Vampire ball - Part 1

"Here, your dress," Luke handed me the blue dress that we previously bought, gently pushing me to the bathroom to hurry and prepare myself, "Go and amaze me with your beauty like you always do."

As I knew that he meant what he said, I didn't retort back and took the dress from his hands. I would usually tell him to stop talking nonsense, but now I realized that he really thinks of me as such. I've never thought the same, but maybe I should. Who else will like me if not me myself? And Luke, I suppose. 

It seemed that all his sweet nothings were finally getting into me, and I have grown accustomed to them. It felt nice hearing such words. 

I went inside the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Slipping off my nightwear, I raised the blue dress in front of me to have a look at it. Such a beautiful dress, would it fit me well? Though I have chosen the most simple of all, it still looked too exquisite for me.