Abandoned church - Part 3

The man suddenly ran towards us, his shovel raised high in the air. Luke quickly pushed me behind him, confronting the man. 

"LEAVE!!!" the man shouted, his voice boomed in the quiet night. I watched the man in terror, seeing how his eyes rolled back to his head, leaving only the white visible. Apart from his scrawny and lifeless appearance, there was nothing wrong with him when I first saw him. I thought he might be sick, but perhaps there was a lot more to it. 

The man lunged towards Luke with his shovel, intending to land a hit on him, but was quickly caught. Despite his boldness—or madness—the man was quite frail, and that's why Luke was able to stop him without much difficulty. 

"What is wrong with him?" Luke questioned as he held the shovel, stopping the man. The man initially struggled to reclaim his shovel but eventually gave up and started to attack Luke with his bare hands.