
An Idiot

STANDING up, I practically ran outside the academy and demanded to be home to my chauffer. I felt nervous on the way home, and I didn't want to know why. Why was I nervous when I purposely stalled for time? I was supposed to be home two hours ago but here I am, nervous and afraid that I maybe too late and he already left.

When I got home, I didn't wait for my chauffer to open the door as I ran outside the gate. Some guards shouted for my name but I didn't look back. Instead, I ran fast but cautious to the forest and when I got out, a wave of cold breeze hit my face as I pant. I looked far ahead and there, I saw him.

He was sitting on top of the boulder, just like he said where he would be. His back was facing me, which made me glad. I didn't want him to know I ran all the way here. When I catched my breath, I walked towards him with a fast beating heart. Well, I ran, what did I expect?

When I got close enough, his eyes left the sky and turned to me. He smiled. I noticed my heart hasn't calmed down. Instead, it only beat more faster. So, I climbed the boulder and sat beside him to rest so my heart would calm down.

A heart attack doesn't sound nice.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked when he wasn't saying anything as l look at him.

"You almost missed the sunset. I'm glad you made it," He said then looked at me. I quickly looked away when his face was suddenly close. I heard him giggle then jumped off. I looked down at him curiously as he went to the back.

"Did you bring your dagger?" He asked and I raised a brow. I always carry my dagger around, it was part of my father's rules. Why was he asking? Is he going to steal it again?

"I'm not going to steal it," He said when he looked at me as if he read my mind. "But can I borrow it?" He asked.

Some would say it would be foolish to hand your only means of protection to someone you just met who almost robbed and blackmailed you. But, nevertheless, I handed him my dagger.

Foolish, I know.

When he got my dagger, I half expected him to run away or stab me with it but instead, he started carving something on the rock. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he didn't answer as he focus on what he was doing.

I was about to get off when he yelled. "Don't come down yet! It's not finished," He said with a hard look. I only furrowed my eyebrows more.  After a minute or two, he started chuckling while taking a step back, admiring what he had done. I took that as a sign he was finished and got down. When I looked at what he'd done, I almost face palmed.

It says 'stupid' with an arrow pointing at the top-- where I was before.

What an idiot.