Visiting the village, again - Part 2

Getting on our carriage to the village, I decided to use my time to focus on the flow of my magic. I needed to feel and remember how my magic courses through me to learn how to control it. I needed to get to know my magic. 

Perhaps because it had only been less than a day, magic still felt weird and unfamiliar to me. 

Magic felt warm and comforting, sometimes ticklish, but it was a nice feeling overall. Perhaps because I haven't used my magic to do anything, I didn't lose too much energy despite letting them out. Aside from the fact that my magic kept knocking things down by accident, it felt great to have my magic hover around my body. I didn't even need a coat to stay warm in this cold weather. 

I wonder what kind of things I will be able to do with my magic in the future. Can I magically make things appear out of nowhere? Can I instantly make a plant grow from a sprout? Can I heal someone? Can I teleport? So many questions.