A broken façade - Part 1

"Did you miss me?" The question came with a smile as charming as the moon behind, shining silver light on his dark hair. He beamed at the sight of me, making my fireball vanish with shame at how blinding the man was.

"Luke! "Why are you—" he jumped inside and drew me into a hug, his warmth drowning out the coolness in the air. My body naturally yielded to the embrace, pleased to be back home.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you," he said, sighing as he pressed his face into my neck, giving me light kisses. "I missed you so badly I must have gone insane."

I returned his embrace, wrapping my arms around his back. The sight of him brought up all sorts of emotions, the most obvious of which were relief and fear. I was greatly relieved that he was finally back with me, but the relief was soon followed by the fear that this wouldn't last long.