Burning dogs - Part 2

The heat that came from the blazing fire brought warmth—I mean, a lot more than warmth. It was burning the bodies of the rogues as if they were the fuel for its raging embers. The fire crept up to their bodies, burning their flesh, devouring everything that dared to stand in its path, only leaving ashes and dust behind.

The fiery fire danced beautifully along with the bodies that so desperately tried to stop it from burning them, though it was of no use as it would only be a matter of time before they succumbed to the flames. No matter how much effort was given, the fire didn't cease its reign of terror.

What was initially thought to be the day where they rose to glory turned out to be the day they fell to the depths of hell. Thundering screams that shouted pain and agony could be heard throughout the mountain, and yet, it sounded like a beautiful harmony to my ears.