we had an upper-hand. Alpha Harry wiped those smiles away when he added,

"Don't get ahead of yourselves and underestimate them. Remember all the blood they shed. The blood of our allies, our families," he clenched his fist, feeling his anger bubbling up. "It's now time for us to give them what they deserve by taking what is dear to us."

Andrew, being the usual jolly person he is, noticed the gloomy atmosphere around the people and clapped his hands. "Now, who is up for a challenge?" he asked while taking his shirt off, permitting the falling snow to cling to his bare torso.

"A real man doesn't fear the cold," he smirked, then lunged at one of the warriors who looked like he didn't even want to take part in his challenge. He was pretty much forced to do it.

Soon, the field became an arena for them to spar. A place for them to train their muscles, at the same time, show off their strength and skills, also comparing them to those of one another. It is pretty much a battle of pride, to see who is the strongest among them, with Andrew being the pioneer of this sudden competition.

I was not in the least interested in joining them when it was obvious who would be the winner. I didn't want to be their killjoy, so I walked away from the field, heading to a quiet place away from the people's crowd.

"You are not joining them?" I asked Alpha Harry, who seemed to trail behind me.

"Of course not. Though I have lived for half a century, my skills are no doubt better than those youngsters," he chuckled, having the same reason as me for not participating in the spar. "I suppose it is also the same for you."

I simply smiled at his words and sat on an unattended bench by the side of the field, "Sit," I ordered Alpha Harry before he proceeded to heed my words.

"I heard you have finally found your Luna," he uttered, immediately bringing a smile to my face just by mentioning my mate. Noticing the ample smile sprawled across my face, he laughed softly, "So it's true. How do you feel?"

"Like I'm the happiest man alive," the image of Violet's smiling face flashed through my mind, making me long for her even more. I couldn't believe the existence of this one human in my life could bring me so much happiness. It was crazy.

"Will you believe me if I say there is something even more blissful than meeting your fated partner?"

I raised one of my eyebrows at his question, wondering what he possibly meant by it, "And that is?"

"It was when she brought life to this world. The little creature made by both me and my mate—our pups," his face beamed, clearly showing his joy.

I unknowingly smiled, thinking about our offspring. It made me wonder if our first child will be a girl or a boy? What should I name them? How will it feel to see the mini version of us running around the house so innocently? Though I hoped to see them soon, I knew that I still had to wait for a long time before I could finally see them. I haven't even had my first kiss yet.

Violet was pure as the driven snow, innocent and untouched. Every time I got closer, she would always start to become all stiff and awkward. It was a very adorable sight to behold. I wonder when she will finally be accustomed to my touch, comfortable even? Somewhere in my wildest dream, I secretly wished for the time when my touch became her necessity, something that she craves for.

"How is your family doing?" I asked, gazing at the sight of the warriors throwing themselves at one another, with Andrew obviously leading the fight.

"They are safe, fortunately. But it looks like my wife is having a hard time taking care of those naughty little pups who beg to play outside every single day, oblivious to the dangers posed by the outside world," he sighed.

It was actually better for kids to be ignorant about the outside world. This way, at least they would still have some time to dream about how amazing the world they are living in before it is finally destroyed by harsh reality. Because I used to do that too. Those dreams were shattered when you came to know the ugly truths about the world.

I stretched out my hand, feeling the snow slowly falling into a blanket of snow in my palm. A cold wind blew as someone's presence appeared, frantically running towards us. It was a sentinel, a werewolf assigned to patrol the pack's territory and borders.

"They are here."