Dangerous Package - Part 7

Is it even possible? Why would she betray us?

Hearing my question, she pretended to be calm, but her grip on my hand tightened. "I do purification magic often," she said, and suddenly she didn't look all that hurt anymore.

Perhaps sensing my suspicion from our bond, Luke pulled me away from her and shielded me behind him. I gripped the key even tighter, inwardly hoping that it wouldn't break from the force I was giving it.

"Alone?" Luke asked. "I'm sure there are others who do it with you, no?"

"The black witches took them all away," she glanced back uneasily, her brows furrowing together when she turned back at us. "Please… you have to help them. I'm in no condition to help them anymore." She then looked at me, pleading with her eyes.

"But… what about the key?" I asked, but took a step back away from her. I'm sure she noticed as she rose to her feet, limping forward with her wounded legs.