Vampire ball - Part 3

As if on cue, all eyes went to the only Mr. William they know. But unfortunately, Mr. William himself didn't realize that he was the center of attention until the vampiress called for the second time. The man was too busy popping grapes into his mouth to care about what she had to say.

"Mr. William?"

Luke was just about to put another grape into his mouth when he realized all eyes were on him, so he had to return the grapes on his hands back to the plate. "Are you calling for me?" 

"I am," she smiled. "It seems that you didn't hear me clearly, so let me repeat my question. Mr. William, will you be my dance partner?"

"Me?" he frowned, dumbfounded by her request. He quickly looked over to the twin brother for help and found him with the same dumbfounded expression upon his face.