Meeting the vampires - Part 3

Even on the coldest day, the sun shone brightly upon the earth, giving warmth in the midst of the wintry air. The soft flakes came falling harsher as the weather grew colder, kissing the earth white in every part it touched. 

In every step I took, footprints of mine formed on the lumpy snow beneath. And with every word I said, there followed a mist coming from my mouth. Though the weather was cold, I stayed warm under the thick clothing I wore, and also because of the warmness of the hand that held me close.

We were on our way to the dining room, walking ever so slowly for our journey to last longer. The size of the manor did a great job in extending our walk, and I soon found myself wishing for a clone of my own to meet the vampiress in my stead. Or better yet, for us to head to another destination instead of meeting the woman who calls herself Kiera. 

As I let a sigh out of my lips, the man whose hand was holding mine quizzed, "Why the long face?"