Serpent's Lair - Part 3

A woman stared at me from behind the mirror, her lips colored black as she smiled. She stood in front of me, dressed entirely in black, her cape covering everything except for her face. I moved my hand, and she followed, just like a reflection in the mirror would do. She is me, but how is she me?

"Tina, do you see her?" I pointed to the mirror, receiving a nod from her. "Is that me?" She nodded again.

I pulled my hair, just so that I could see hers, and I saw that hers was much longer than mine, albeit the same color. From her eyes to the scars on her arms, they were all identical to mine. They were all the same, and yet, how are we so different?

"Are you… me?" I asked, and I felt a little stupid for doing so, for how could a reflection in the mirror answer?