After ritual - Part 3

The woman charged at Violet at full speed with her knife raised high in her hands. She'd been staring at her for a while, like a predator stalking its prey, only running when she was certain she'd succeed. Unfortunately—or fortunately, she failed to notice a new presence around the area. She didn't notice there was another predator hunting for another prey. 

I shook off the dizziness in my head and ran towards the woman, trying my hardest to keep my legs moving. To hell with this poison. I have a killing to do.

With my vision still a little blurry, I ran at full tilt, blocking whoever that woman was from getting any closer to Violet. I lunged at her and threw her to the ground, strangling her neck.

"Who the fuck are you?" I let out a growl, angered. How dare she raise a knife to my mate.