Larion - Part 3

"Oh, wow," Maggie bowled over the thousand pairs of eyes staring at us, all dangling upside-down up above. Is this what a bat looks like? "It seems that we had just trespassed on someone else's home. How about giving us a warm welcome and—"

The mention of a warm welcome immediately triggered the bats, who hurled themselves down from the cave's roof as they swooped at us from all directions. I had no other choice but to duck down, protecting my head with my arms. 

"Maggie, do—ack!" I could feel their wings slamming into me as they flew by, not leaving any space for me to raise my head and stand. "DO SOMETHING!!"

I heard Maggie cursing as she heard me, probably as desperate as I am to leave this place. I wish all the books I used to read taught me how to scare these bats away instead of telling me about their sleeping schedule, which we had accidentally disrupted.