What's on Luke's mind - Part 4

Am I dreaming? 

I've been sitting on the bathroom floor for the past ten minutes, with my hand on my cheek where her lips had landed. I was in a daze, and my mind was filled with the memory of her voice. My wolf, she said. 

I raked my fingers through my hair, smiling ear to ear as I recalled the way she called me before. Strangely, I really hated it when Maggie called me 'wolf.' But hearing Violet call me as such made me feel happy—giddy, even. I suppose it was because she didn't only call me wolf, but MY wolf. 

I stood up, walking to see my reflection in the mirror. So this was the kind of expression I had right now. The man there was still as handsome as ever, but the smile made him look a bit like a fool. His cheeks were unusually flushed, and the corner of his lips couldn't seem to go down. Andrew would have a year's worth of teasing if he saw my expression right now.